General Discussion

General DiscussionI haven't played dota 2 in five days

I haven't played dota 2 in five days in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Do you think I can make it to two weeks? Isn't the old adage you have to do something every day for two weeks to form a habit? So if I don't do something for two weeks will I break a habit?

    It wasn't intentionally, basically the weekend was way too busy for me plus I was watching the NBA finals on Thursday and Sunday, the two days I would've had time for dota. I don't know if I want to quit for good but holy shit life is so much less stressful without it. Like if I lose two matches in a row I either go to bed pissed off, or play one more and win and go to bed late and am tired, or play one more and lose and go to bed pissed off and tired.


      I wanted to say the same thing, i havent played for 6 or 7 days and it feels like I am on vacation. The amount of free time you get by not playing dota is overwhelming lol


        I've been going out both weekends and met more interesting people than I have since xmas
        I believe in you OP, you and me together, we can make it to 2 weeks :highfive:

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
        Welt aus Eis

          i've recently quit for 1 month lel
          it's not hard if you have stuff to do irl

          Howard Donald

            It's all about having other things to fill the time with.

            Bad Intentions

              No no no, doto is life, life is doto. Always remember that.


                Ehh I need something to distract me from the job I do , I have seen atleast 30,000 patients over past 6 years mostly trivial stuff like runny nose/ sore throat knee pain maybe occasional instresting case.


                  It's easy, just don't play.

                  the realm's delight

                    ive quit for 3 months

                    i love u butt

                      doctor i have mers, can i get a 2 day mc?


                        i went on a 3 months break, just do something useful u can. hahaha


                          I stopped playing for about 6 months, I just had other stuff to do. Work, studying and pets.


                            look at my account and see that even with 2 weeks off... you still come back... but now you lose more D: