General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion





        np guys i liked doing htis

        lm ao

          WEird I thought I was gonna be depressed after all this shit I've discovered

          Talking with Arin changed me a lot. Thanks fam


            Maybe there's something wrong with your stomack or lunghs? Hope you get well dude!

            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
            lm ao

              My life is kinda wild and messy right now.

              I honestly appreciated all the friendship we shared here in the forums I actually never thought about being into one with people I barely know, in a stupid forum full of elitists no less

              lm ao

                guys whereever are you all u fucking shitstains


                  lol i fuck ur mother u retard

                  typical normal skill idiot


                    i thought sub 3k players have an IQ of a monkey and cant handle human speech

                    lm ao

                      I'm a dog...

                      My mom is actually dead, 10 years ago you can fuck my sister instead if you promise to sire him a handsome son I can send to Storm modeling agency to work me ez dolores

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                        dog = sobak

                        lm ao

                          err i mean pounds

                          whats the difference between brits and americans anyways all of u guys look the same to me

                          the realm's delight

                            i watched that gif

                            mistakes were made


                              fall vs autumn and stuff? the word choices are a bit different, also brits aint speakin' like dat, normally. the pronounciation is a bit different, and i find it easier to deal with amuricans, their english is kinda simplified comparing to the orthodox version.

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                              the realm's delight

                                brits are autists
                                except havoc
                                hes a cool flower

                                the realm's delight

                                  w8 thats not much of a difference damn


                                    i love brit english i'd love to have that accent

                                    lm ao

                                      ha ha


                                        i got couple of cool brits in friendlist besides havoc
                                        they are generally positive (besides havoc, lmao)


                                          i got a couple of cool brits in friendlist besides havoc
                                          they are generally all flaming niggars (besides havoc?)

                                          lm ao

                                            So a day ago there was a gay (?) Brit couple who went to the cafe where I play Dotes regularly. They decided to sit beside me. Of course with the fucking room theres space for 2 more shitstains to spare. Nice. I ignore them and play Dotes like a PogChamp.

                                            Ten minutes into the game ping suddenly spikes. 321 ms, 2%packet loss. I died while trying to what it seemed to be straight up feeding- delivering myself to the enemy like I'm bluffing that my hero is a straight-up illusion. No sweat. i decided to pee because of the nerves, so I stood up. I took a peek into what those 2 were browsing, if what they browse are any different and fancy from what we brown monkeys usually check on, and to my horror I realized... 16 tabs. SIXTEEN FUCKING TABS ON ONE FUCKiNG WINDOW. OWOWOWOW.

                                            Not only they decided to ruin my peaceful gaming experience wholly and completely, theyd also decide to challenge me as well, commenting on how exploitable pinoise are blah blah, What did I do? Fucking nothing because for stupid primitive reasons I am fucking intidimated to say one word to them. Just because they are white dogshits... jhbiaurgbdajihdfhigbuifdwa



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                                            lm ao

                                              No h0mmophobi4


                                                u suck, but less than Interstellar

                                                lm ao

                                                  Fucking colonial mentality I wish I'd Donald Trump them with my Black American culture inspired flowery vocabulary of fancy words most of having Latin etymology

                                                  < blank >

                                                    16 Tabs? Jesus!

                                                    waku waku

                                                      the times i went to university this semester can be counted in single digits and i'm on my third year how screwed am i?


                                                        ^thats actually normal, i am not joking or exaggerating.

                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          uni WutFace

                                                          plz do

                                                            being screwed can be a good thing (now give me my tax money back)

                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert



                                                                tripledick i think ur face raped my mmr, as soon as i changed to this pic i gained 400 mmr


                                                                  ^ it had an opposite effect on mine


                                                                    dude oxidation is actually a cause of aging


                                                                      yes thought about this as well, oxidation actually kills us ggwp

                                                                      we're all dying a slow and painful death. why not just kill ourselves right now ?


                                                                        btw i have 32 tabs opened right now


                                                                          now that i counted them i feel like a f4ggoat


                                                                            how many of those are porn


                                                                              actua;lly 0, but you could count anime as porn i guess 4Head


                                                                                i count anime as shit


                                                                                  i count anime as retardism


                                                                                    i count our carry as retardism
                                                                                    and apparently we dont have mid playa now cz afeect is dying
                                                                                    looks like quals gonna be ez


                                                                                      i can play sf mid every game an d if they ban i quit


                                                                                        btw you guys have a superficial look and a narrow mind


                                                                                          nah, fuck you
                                                                                          if afeect wont show up, we'll probably play with ragezeus


                                                                                            not as narrow as ur moms penis and not as superficial as your understanding of this joke


                                                                                              i am deeply sorry for your parents cuz they had to raise you, but not as deep as ur anus 4head (nohomojokes)




                                                                                                  if afeect wont show up u can just let me mid EleGiggle

                                                                                                  also where is he ?

                                                                                                  < blank >

                                                                                                    What do you mean with afeect won't show up? BibleThump


                                                                                                      3000 is your mmr