General Discussion

General DiscussionSecretly OP heroes

Secretly OP heroes in General Discussion

    Say, last patch I made a thread to discuss Undying. I noticed he managed to have a whopping 55% winrate in VHS, defying his fate against a meta that heavily favored late game lineups with he himself being an exclusively early to midgame hero.

    Come 6.84 and he was arguably the most overpowered hero in that patch before the balance nerfs in the subsequent sub-patches, all because of some strong buffs and a change in the meta that favored him like mad.

    Now, let's discuss who do you guys think are the next OP heroes or which ones are only being held back a bit from being too strong by an unfavorable meta.

    I beleive it's Spectre this patch. I think it says something that a hero with no lane presence, no early game, whose midgame builds are quite risky and often quite inefficient, and who depends heavily on teammates and getting to the lategame in a meta that favors very early fighting and magic damage still manages to have an overall 57% winrate.

    casual gamer



        Does he have a 57% winrate in VHS?

        The statistics on dotabuff are somewhat... too general to be accurate.


          According to Dotamax, it's 56.79% in VHS.


            Elder Titan? He can deal a huge amount of damage from the attack boost from astral spirit, his aura is really devastating, and his ultimate can remove a sizable chunk of health if it's positioned properly.

            casual gamer

              winrates are unreliable to say the least

              4 of the top 5 VHS builds for AM max mana break, most of the top spectre builds max dagger and some dont even cap desolate til 12-14

              im usually not a happy camper when somebody picks spectre on my team, they either completely blow the lane or build useless garbage

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                  Bad Intentions

                    Wk if no mana burn and ignored.

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                          I feel like Night Stalker is quite strong if played correctly. Everyone just panics when timer hits 4 mins and nightstalker comes ganking the lane w/ a rune


                            Mapoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, oh wait he gets countered by half the heroes in this game



                              Livin' Real Good

                                Hehe' Salza on that night stalker... muhaha'

                                Anyways, I think Chaos Knight is secretly OP, if he doesn't get nerfed in the next balance patch, and the next balance patch ends up making games end later (not 6.83 late, oh lord no) then he's going to rape most heroes late. 7 CK's are just too much to deal with if he's not countered.

                                Oh, and Anti Mage, he's starting to win games alone, he's literally like the best hard carry to pick in my eyes as of 6.84. But i'm just a 3.6K scrub, so of course i may or may not know what i'm talking about. But i'm serious about AM, he's so.... good.. right now.. He's farms insanely fast, can rat towers.... and counters many heroes, not to mention he's just pain to kill sometimes without the right lockdown abilities.

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                                  night stalker

                                  8 second silence
                                  on 12 second cooldown

                                  how balanced is that


                                    Huskar was a secret and now people are figuring it out




                                        Jakiro and Slardar.



                                          lm ao

                                            My mom.

                                            saving private RTZ

                                              Anti - mage is very strong this patch, although this meta is about snowballing, and I the next patch nerfs it a bit but not buffing late game too much I think he will become even stronger.
                                              if you got free farm on lane and if you lose game means you fucked up like i did last game.

                                              And I think huskar will find some games in pro scene.

                                              Clinkz will be a solid pick/ban at ti5 if not top pick material


                                                ^ Anything is op when you are in the normal skill bracket.

                                                kvasius # KSVM


                                                  saving private RTZ


                                                    bringing the same , old argument in a discussion where it's not even necessary. Yes im normal skill. Yes, I am a 3k scrub. Wow you 4k god senpai, pls teach me master. Nice achievment In life.


                                                    casual gamer

                                                      lc with blink bkb blademail can remove 1 hero from the fight at the start, and snowballs from doing so

                                                      in lane she feels a bit more like axe, if a hero walks up to creeps you can take aggro and whack him twice, by level 7 you get people low enough by tread switch spamming OO that they die to a duel + support

                                                      [URL=""]by the time lategame rolls around you should have enough damage to kill anything, with the correct items her armor problem is removed[/URL]

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        idk most of the op heroes are already figured out as op. There's some combos though that people don't really utilize. Like matrice suggested naga plus disruptor with aghs. You can use song to stop everyone then drop disruptor ult on them and they can't bkb out or anything. If they bkb early you just kill them solo while rest of team is slept.

                                                        Pugna maybe? He's a bit underrated as a pusher but blood kinda rapes him early before he can tank with lifedrain. Chaos knight is also underrated, or at least under represented. He has over 52% win rate this month but really low pick rate, ~6%. He's a really easy carry to snowball this patch.

                                                        The Best Noob



                                                            every hero is unbalanced in this game

                                                            thats why u have team of 5 people and different heroes to draft to make it less imbalanced there is no hero that can't be countered and no strategy that can't be defeated

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!