General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
chicken spook,,,,

    win lane win games?

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      medallion is way easier tho get than force aether or glimmer, medallion + urn >> force if ure winning at least because w+med is stupid strong and has 1k cast range and it makes u much harder to kill, both immediately and later in progression, if u manage to get treads solar vessel in a reasonable time u become REALLY fat for a support

      considering ure a walking alpha wolf & -17 armor debuff on demand + pack quite a punch on ur own + any hero that kills ur cores under aura is dead meat u want to be as fat as possible, or at the very least fat enough to not die instantly after an [counter-]initiation swap and get ur spells off

      one syllable anglo-saxon


        not arin

          win lane win games?

          no, or at least not in this patch i think.

          not arin

            im getting more and more convinced that picking underlord despite not being able to play offlane is the easiest way to divine

            i'll probably mentally break around tuesday or so which means that i'll probably attempt it

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              you win the game by not playing it

              not arin

                by not playing it with you in team *

                not arin


                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    u only truly know when u have won the game is when u keep coming to the forum of said game every week to drop a "dead game" comment hoping someone will give u attention

                    but nobody does

                    not arin

                      i did and now i feel ashamed of myself

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        no problem arin
                        in the time of need i will always be there to kick u down another notch

                        not arin

                          considering ure a walking alpha wolf & -17 armor debuff on demand + pack quite a punch on ur own + any hero that kills ur cores under aura is dead meat u want to be as fat as possible, or at the very least fat enough to not die instantly after an [counter-]initiation swap and get ur spells off

                          sound arguments

                          mb im just stuck on "saving fucking retards" with every single support hero since 80% of games im just deciding whether i buy glimmer or force first

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                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            going saving fucking retards on every support is a mistake and ive been doing it for quite a long time myself, but most supports can be more than a walking glimmer, some supports actually have quite absurd spells that are very impactful if u dont die in the first 3 seconds of the fight

                            jakiros a prime example, lv15 q + e on enemy carry = OMEGABrokeBack, but in many games noone cares because ure slow as hell and have no armor so trying to cast it more than once is a deathwish, and getting lv15 in time is very hard if ure not leading, even for him

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                I feel like jakiro is relatively tanky for a support
                                I guess it's the hp
                                At the very least I feel like force is needed almost every game


                                  who the heck buys glimmer on jakiro?
                                  who the heck buys glimmer anyway,that item is so trash unless you're fighting magical guys or ults that you can interrupt/you are cm/wd

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    glimmer is good

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      I usually just go eul's rush, followed by force on Jakiro, but I'll get glimmer over force if I'm against someone like Tinker, or somebody with delayed magic burst damage like Kunkka, Disruptor, or Necro.

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                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Glimmer is good. Cores never carry detection and sups always die first


                                          on the first time impact is pretty good yes i agree,like sb
                                          but usually,even as a core i'll buy dust if i want to fight lol if see ppl have invi stuff (and have slot)

                                          yup,i go urn+eul on jakiro,i rarely ever touch glimmer unless fighting magical ppl


                                            veil and kaya after brown boots on jakiro is bretty good


                                              we do that on lion



                                                  if only i can post my memes or reaction images without actually uploading on some website in this forum,how annoying



                                                      is pinoy doge still posting?? because it's his birthday today


                                                        happy birthday lovely slumdog

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          Filthy weebs!


                                                            wat is pinoy doge

                                                            but i not flithy

                                                            not arin


                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                both the toxic and chill pinoy dog are inactive here though


                                                                  yeah figured, I have his shitpost account on facebook, but I don't want to write in facebook.


                                                                    i just found out about asmr

                                                                    i don't think i've ever felt like this


                                                                      is that you

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        im not gonna bother opening up vpn just to upvote but im sure it's less cringy than 99% of the post there

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          i heard the sentry abuse works in ranked ap too

                                                                          is it fixed yet and if not what are the chances to play againjst it


                                                                            i'm not playing dota until it gets fixed, even though ppl say it's only on party cm or sth

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              summary = in ap wait until timer runs out and some1 gets force-randomed a hero(unless theyre last to pick in which case they get an abandon as per usual), pick other heroes, share sentries from the randomed hero

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                it requires a bit coordination + apparently people get 2 week bans for it and their mmr gets reverted back to original, but if u have at least 1 guy willing to cooperate u can just 4th pick random a hero

                                                                                im gonna play today i think and probably wont run into it but if i will im reporting those mothe­rfuckers to reddit police


                                                                                  their mmr gets reverted back to original, but your mmr is unaffected i'd guess
                                                                                  and what does reporting ppl to reddit police do

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    well i dont think valve has an automated system for this so they first need it to be reported i guess

                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      FUCK why did i click that


                                                                                        dont watch it just listen


                                                                                          nobody uses that exploit lol

                                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                            well if ur garbage z behavior score 20k leagues under the sea pool games dont have them then im safe 4 sure

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                                                                                              It's not me, it is my friend

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                the only asmr feeling i ever got was when my cat purred right into my ears

                                                                                                these videos just sound disgusting tho