most of the games they lost were really close.
honestly if they were like 10% better id place them top 6
if artstyle was a better captain to make up for being bad individually skilled navi could make a great team
Artstyle was a fine captain, he was the reason they made it there in the first place.
That might be true, but I felt Artstyle lack of skill prevented them from going further than qualifiers. (I might be wrong)
Although I don't think any of the stars in Na'Vi showed very good performance of the games I watched
They just don't work as a team, this has been a huge problem ever since Puppey left. They really need him back, though I don't think he is coming back. Hope he reunites with Dendi though, XBOCT was like the only reason Puppey left Na'Vi.
I feel a good captain can make 4 other players work as a team, especially when you're playing with veterans.
I actually loved Xboct back when Naix a great hero. Hope he can find his way and get good again.
the 3 u mentioned are fine. Their supports suck, but we saw Navi wasnt the problem for puppey as he got knocked out again. Rtz regretting Secret now
"Hope he reunites with Dendi though, XBOCT was like the only reason Puppey left Na'Vi."
Too bad Dendi is like attached XBOCT.
Sonneiko is monster support, youre drunk. Vp is someone id rate 10% better than navi and they managed to take out secret. Lots of teams were really close. Heck even shitty cdec went to the finals.
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Honestly, for the last year they were disappointment and TI5 was the same story. XBOCT, Dendi and Funn1k are kind of an old men for DotA so could we actually see retirement? Pretty much random discussion, want to know your points!