General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    and the chance that noone else buys a courier during that time is pretty slim

    are we playing the same game


      Behaviour score f equals hidden pool

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        are we playing the same game

        idk people are pooling me tangos in turbo mode for whatever reason mb we're not



          one syllable anglo-saxon

            i just banned dark willow for the 2nd time today because im not used to unranked having bans
            get me out


              wait did they multiply the rubberband mechanic again

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                unranked haHAA mmr reset is in 2 weeks

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  yes but not by a lot and its probably turbo

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    in other words

                    wow ure so cool afeect
                    let me tell you a story about who cares



                      ah i forgot that turbo changes gold gains

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        so apparently thanks to new formula both bs charges mp regen and hero talent mp regen get amplified by int which is PRETTY FUCKING GOOD
                        if u have 100 int u now get 3 times the regen per every bs charge :bc_ok: :bc_ok: :bc_ok:

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          wait is that right that seems too good
                          i gotta test it

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            oh wait nevermind they reduced mp regen per charge by 60% haha my bad ;)
                            still u get more regen per charge starting at 75 int and u have 75+ with just int treads + 2 nulls @lv10 on storm

                            me, government hooker

                              any1 knows how to extrapolate graphs




                                  wow ure so cool afeect
                                  let me tell you a story about who cares

                                  WOW THANKS I DIDNT KNOW HE CARES <333


                                    i dunno but i'm waiting for 7.07b until i queue for a game, there seems to be way too much stupid overpowered crap atm

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      idk im completely lost atm but i dont remember the last time i had so much fun in dota
                                      all i know is u gotta camp ur lane and deny everything then just hope to survive till lv20/25 where u get some osfrog talent and begin kicking ass(maybe).

                                      John Sunday
                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          ee ti8 strat?



                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              u can use glyph to doublewave enemy mid


                                                be techies, get midas, stay in base all game, just mining base, get level 25, move all mines slowly to enemy base, it never stops, too many mines, you can't dodge it.

                                                base is kill


                                                  i everytime come back to db and i hope everyone in this thread is dead but everytime you guyes let me down



                                                    DUDE I SAW WALKING TECHIES MINES WTF IS THIS SHIT

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      [Allies] BB.Realise: wait me
                                                      [Allies] BB.Realise: random
                                                      BB.Realise has randomed Legion Commander

                                                      haha got a real CLASSIC on our hands here boys!


                                                        btw is that shit with mangoes and randoming in rmm too?

                                                        < blank >





                                                              because mango is best item


                                                                my second game of the new patch someone randomed meepo and marked jungle...what are the chances man hahahaha

                                                                GABEN WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME


                                                                  no you get a mango if you pick one of the 10 highlighted heros... i dont see any problems with that

                                                                  if you random you get 1 of those highlighted heros with mango + IRON BRANCH...basically people that random are griefers now, its like high risk very low reward

                                                                  i think icefrog is memeing

                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    Festiveowl 10 points 4 hours ago

                                                                    Someone could just hog the courier during strategy phase, and un-hog it just before its over, then buy it again in game. This way, no one else can claim the courier unless you have God reflexes

                                                                    u heard it here first lads


                                                                      what would you gain from hoggin gthe courier? good boy points?

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        u can deny it and ur team is left without courier for the remainder of the game


                                                                          no you get a mango if you pick one of the 10 highlighted heros... i dont see any problems with that

                                                                          that's even more ridiculous

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            is this good? :thinking:


                                                                              plebbit tier


                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  mango lc was broken

                                                                                  i only got 2 free wins from it rip MANGO META


                                                                                    i don't know, icefrog was probably drugged again during making this patch
                                                                                    "i have no idea how to balance heroes so i'll add bunch of ridiculous talents on 20-25 for the memes whOOPS i broke the game XD"

                                                                                    i'm definitely not turning on dota before next balance patch, just spectating games nearly gave me conjunctivitis


                                                                                      why would bane get mom?


                                                                                        oh it's a reference and not a joke about the patch.


                                                                                          its a joke about the patch and not a reference
                                                                                          bane is eventually played as pos 2 atm


                                                                                            i'm definitely not turning on dota before next balance patch


                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                              see references are objectively bad. Not because it's not funny. It might be geniunely funny for the mojarity of people, but you have to craft a joke for your specific audience. I'm pretty sure that most of us here are cave dwellers and haven't seen sunlight for days now, which means that we're over saturated with a joke that was funny in 2012 for a few months


                                                                                                why would you play bane as a carry? lich can atleast give himself armor as a farming/manfighting tool. banes ult is a disable that disables him aswell.


                                                                                                  because enfeeble steals damage, you can attack sleeped enemies, and with MoM its basically a solo kill when you catch someone alone.

                                                                                                  its a meme that will stop soon anyway

                                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                    level 25 aghs eclipse fires .25s stunning beams every .3s :thinking: