General Discussion

General DiscussionMore help !!!

More help !!! in General Discussion
YutaxTV on TTV

    Hi i did a post like a month ago about my MMR situation 1.3k.... now im at 2k but i hit a new barrier... sooo what now? this guys feed like crazy, including myself once the enemy BS runs to me with 8 minutes blade mail?
    i still dont know my own hero pool or what to pick in order to continue this journey, can you guys help me again? imma try hard, AND THANK YOU :3


      pick new hero every 3 games until u played with all of them

      then find out which heroes u enjoyed the most and raped with the most and continue using them onwards

      YutaxTV on TTV

        did u even see my profile ? i pick new hero every game since forever


          you're climbing and it ain't THAT bad because you still have 55.4% monthly ranked winrate
          chill out a bit

          Livin' Real Good

            You have a pretty healthy hero pool usage (really you do) you're doing just fine, you can be 3K in no time, you'll be twice as good by time summer ends. And faster than most people. Now i think gonna start my own hero challenge too, gonna play my most least played heroes this week then !

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            YutaxTV on TTV

              so just keep it up? i try to use the hero my team needs instead of " want i want to play" i know my farm is bad but i feel like if i dont do some roamming my team is going to be raped, i dont see " the space" to farm, and when i create that space for someone else that "void" will be afk at facebook or insulting "peruvians"

              Livin' Real Good

                Pick heroes that YOU THINK fit the situation, and don't be afraid to play your best hero if you're worried that the enemy team has a scary carry line up. No one said you had to play a new hero every game.

                YutaxTV on TTV

                  should i carry or support?

                  Livin' Real Good

                    That's not a question for me, maybe someone else can answer, i hear some say support, and some carry, mixed to be honest, i dunno ask around. I find carrying helps me win.

                    YutaxTV on TTV

                      TY... see you at 2.5k

                      jus chillen

                        if u wanna play support, play something with usefull skills and good scaling.

                        (shaker, silencer, witch doctor, sand king, some others)

                        Look at me, Hector.

                          earthshaker and sand king suck in this meta, requires too many items to do anything

                          jus chillen

                            i wouldn't say so, at least in 4k games i can do shit with shaker

                            jus chillen

                              don't need items to land fissures, but sand king does require farm i have to agree

                              Look at me, Hector.

                                idk i dont like it when people pick sand king, rubick or eartshaker in this meta right now

                                always lose the lane and they leech exp and other stuff

                                saving private RTZ

                                  Winter Wyvern its decent imo

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    @ you won't be seeing me at 2.5 K, ill be at 4K by time this summer ends, screw that, im never going back to that shithole ! O_O


                                      He is low 2k , just pick snow ball heros that can also farm between ganks and fights like bs slark in side lanes or a qop shadowfeind storm for mid .

                                      YutaxTV on TTV

                                        see u at 2.5 was about me looking for more help, so no supports? go carry ?


                                          I'm in 2k as well currently, I can only say that I win more if I aim to have fun and just play well, and don't focus on NOT losing bcuz it's inevitable.

                                          Sometimes I think it's like a Dota trick they pull on us, but having like a 80% w/r is not gonna happen, if you're winning more than losing that's all you can ask for