copenhagen airport has to be the one with one of the worst wifi I've ever seen. The best one has to be frankfurt hands down, that shit was blazing fast compared to others.
i had to get up at 6 am, spend 1 hour waiting for the bus @ -999 degrees, then spend 5 hours in the bus on the customs, miss the train because of that and wait another 8 hours on the station for the next one to arrive to get home this year
^ayy lmao be like
Both cant be seen by enemies 😏😏😏
it doesnt matter because creeps are controlled by ai and not the players
ok ill stop now
someone's found out about youtube
Someone decided to spam post ayy lmao to see if anyone gets triggered
You guys can trade offer me all of your garbage skins and items, i'll take them
which one?
sanic obviously
obs studio is actually so much better than normal obs
im glad i finally overcame my laziness and installed it
whats with these u know de wey memes
i forgot to ask
which one?
which one??
it took me a year to finally setup the twitch alerts
now i need to find some nice gifs and sounds to put in
too bad that i dont get any new followers or anything LUL
zannen da
sound has to be
I hour too late flight OMEGALUL end me
wow 1 hour
new song PogChamp
pee am ayy
flight to where?
twin towers
man i waited 1 FUCKING HOur and airport internet didnt work
was about to kms
copenhagen airport has to be the one with one of the worst wifi I've ever seen. The best one has to be frankfurt hands down, that shit was blazing fast compared to others.
The airport wifi is ass
But the wifi in the lounges are nice af
waow 1 full HouR???
the airport wifi's here are faster than my home internet generally.
60 minutes man that was rly bad
i had to get up at 6 am, spend 1 hour waiting for the bus @ -999 degrees, then spend 5 hours in the bus on the customs, miss the train because of that and wait another 8 hours on the station for the next one to arrive to get home this year
haha this story is fake, -999 degrees doesnt exist, you silly you
i woke up at 1 pm.
ok mb it was -888 degrees im niot sure all im sure is that after 5 minuts it got rALLY FUCKING COLD