General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

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          Chance Boru

            stop posting this shit tf


              i own this page
              i do what i want


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                  the realm's delight




                        anyone remember this game?

                        one syllable anglo-saxon



                            no this is a robot page

                            the realm's delight

                              i just sold a dragon lance instead of wand GEGEGEGEGw sbfgd dgn


                                when do i make my reddit post, when the fuck is primetime


                                  about 8 PM CET i guess

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                                    be ready to save dota

                                    the realm's delight

                                      who the fuck is awake at 8 am


                                        PM sorry

                                        the realm's delight

                                          is this guy fucking retarded
                                          [Allies] C e ℓ ℓ d ω e ℓ ℓ e я: muted sirs do u just spam luna? :D
                                          he asks me a question WHEN IM MUTED

                                          the realm's delight

                                            [Allies] Mau: hes muted sir
                                            oh shit there might be someone above 30 iq in my team

                                            dookie daddy

                                              Jesus Christ why is Arin so emo dude?

                                              "Why will I never experience this" he said while sat at home posting memes on a Dotabuff forum. I met my fiance in a bar, not on a DotA forum where she was won over by my dank ass meme game.

                                              Christ alive there's someone out there for everyone, just make the effort.


                                                C R I N G E


                                                  @havoc u do realize not every guy is the kinda person that wants to chill around in clubs/bars, let alone chill with other ppl in general

                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                    dookie daddy

                                                      Girls don't like wimps, and no girls don't just date assholes. Girls like confidence in a man, not a *tips fedora* or being a dick cause you think that's what gets girls.

                                                      Get yourself friendzoned tons, cause you know what girls have? More girls, and it allows you to have access to their friend circle which *shocker* is mostly women. Hanging around dudes all day long isn't gonna get you anywhere, why do you think that groups of guys who go out to bars "girl" hunting never get fucking anywhere.

                                                      Go experience life my boy. Girls are 10x more fun to hang out with than dudes anyways.

                                                      Hatsune Miku

                                                        i love this page



                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                            hard to meet anybody when u never go outside :thinking:


                                                              today we dont go outside, today we save dota 2

                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                Girls are 10x more fun to hang out with than dudes anyways.

                                                                yea at 30 yrs old mb lmao

                                                                Player 345996680

                                                                  at what age of virginity would u consider sourcing out hookers?

                                                                  the realm's delight


                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      i've come to my senses i'm converting to my old ways nothing else seems to work

                                                                      4k flat here i come


                                                                        never, because virginity is worthelss

                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          yea i think playing safelane is not an option in sub 6k games

                                                                          Player 345996680

                                                                            "Why will I never experience this" he said while sat at home posting memes on a Dotabuff forum. I met my fiance in a bar, not on a DotA forum where she was won over by my dank ass meme game.

                                                                            ima prove u wrong and get a girl with memes & buying wards and courier


                                                                              ? just play slardar or ld safe ez win

                                                                              Player 345996680

                                                                                yea i think playing safelane is not an option in sub 6k games

                                                                                my thoughts exactly, this meta with offlane buffed so much and aggro duos popular if u have low mmr supports even if ure highest mmr as carry u can end up with support networth 10 mins in

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                                    3-1 for me so far guys

                                                                                    Player 345996680

                                                                                      if it aint bushy im down


                                                                                        thers a show on tv about young models called "the beautiful girls" and theyre all ugly? wtf is this shit

                                                                                        dookie daddy

                                                                                          Ah right forgot, today was dota2 saving day. Sorry ywn.

                                                                                          Player 345996680

                                                                                            thers a show on tv about young models called "the beautiful girls" and theyre all ugly? wtf is this shit

                                                                                            pics or stfu


                                                                                              i am counting on you all to press upvote


                                                                                                "Why will I never experience this" he said while sat at home posting memes on a Dotabuff forum.

                                                                                                well but i know why, and i'm unable/not motivated enough to do something about it
                                                                                                it's probably too late for me anyway since most of the people of my age already have some experience with dating


                                                                                                  i am counting on you all to press upvote

                                                                                                  where's the thread
                                                                                                  i found only this


                                                                                                    pics or stfu

                                                                                                    wtf is this???

                                                                                                    Player 345996680

                                                                                                      but arin u handsome xd
                                                                                                      ure like the guy on the right