General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar or not huskar

Huskar or not huskar in General Discussion

    Ive been told that huskar was shit since 2 years ago as a started playing and he needed a rework. But this hero seems often picked in pubs as a counterpick vs magic team ( which is pretty much this meta ). I always liked the hero but hes kinda hit or miss like ursa. How do you make hiskar effective. Like matrice seems to have good understanding, also that vroksnak stream destroying other teams. Armlet should be core but its not always built it seems, halberd and satanic are core, when to lvl up the heal and where should you lane. Too many solo huskar offlane feeding in the 4ks.


      banana slam jamma has a 2 hour guide about huskar, not sure if it's good or not, but his slark guide was pretty neat.


        he cant outcarry heroes like void, troll and pa, but he can fuck many others like luna and obviously is the biggest bane of magical line-ups.

        I like to go urn->treads->helm->armlet(if snowballing at this point then no armlet)->cores

        Cores; AC, Satanic, heart/second AC, mkb if needed


          he cant outcarry luna, as well as all the other heroes who can deal physical dmg (which is roughly equal to just "all carries"). however, in midgame he wrecks most of them, and magic sucks against huskie at any point of time.
          huskar is current meta-pick, same as leshrac, bs, and clinkz.

          if you want to grind mmr, its worth mastering, but its not very interesting to play this hero imo.

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            ^6 slotted huskar on satanic & mkb should be able to make short work of 6 slotted luna despite her having satanic, manta and butter no?


              ^no, i guess. huskar is... really weak at that point. hes not a lategame carry. you can try it in lobby tho if it contradicts with your intuition.


                ^ Probably, but the bounces will wreck Huskar's team.


                  yup, luna's strength (besides pushing) are 5v5 fights, she's kind of similar to gyro

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                    Go mid huskar and give your carry space, because carry huskar isn't going to seal the deal often enough.

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Isn't he about the same as Alchemist in late game against physical damage? 100 health regen per second (inner vitality at low health gives the same with satanic+heart) and high attack speed (Alch's should still be higher though). Alch can at least make good use of basher and can reduce armour for more damage. Most of huskar's damage comes from his spears, which fall off late game (especially to bkb). Without spears he just hits very fast and regens a lot, just like alch.


                        What do you think about Huskar with Veil of Discord as first item and Aghanim Scepter - second?


                          ^^ The thing is, even with so much magic resistance, he'll need his BKB sooner or later if he wants to make it to the late game, and even then, with the introduction of Silver Edge, blowing up Huskar is more possible than before.

                          Purgeable Q doesn't help either.


                            If Silver Edge is not a core item, nobody will buy it. Tested.

                            lm ao

                              i cannot imagine a 2 hour guide on huskar. period.

                              Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

                                HUSKAR WITH SCRIPT DEFINITIVELY


                                  in my world huskar only crushes when no one can be arsed to counter him. i think he is probably one of the most counterable heroes out there. so, to answer the op, i don't think you can!


                                    Exactly. Is it that hard to pick Axe just to shut down Huskar completely? Nobody cares...

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      There's a lot of shit huskar sucks vs and is picked often like axe, PA big crits, troll previously.


                                        ^Silver Edge is good counter vs Huskar, because it disables his passive skill. But Silver Edge is even better counter vs PA, because it disables TWO of her passive skills. Also Silver Edge looks good in hands of Huskar. So it's actually hard to say if PA is a counter to Huskar or Huskar is a counter to PA.


                                          Isn't silver edge purged on Huskar ulti?

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                                          Dire Wolf

                                            hmmmm how many huskars go silver edge though? I was just thinking PA cus she could blow him up with a big crit and the hardest part is finishing off huskar. Jug then? A lot of physical dps carries are quite good vs him.

                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                              he's wreckin noobs in pubs with just dominator.


                                                Is fun vs Huskar as Ursa. Bait out the ulti, counter with your own ulti and proceed to rek.

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                                                    idk hes fuckign broken but imo will never be a top pick cuz hes situational


                                                      huskar my fav hero but i avoid to pick him cauz i dropped mmr and in 4k bracket the trashes dont know that they can end a game before it goes late