General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    doesnt matter just saw a familiar name



      one syllable anglo-saxon

        doctor: u have 3 hours left to live

        < blank >


          D the Superior
            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

              That last hitting at 1.59.30 could be me

              chicken spook,,,,

                I got a coach named Cookie, he likes to meet with a rookie, he knows he has a hard duty, he is writing a dota guide goodly, that is very efficient and tricky, tells you how to alst hit, with every single second tick, makes your carry strong as a BRICK, gives your hero BALLS and DICK, gives you much map awareness, Plays your hero with much dearness, gets angry at you at your mistakes, scolds you what you negate, talks wonderfully like DRAKE, makes the game a piece of cake, shows you your weakness, removes all your dullness, knows everything like a bookie, he is my super coach cookie.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  im not doing anything out of the ordinary yet i feel like with every game i get more and more people with issues and i somehow managed to farm 4 reports despite that almost every game i lost iplayed supports who tend to be reported much rarer
                  at least before if i got a loudmouthed retard he would still try his hardest but last game the guy first randomed ck safelane(havent had people random in my games for like a month) then proceeded to take my aegis and die twice a minute later which almost cost us the gmae

                  and then on the other hand i have a premuted undying solo offlane apparently flaming me for the second half of the game, refusing to heal me and taking arcane rune twice before the deciding fights

                  i dont know if ill manage to win further if i keep getting people like this, we only won the last one because both their cores were profoundly retarded

                  < blank >

                    quitting dota is one of the best choices i've ever made in my life

                    < blank >

                      starting with it, was one of the worst tho

                      Story Time

                        supports who tend to be reported much rarer

                        lmao, most of retards play carry and when they fail hard they have to blame someone, and supports are the best target for that since 1) low number of kills 2) no items 3) mis-perception that there should be wards everywhere

                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                          it's pretty suprising how small amount of map is covered by wards in high mmr games due to dewarding etc

                          and then you have 4k pubs when you have 3+ wards on the map yet it's not enough for your brazilian carry player


                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              supports who tend to be reported much rarer

                              if u arent a circlejerking support player redditor then the above should be obvious to u, and if u are then im not gonna bother arguing anyawy

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                it's pretty suprising how small amount of map is covered by wards in high mmr games due to dewarding etc

                                and then you have 4k pubs when you have 3+ wards on the map yet it's not enough for your brazilian carry player

                                usually people refer to amount of wards in stock + in inventories in that case

                                it happens though, today i had a clinkz who repeatedly died farming or was killed right at the start of the teamfight several times because he didnt get bkb and his reason we lost was 0 wards(2 in stock + 0 in inv + 0 on the map because were losing hard against a team with an invis hero) and no saves from supports(clock skywrath)))))

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  it is actually amazing just how much buying gem when u have more map control shuts down the enemy team almost to the point of completely stripping them off of ability to counter-gank/pick u off unless they smoke and by lucky coinsidence bump into ur core/gem carrier, i was always a huge advocate against buying gem unless absolutely necessary or u have very good carriers like sotrm or pitlord but now i see why [good] people do that


                                    i like buying gem but in my low mmr games you need force staffs and glimmers to save idiots constantly and having to buy every single ward is not really helpful in terms of farming gold to get gem

                                    but i 100% agree with that

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      u dont have to buy every single ward though
                                      i constantly bump into 4s/5s who for whatever reason think theyre the martyr of the team and just buy every ward once its in stock and it does more harm than good because not only cores people cant place their own wards if they want to but the other support cant place them either, and then u have a situation when u want to have vision in one place but ur 5 has all the obs and theyre either dead, farm away or put them some other plcae without even thinking

                                      and even if noone buys wards u usually dont need more than 2-3(1 if ure cookie) on the map at once provided theyre well placed, id prefer my 5 to have force/glimmer to not die instantly or save me and place only the essential rosh/objectives/enemy jungle wards(because ty ty but im not that retarded and if i see all lanes empty and noones showing in jungle can make a logical leap that somethings cooking or at least use scan) rather than buying everything and being a walking ward dispencer thats also getting dewarded on a constant basis

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        same goes for leeching xp too, i dont get why people want to pretend theyre playing with ramzessixsixsix every game and stay out of exp range when its so much easier to do stuff(or at least not feed) when ure lv2/3 and if upon getting the level u score a kil lor force the enemy to fountain in the same lane u leeched it doesnt even matter in the end


                                          i constantly bump into 4s/5s who for whatever reason think theyre the martyr of the team and just buy every ward once its in stock and it does more harm than good because not only cores people cant place their own wards if they want to but the other support cant place them either, and then u have a situation when u want to have vision in one place but ur 5 has all the obs and theyre either dead, farm away or put them some other plcae without even thinking

                                          that's what i'm trying to avoid since i believe i'm doing better job at warding than 95% ppl in my mmr so i just buy all of it when i can and use them meaningfuly

                                          same goes for leeching xp too, i dont get why people want to pretend theyre playing with ramzessixsixsix every game and stay out of exp range when its so much easier to do stuff(or at least not feed) when ure lv2/3 and if upon getting the level u score a kil lor force the enemy to fountain in the same lane u leeched it doesnt even matter in the end

                                          i used to do this, luckily not anymore
                                          when i need xp i just say fuck it and leech xp when i need to finish a lvl


                                            like when im warding i genuinely think about the game and what might happen, like if i have am in team i try to smoke and place some really aggresive wards so he can splitpush better

                                            too bad that this doesnt win me games because everyone in 4k is stupid as hell so what could make difference in 5k-6k games doesn't really do shit in 4k

                                            thats what irritates me the most in this bracket

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              u sound like some1 with rubick flair on reddit explainign why u cant raise mmr with supports

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                well cookie's guide that was literally impossible to read because it was just that big of a giant wall-of-text won the "most helpful post of the year award"™ on reddit, so yes. any advice that is not helpful at all, just super long, is good game.


                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    i remember when i was 2k i explained simple things with huge walls of text getting into unneccessary details thinking its quality

                                                    multiple paragraphs to tell u in detail how to torrent people and deny their creep = :bc_100: :bc_ok: :bc_fire:


                                                      Happy New Year.



                                                        regards gecko.

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          tbh looking at that one comment, i am glad it went unnoticed. like he is literally trying to give advice smh

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            quitting dota is one of the best choices i've ever made in my life

                                                            guess I can finally stop switching steam accounts now

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              As much of a pile of shit cookie's guides are it's still better than whatever 2k redditards write anyway



                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  i understand now how people get these huge drops from 4700-4900 every loss makes u want to play more and more because ure so close but ure mega tilted and u keep losing


                                                                    Gem storm when ur ahead is so hard to lose with


                                                                      [Allies] Ali Bomaye: 387 gpm Anime boy
                                                                      [Allies] Ali Bomaye: take jungle
                                                                      [Allies] Ali Bomaye: i can pull tango Lc

                                                                      here we go again


                                                                        Bogi Doto went down from 5500 MMR to 3600 (he's 3600 now, quited Dota currently)

                                                                        I went down from 4300+ stable to 3300-3500 being unable to climb out of low 3k for past 6 months..

                                                                        There's a guy called Filthy he posts here sometimes, was as high as 4400, he struggles to get out of high 2k/low 3k currently for past 4-5 months..

                                                                        We just suck I guess

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          Filthy is an old dude with not much free time though

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            Cool to know that all I have to do to have higher mmr than arin is to not play at all




                                                                                1 more game and im the same mmr as arin lul

                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                  smh cookie dicksucker took a year to catch up

                                                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                    i remember arin was 5k few months ago monkaS

                                                                                    < blank >

                                                                                      somehow always when i leave the house "off guard" i meet people i haven't seen for years feelsbadman

                                                                                      < blank >


                                                                                        D the Superior
                                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                                                          D the Superior
                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt