General Discussion

General DiscussionSuch fucking cancer

Such fucking cancer in General Discussion
ur mom

    Honestly even a creep is more useful than this DS. Whole team sucked major balls. I honestly can't wait to get out of this fucking trench. Fucking 1k shit...


      This thread is useless

      ur mom

        how does mmr even work....i'd have assumed with a 70% win rate and 5 kda, I'd at least queue 3k turds instead of these morons. Seriously carried their ass the whole way.....fucking imbeciles


          Get good mate, learn to solo the game like I do Kappa 4 of the players in my team were fucked by a ursa that gets 5 minutes roshan until 19 minutes radiance up, they get fucked back.

          Same shit happens to 1 of my carries Anti Mage, totally Puck play makers saves the day

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          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            This isn't even ranked and you're complaning about bad teammates.


              ^ He got a point


                If u cant win 1k mmr games Solo dota is no game for you

                ur mom

                  I was 19-1-6.....tell me how do I win solo vs that team...

                  ur mom

                    Seriously....if it was ranked...we'd have won because no ranked player is as bad as that ds....


                      Well at First... Dont pick nyx

                      saving private RTZ

                        Well i dont think they were 1k, cuz it was high so they was at least 3k.. Idk your main MMR, but if you are anything above 4k MMR and you deserve your rank you should crash these scrubs


                          >I was 19-1-6.....tell me how do I win solo vs that team...

                          all of sudden you're the best player in the server because you got a lot of kills with dagon?

                          saving private RTZ

                            ^ Wrong topic

                            ur mom

                              lol getting kills and not feeding while dragging the game longer for the carry....isn't that the point of nyx in low tier shit anyways

                              my 70% win rate and 5kda speaks for itself


                                Seems like Aghs would only be an impressive pickup on Nyx when you're in a spot where you have to defend high ground. Does nothing for finishing the game. Get a nice Necrobook and push that rax in.

                                Welt aus Eis

                                  CLASSIC high skill thread


                                    nyx so ez lel

                                    casual gamer

                                      ITT: person doesnt understand that when you are so far ahead you need to rosh and push instead of farming kills

                                      ur mom

                                        The above person is a confirmed moron. We were pretty much never ahead thanks to our mid DS and a sven that started out 1-9.

                                        I bought an early gem and kept us in the game by ganking their jungle so that my team could catch up in farm.

                                        I also picked up the scepter because we were getting pushed every single roshan, which we can't contest because those idiots are so far behind in experience and gold.

                                        I was 19-1 not because we were ahead, I was ahead while we were 20K exp behind....get a clue...

                                        ur mom

                                 of morons who can't pick or win lanes...



                                            You are a disgustig nyx spammer. STFU

                                            ur mom
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                                              ur mom

                                                lmao.....nyx spammer isn't OP kthxbei

                                                and you are an idiot stuck in normal games

                                                plz do

                                                  OP read this and sympathize with me or u lose the right to vent on this forum ever again.

                                                  yesterday i had 2 very entertaining games.

                                                  1. Loss: open mic and afk jungle SK, midas WK on offlane w intentional feed lesh. we decide to still play and could win many important teamfights. we were close to comeback, but lesh couldnt be convinced. I think he got at least 5 reports ->

                                                  2. Win: everyone wants to go pos 1/2. Our BS carries for 30 min, then abandons. Retard team thinks its still ez for us. Almost lose to techies but his team is utter shit, so we are lucky. I decide to go full davai lategame AA w necessary skadi+AC for teamfights. ->

                                                  Oh wait there was another one: Jungle jugger picked early, tells me to pick Not this Nor that. Like why does he get to play jugger jungle and then does not allow others to pick what they want. I get tired of him and decide to random our last pick. Could've been worse random - but I never play Aba. anyways, we win teamfights and pressure lanes while jugger is afk in jungle. basically its a 4v5. Lucky again w our opponents being mentally challenged or something. ->

                                                  ur mom


                                                    I think i am done with dota. playing us west past midnight feels as good as humping some f@ggot with herpes

                                                    asks team one million times to push but never does....won team fight near rosh pit with all men up....imbecile decides to rosh instead of taking last set of rax....fine....pudge go feeds mid while we rax bot...obviously loses the fight......and eventually the game.

                                                    i fucking raped lion + pa 2 v 1 solo off more can I do? fucking carried those turds all game....called plays...begged to push...those fucking morons with downs

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                                                    ur mom

                                                      i dare you to watch this game...


                                                      by now i am pretty sure everyone i have played with the past two days are just master trolls....

                                                      you can buy 5 gems a game but people will still walk into mines EVERY FUCKING can ping the shit out of the mines BUT THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK....

                                                      seriously..just watch the wonder that norwegian f@g bombed some summer camp....i'd probably want to blow up these f@gs too if i knew them irl

                                                      Paid actor

                                                        well what do u want us to tell u? GL on ur teammates so that u can increase ur rating by getting better teammates?


                                                          Before blaming casual players, watch how pros fail vs Techies:

                                                          They know that mines are there, but still go in...


                                                            You're High Skill USA Server. Isn't it like 2k mmr EU ? It's not like u had Battlefury Elder lol. Your items also sucked. They had double hex, orchid & u even didn't have Eul/BKB/Linken, nor hex.

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                                                              Guardian Greaves on DS but 0