like who cares that you win two lanes
who cares that u have offlane luna
who cares that their venge feeds 17 deaths
when u have tinker who dives into 5 people constantly, doesnt blink into trees and dies after a fail gank without buyback just to lose all 3 lanes in 50 seconds thanks to their lineup
Hello, today I was playing Sven, the Rogue Knight. I was laning alone against Lyralei, the Windranger and Krobelus, the Death Prophet. First of all I disagreed with being solo against those heroes in the first place but whatever. Anyway, I was having some serious issues with Krobelus, the Death Prophet using her Carrion Swarm ability which sends a swarm of bats to damage her enemies dealing 100/175/250/300 damage with a radius of 110-300 to harass me, as well as Lyralei, the Windranger using her Power Shot ability which causes her to charge a bow shot which deals increasing amounts of damage (120/200/280/360 maximum) depending on how long she charges it and the amount of units it passes through. With all the harass, I could never enter the lane and ran out of consumables very quickly (I am referring to Ancient Tangos of Essifation, and Healing Salves). What can I do about this?
witnessed BasedGod
i stopped playing that game
I play rarely, the only reason I came back was the update (which didn't change much, it turns out)
I only play to open some chests
I'm sure some day I'll get a legendary... Some day
why did i stop instalocking cores
why do u have aghs but no force or glimmer cape
supports in 2016 LUL
because the game was seemingly won before i started buying it
like who cares that you win two lanes
who cares that u have offlane luna
who cares that their venge feeds 17 deaths
when u have tinker who dives into 5 people constantly, doesnt blink into trees and dies after a fail gank without buyback just to lose all 3 lanes in 50 seconds thanks to their lineup
the games where noone wants to do anything and everyone plays with like 2000 ping are the WORST
50 shades of arin
the best part is you can play next game and gain ur mmr or get these kinda players again and lose again and this shit just repeats LUL
aoe2 really good game
have to use cheats to find the last fucking villager on the huge map
achievements not progressed, cheats were used
not a whole lot you can actually do about that

Hello, today I was playing Sven, the Rogue Knight. I was laning alone against Lyralei, the Windranger and Krobelus, the Death Prophet. First of all I disagreed with being solo against those heroes in the first place but whatever. Anyway, I was having some serious issues with Krobelus, the Death Prophet using her Carrion Swarm ability which sends a swarm of bats to damage her enemies dealing 100/175/250/300 damage with a radius of 110-300 to harass me, as well as Lyralei, the Windranger using her Power Shot ability which causes her to charge a bow shot which deals increasing amounts of damage (120/200/280/360 maximum) depending on how long she charges it and the amount of units it passes through. With all the harass, I could never enter the lane and ran out of consumables very quickly (I am referring to Ancient Tangos of Essifation, and Healing Salves). What can I do about this?
i thought u wrote that but then i checked and u have no sven games today efeflsbadman
um, you know you can research spies for like, piss cheap when the enemies THAT low on villagers right?
But you're right, aoe 2 is a freakin amazing game.
aoe 3 is the best
aoe3 is pretty shit
Are you fckn serious?
Dafuq? Somebody has a Garchomp fetish eh.
dont let admods see this :D :D :D
lets spam aytyylmaiu
Gaygay gay gaygay
i was scrolling from the very last post upwards, and at first i thought that it cant get worse, but i was so terribly wrong
i think i know what anime this character comes from, now can we please go to the next page
save me, 699th