General Discussion

General DiscussionSTR VS AGI VS INT

STR VS AGI VS INT in General Discussion

    Strength heroes should win vs int heroes agi heroes should win vs vs strength heroes and int heroes should win vs agi heroes, like rock paper scissors.

    Do you dotobuffers think this is going in dota or this stats are beaten up by skills items etd..

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      Isn't it more complicated then that since the game is rarely based on 1 vs 1 basis.


        Well if we say certain heroes, items, builds are op why cant we look at this stats?

        Dire Wolf

          you mean do we think this is how dota works? Cus it doesn't at all, certain heroes counter other types. Like lifestealer is good vs strength heroes cus of his lifesteal but also his rage is good vs magic guys, but he's susciptible to kiting still. That makes the list of who he counters and gets countered by very confusing.

          AM is great vs medusa, but medusa can just farm a bkb and render him irrelevant, unless AM has enough hp to blink in and out and wait out bkb in which case... see what I mean?

          Some of the biggest counters are the same stat type too, like silencer vs all casters, ancient apparition vs necro. And some counters even work both ways making it even more confusing, like medusa is good vs PL cus she can clear all his illusions, but PL with diffusal blade can also burn the shit out of her mana and make her squishy.

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              ^^pl rapes medusa now that u can evade her ulti with W

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              < blank >

                Anti Mage counter INT heroes, so this won't work
                E: So do Nyx

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                  Duza > pl. Stone gaze dispells illusions, and split arrows work nice, too.


                    ^ against pl its not true since he will make them back in 1 second using q w and 50% chance of spawning illusion with his high as


                      I feel like duza is still a good counter to pl, but it's more intuitive than reasonable opinion :)

                      Dire Wolf

                        See what I mean, not an exact science at all. It's like saying void counters sniper cus he can just dive and chrono and kill him cus sniper is squishy, but at the same time if void doesn't chrono him, sniper will demolish him with headshot procs. Both can counter the other depending on the play.

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          sniper always counters void, void wouldn't just use his chrono on just sniper because he would have to jump over snipers team and chrono him solo as sniper stands back, and sniper and void both agi...

                          also yes mbe like 20 heroes counter there supposed to be counter but thats 20 of over 100 heroes.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            idk why ppl mentioning same stat heroes
                            when i said in topic STR VS AGI VS INT

                            Dire Wolf

                              Because it doesn't work that way at all, that's what we are saying, the stat doesn't matter, the specific heroes, the overall lineups matter and so does play.

                              You said str beats int, int beats agi, agi beats strength. But earthshaker a strength hero counters meepo and PL and terrorblade, all agility heroes. Tide hunter counters clinkz, bounty and riki, all agility. Qop and invoker are both quite good vs lifestaler cus they kite so well that's int over strength. Tons of other counter examples.

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                20 heroes <110


                                  Sniper does definitely not always sniper void. If the sniper was that much a problem a good void would just ult him, pop BKB, and let his team sort out the rest. Also, I wouldn't say its less than 20 heroes as that ignores things such as abyssal which melee carries get regardless of whether str or agi which allows them largely to own int heroes.
                                  So yes, I think that the stats you posted are definitely beaten out by other factors

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                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Items are big counters too, you can get silences and stuns to counter weaver or a scythe and an abyssal. You can get heroes to kite ursa but also a force staff helps a ton.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          ^ that makes seance, i guess items and skills beat the stats



                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              ^ stop posting
                                              spamming and flaming not getting you anywhere

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