anime is cringe and i would probably never brought up that topic in a conversation, ever
unless i'd be 100% sure that the person watches anime too but even then i would probably not talk much about it in real life
but that won't stop me from watching it, having a waifu and talking about it on the internet
> Says anime is cringe
> Tells me im his "senpai"
You can become my waifu if you want
yes u are my senpai ywn sama
Russia its like murder of LGB is not a crime right?
best quote of 2017
ye we just casually stone lgbt trash when we see them on the streets
why do ppl hate gays? i never understood that
are u scared of contracting homosexuality? xd
why u're asking me
or any1 on this forum rly
idk because its not stupid to believe that there is a wide range of people using this forum, including those that hate LGTB people
also triplesteal is gay af
well that i can't disagree with
anime is cringe and i would probably never brought up that topic in a conversation, ever
unless i'd be 100% sure that the person watches anime too but even then i would probably not talk much about it in real life
but that won't stop me from watching it, having a waifu and talking about it on the internet![:horse:](/assets/emojis/horse-243fc8112c18a5fa763e0add035b740f3ea583a3d843ad6170fdc4a32fc798e4.gif)
let's go
theres a lot of cringe shit anime but theres also good anime just like western tv shows
this may be the most subjective statement possible
not as subjective as all the people who has never watched good animes and just say ANIME SUCKS LUL
im sure u guys watch those retarded high school animes anyway hur dur girl falls onto a guys dick and they fall in love LUL
anyway go enjoy ur hipster shit zai movies about life being 3deep5me and I will enjoy some actual good show
also i cant stand japanese language smh
24 ranked games since lp guys
[Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1123
[Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 2705
have u seen my animelist sir
i actually hate japanese language too
not sure if it's because of anime or it just sounding fucking afwul
chinese is cool, japanese and korean are aids (imo)
also anime voice actors are awful, girls have so high pitched voices that i cant hear them anymore
everytime an anime is dubbed to english i feel like stabbing myself while listening to it
imo japanese voice actors are far better
i hate japanese too
cringe language
im fluent in weaboopanese
i got a vacant bo2 on saturday at 5 pm cet
also keep in mind we got a battle cup at 7
i guess im not invited for bcup am i
bcup has no vacant slots, its just a reminder for those ones who are in
"what you see" "what she sees"
nevermind im randoming from this point
repost spunki
anime fans are phags and ywn is no exception
Not even just a repost, it's a repost in french lmao
rly? i never saw this b4
i'll bring this up every time i see him play