General Discussion

General Discussionhow can this 8/21/11 qop win game

how can this 8/21/11 qop win game in General Discussion
    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      by winning teamfights with the help of magnus in lategame.
      by defending highground with techies.

        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

          i think i get 18k hero damage with zeus in 18 minutes.
          you don't have cs you don't have hero damage, you don't have tower damage ( with necrobook).

          you either were afk 80% of the game or you were just as useful as qop


            19 k hero Dmg with Zeus? 80 min? How is that even possible did u Not Skill ulti?

            Mortimer Smith

              how can u be so retarded and win games?


                aghs refresher zeus with 18k damage