General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      yah looks like that
      edit: you cheated your way to claim the first post, fuk u

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      D the Superior
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        D the Superior
          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

            Now i stop bothering if magnus gets the page cause life to short to give a shit anymore


              one day im going to claim the 1st post

              D the Superior
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                Hatsune Miku

                  IM GOING TO CLAIM PAGE 1000

                  D the Superior
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                      when am I going to see more rubick sets? that puppet master set is bullshit (his set) I'll get it later just cuz I collect them all, but I have yet to see a 2nd (so far just 1 decent) rubick set that makes me say WOW.

                      I'd love some more variety in this damn treasure chests


                        Yo sam i can gif u a link if u mean hardwired


                          Also why dafuq does this sf set's head looks like a chicken



                            doc joferlyn simp

                              sf looks so gay his arms so thin wtf


                                dem shoulders though

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  why is this thread on 2nd page

                                  the realm's delight

                                    because its garbage


                                      Garbage input,2nd hand memes, and triplesteal sense of humour decreasing equals dead thread

                                      not arin

                                        Low prio is a blessing in disguise.

                                        All of you are playing low prio wrong.

                                        Don't think of it as your average ranked game and complain afterwards about your terrible experience.

                                        When you go low prio, don't try to fight it by "coordinating" your teams and making "good team comps".

                                        Just have fun, it's a release from the stressful normal games where everyone fights for that +25.

                                        It's a callback to your first games of dota where mjollnir jakiro and daedalus bounty hunter were legit.

                                        Jungle legion?

                                        Forget about that, lion is back in the jungle where he belongs.

                                        No discrimination exists here, everyone is equal, everyone is core.

                                        Embrace the chaos, laugh at the puta madres and cyka blyats and continue your game knowing that anything and everything can happen.

                                        It's a world of possibilities, unhindered by the weight of the meta, free flowing as the river that divides our battlefield.

                                        A game where heart and soul matter more than mere game knowledge and mechanics.

                                        A victory where a team rejoices as a whole and feels a sense of camaraderie, an actual feeling of achievement shared among 5 individuals despite the language barriers present.

                                        A battle that wasn't fought for numbers or to climb one more rung up the MMR ladder, but for a greater, more human meaning.

                                        Some say the heart of dota lies in the esports scene, but the heart doesn't lie at the peak.

                                        No, you have to dig deep, very deep to reach the true heart of dota.

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          lp broke arins mind and spirit

                                          actually it's kinda a blessing because ppl who manage to not get there now are more likely to be adequate


                                            I really am bored

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              I know where to download it, but I'm gonna buy it anyway. Ty though.

                                              not arin

                                                KILLER QUEEN!

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                    Ye no problem


                                                      waow the flac is 1.1gb


                                                        lol this one was actually good

                                                        not arin

                                                          took mods a month to stop that thread. great mods amazing mods nazi mods
                                                 ONE FUCKING MONTH
                                                          likec ome on mods u ban people for swearing and other shit but not for advertising

                                                          my stream thread was locked in 24 hours

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            that's cuz u are a pathetic loser

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                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                am i the only one having this?


                                                                  Just you


                                                                    ye ur the only 1

                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      weird shit some images load and some don't and sometimes they're all like this


                                                                        probably failed when connecting to akamai, bad connection i guess

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                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                                              2 enemy players abondon in my losing streak and i finally won a match. NICE

                                                                              not arin

                                                                                road to 15 lpq games

                                                                                i swear i'd win both of my games i fi was allowed to post ONE SENTENCE IN THE GAME

                                                                                INSTEAD MY TEAMMATES RANDOMLY RUN AROUND WHILE ENEMY NAGA SPLITPUSHES
                                                                                NEXT GAME OUR ONLY PUSHING HERO -DP- RUNS INTO ENEMY HIGHGROUND 20 TIMES, MELTS INSTANTLY AND WE LOSE

                                                                                BOTH GAMES HAD >10K GOLD AND XP ADVANTAGE ON OUR SIDE
                                                                                BOTH GAMES WERE RUINED BY PEOPLE DOING NOTHING OR JUST STRAIGHT RUNNING INTO ENEMIES WITHOUT HAVING ANY CLUE

                                                                                god i'd rather play 10 lpq games than 5 of them while being muted

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  git gud


                                                                                    how in the hell do you get 15 lpq games?







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