General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    from my experience analysis has rly abstract concepts that u have to understand really well to be able to solve problems and cant just look at an example and apply it to ur own stuff

    not really its the same tricks from the books its just that applying them is not as trivial as putting ur numbers in the textbook example

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      a local dota player, one of the top players in this country and fairly popular streamer whom i used to play 5 man pubs and siltbreaker with and whom i've met on local lans several times died last night out of nowhere

      even though we haven't met or talked for a while and we weren't very close, it still feels super awful

      ure next


        whyd he die and who was it wtf


          For some reason ES is the only hero that gives me MMR
          Any solution?

          Riguma Borusu

            Any solution?

            continue playing ES


              but first u need to prove that the vectorspace K (V, +, *) (V=R + {Hotdog, Burger, Beer}) is a group

              Riguma Borusu

                but first u need to prove that the vectorspace K (V, +, *) (V=R + {Hotdog, Burger, Beer}) is a group

                oy m8 don't you go spewing linear algebra on this, this r calculus and here we take it for granted


                  anyway analysis is probably the most interesting part of maths (at least of what im doing in CS)

                  much MUCH better and less cancerous than statistics and combinatorics, less boring than algebra

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^the downside is that you need a muuuuuuuuuch better teacher for analysis than anything else

                    because you really really really need to get shit right


                      i guess, but i have u right


                        he used to be like top 500 or so but didn't play much lately
                        apparently this got him but it seems like noone really knew about that, possibly not even himself





                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              anyway analysis is probably the most interesting part of maths (at least of what im doing in CS)

                              much MUCH better and less cancerous than statistics and combinatorics, less boring than algebra

                              i had the exact opposite sentiment


                                honestly these things are so fucking weird if u think about it

                                u could die right now or in ur sleep by a brain stroke or any type of blood clot in ur body monkaGIGA


                                  u could die right now


                                    hows combinatorics interesting, ever? same goes for statistics (its called discrete propabilities in my curriculum, not sure what it is in english but i guess its similar)

                                    in my first semester when we had to solve the most basic combinatoric problems i would sit there for half an hour and get 5 different solutions, its actually so hard to count

                                    mb im retard =)


                                      discrete faw

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        ^combinatorics is a pattern finding exercise most of the time

                                        this means you barely ever have to count the possibilities, rather, you need to find the pattern to count them, usually recognizing where and how to use binomial coefficients

                                        also discrete probabilities is a tiny fraction of statistics, not statistics themselves, statistics are actually quite a bit more complex than that and continuous statistical analysis can require some hefty calculus knowledge (in best cases, just the application of (anti)derivatives)

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                                          there is no possible way combinatorics and statistics are as fucking gay as analysis

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            there is no possible way combinatorics and statistics are as fucking gay as analysis

                                            They can be - at my university we had probability, statistics and computational statistics all in one semestar... in one subject. There was no time to get proper education here, the time reserved for this subject was about 1/5th of what was actually needed... so depending on the circumstances it might as well be even gayer than analysis.

                                            the #1 enemy of math is not learning things deep enough to truly understand them, because in that case you have to resort to learning shit you don't understand, by heart

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                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              also how did this become a math thread
                                              how did this become a death thread
                                              are the two correlated?

                                              actually statistics can help us with that...

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                                                  combinatorics is super hard or mb i missed a lecture where u learn how to translate language to these math concepts

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    if i had to rank math-related subjects that aren't strictly related to computers it'd be like this

                                                    1. linear algebra because it's not hard and is very closely related to cs - if ure studying a cs-ish major and dont know linear alebra, ure an ape

                                                    2. discrete math for the same reasons + we had a super cool prof on this one(and a few other courses) - it's like he is illuminating knowledge though he makes u work for it but his subjects are interesting and important so thats fine

                                                    3. informatics - super important obv, not very interesting but good to get the basics sound in ur head because u will need them later

                                                    4. probability theory and statistics - more interesting than most math subjects and much easier to apply to real life as well. very useful to get ur brains in order also so u wont go around asking dumbshit questions on dotabuff and other places

                                                    5. calculative math(?) not sure how its called in english but its basically approximation methods, pretty useful even though most of the methods work in mysterious ways and the lectures were mega boring(which is why i didnt attend them)

                                                    6. encoding(?) theory - all we did the whole semester was learn a couple of basic encoding mechanisms(i.e hammings code or cyclical/polynominal cose) and tried to replicate them which wasn't very useful + we had a batshit insane teacher who made the whole process much less comfortable and/or compelling. at least it was interesting in every sense and i guess fun? now that i dont have to deal with her bullshit

                                                    7. logic and alorithm theory - the first 2 months we just had basic logic which we mostly already knew but then it all kinda went downhill when it got into more esotheric/philosophical shit and the labs were pretty tedious, though few. at least it was fun playing with turings/posts machine and writing shit in brainfuck but overall the entire course is eh/take or leave

                                                    8. math analysis - still a bit salty i got my only B on this subject(and consequentially lower scholarship for the next semester) which ruined my otherwise perfect grades but thats besides the point - this thing was tedious and really long. i could handle 1 semester, maybe 2, but 3 is a bit much, especially since i successfully erased most of the course from my memory. if ure a math nerd/math major its a core subject but otherwise its eh - gives u a better perspective on the world but it's too much work for too little payoff, especially compared to more basic stuff like school math or calculus

                                                    9. physics - we had to rush all the stuff from newtons mechanics to quantum physics(WHAT) in 2 semesters, 1 class per week. the results are as expected, though i managed to learn a lot more than i expected from that fucked up course, but it was the bane of my existence the entire first year of uni so fuck that


                                                      1. linear algebra because it's not hard

                                                      i wish


                                                        i'm almost envious, all of you seem like pretty good students and here i'm struggling to find motivation to pass with C-D-E's

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          @faw you really need to apply logic in combinatorics to understand why they work the way they work and then it becomes easy

                                                          this is not really taught in most schools which is a shame

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                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            hows combinatorics interesting, ever? same goes for statistics (its called discrete propabilities in my curriculum, not sure what it is in english but i guess its similar)

                                                            in my first semester when we had to solve the most basic combinatoric problems i would sit there for half an hour and get 5 different solutions, its actually so hard to count

                                                            mb im retard =)

                                                            not sure how is combinatorics a subject, it's just a bunch of concepts and formulas that are part of prob. theory/discrete math and u can cover it in like a month, i dont know what ure doing there to warrant the whole semester for this.

                                                            discrete probabilities is baby prob.theory/statistics, it was pretty interesting for me and its also very easy most of the time. continous statistics is a lot broader and harder, but also has more applications in real life(fuck, statistics is probably the most useful applied subject of all math subjects bar none)


                                                              nah im at 2.3 avg rn (~ B-) + have to catch up 1010103490282488 crediots because i didnt take any exam last semester

                                                              cant speak much for other unis but at my uni we mb have 3-5 1.0 (flat A) out of 1000 students taking the exam FeelsGoodMan Clap

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                wait u have MULTIPLE semester for combinatorics? either ure mixing something up(e.g. its a part of a larger course as it should be) or ure studying some turbo combinatorics which i have no idea about


                                                                  combinatorics isnt a subject for me, it was a small part of my discrete maths module (mb 3 lectures and 1 exercise), still cant wrap my head around stuff like stirling nubmers


                                                                    but i assume it will be relevant again in my discrete propabilities module

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      where I live everything is one semester...

                                                                      including mathematical analysis which encompasses parts of linear algebra, calculus 1, 2, 3 and of course functional analysis

                                                                      this shit literally has the contents of 6 different exams thrown into it, and the passing rate is about 3% and the reason why this is done in such a fashion is so that IT students can learn more useful subjects instead of learning only math, but the consequence of this is that it's much easier to pass 5 exams, rather than one... which is mathematical analysis

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        yea i have no idea what stirling numbers are ure doing some turbo aids combinatorics in ur course probably


                                                                          do i really make retarded advices on this forum? send help

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            wait arent those like numbers with exponents but they work differently(idr how) so u can write smth like 2^2^2 and its some bigass number like 999999999999999999999999999999999999999(literally)

                                                                            regardless we never fucked with that and it was never even mentioned iirc

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              neverming i was thinking of this



                                                                                not doing it anymore god bless but i think i had a C that exam because i didnt/couldnt solve the combinatorics part whatsoever

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  btw i remember u mentioned taking assembly in the first year and on the exam u had to change the screens color(?) or something

                                                                                  im halfway through my assembly course and ive no idea what u have to do for that but im curious. did u have some library to do that or did u just work with numbers in ur program and fed them to some other program? how is that supposed to work?


                                                                                    mm i can check but iirc it was a rgb to greyscale converter & in class there was homework to program a greyscale screen, if u want i can look it up

                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      im not really interested in the exact code just the mechanism
                                                                                      gives that even setting up a couple of cycles/ifs is not a trivial task in assembly its kinda hard to imagive converting a screen with assembly without heavy use of some library

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        assembly is as simple as it can get

                                                                                        you could literally do that shit on a piece of paper and it doesn't change anything


                                                                                          im gonna retkae that course this year since i failed it last time so honestly i cant rly remember how it worked (if i even had a task exactly like that)

                                                                                          what exactly would be the problem? i assume all you'd need is a function to set a pixels color and a function to iterate over the amount of pixels u have (or over ur screen)

                                                                                          i checked last years exercises and we had 1 task to set 1 pixel, thats apparently it (and see if the pixel is on the screen)

                                                                                          we had to implement vga in vhdl


                                                                                            and nah we didnt directly use any libraries or something but we might have got information given by the task or exercise which we would otherwise have got by using libraries


                                                                                              but its so easy Lol 4HEad cna do on piece of apper

                                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                math discussion FeelsWeirdMan

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  but its so easy Lol 4HEad cna do on piece of apper

                                                                                                  I was literally quoting my professor. I don't agree with that statement and I think programming on paper is dumb, but part of our exam was writing assembly on a paper which I raged about a lot actually.

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                                                                                                    easy like calc(fail terribly)


                                                                                                      honestly its so hard to program without an IDE/a compiler

                                                                                                      we had to program shit in vhdl/assembly in our exam and every syntax error (while that might not be too relevant for assembly) is like -1 point, out of 25

                                                                                                      u can literally finish the exam with 0 points even if ur program is right & works so long as u forgot a couple ; and ends