General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 has one of the most toxic communities in video games

Dota 2 has one of the most toxic communities in video games in General Discussion
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      ill help you.

      quote: if u dont do well in a game i could personally care less just dont say shit to other people and try to deflect blame

      quoting myself: if i dont do well

      rest of the sentence: wtf are yout alking about. you're fucking braindead! typical us educational system


        post them. shouldn't be hard to find according to you so go ahead

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            asi i said. show me i played bad pls you all mighty know it all pro american 5k mmr that got himself in his first inhouse and thinks he already knows it all

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                im really crying right now. To think you mean what you write :'(

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                  Quick maffs

                    OP, again, why do you care about things you cant control ? Do like i do, mute them, or just laught it off.

                    I am sorry but i cant understand how can someone with 1k games still be affected by flame in dota.

                    Plus, like some have said the less you flame the less you get flamed, if you ignore the flame they WILL stop.

                    By the way Benao nice job proving his point lmao


                      WOW! Just WOW! Benao has some real ego issues


                        I havent seen or met a person more arrogant than him online or irl


                          Robbin as i said if I am to mute them I am playing at a disadvantage. The words that come out of his open mic might be 99% bullshit, but that 1 % may be a call for stun in which i can actually do something to benefit the team. That is the only reason why I dont mute. There have been dire cases where i was forced to mute the guy after ensuring our team's advantage


                            Did you even take the time to analyze those games?

                            I managed to turn those games into WIN games. Do you even have db+? The least you can do is watch those gold graphs and see when shit went downhill! Did you even see the lanes? Did you even see the progress? I doubt it or you would be calling me master benao instead.


                              and you commenting my items shows how little you really understand of team composition and how game develop. Terribly narrow-minded.

                              Last picking is 4 pussies


                                Better statistic Kitrak you on the hero you abused to get to your mmr. Winning 1 game out of 5 6.84c on tinker.

                                Stop the flame you smurfed and re-calibrated on some bs and hide your original account.

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                                Look at me, Hector.
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                                    Look at me, Hector.
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                                        I like a bit of toxic in my matches. It just makes victories a lot more satisfying when the other team just can't stop saying shit at the beginning of the match then goes dead silent when we get megas and slowly win the game.

                                        Hex Sigma

                                          valid opinions kitrak i agree. Most players arent gonna go pro yet they dream.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Funny stuff, you guys should really go fight IRL.

                                            SWAG DRAGON

                                              WHAT IS UR UR PUL MADE OF ? TEARS? LOL

                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                For me it's the most toxic game that exist. LoL is much better and Csgo everyone talks on microphone so u mute them very fast.

                                                But yeah dota2 and csgo most toxic comunity.

                                                Mortimer Smith


                                                  The worst competitive comunity is Call of Duty and plrobably COD has the most ill people playing it, i never seen worst rages and worst people playing a game.

                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                    Competitive egames. Normal.


                                                      MOBAs are team games where a single bad player (or a good player having an off day) can lose the game for their team, wasting an hour of everyone's time, and where the winning team can become obvious more than half an hour before the game actually finishes. It's like MOBAs are scientifically designed to breed toxic players.


                                                        Yea, I don't get why people are so OTT agro in DotA either. I'm sure everyone has had those games where when someone on your team loses first blood people start saying "gg your a noob feeder", and then proceed to abuse the hell out of everyone else in the game. They must like losing if they think that's how you should talk to people. Man, it sure would make TI games interesting to watch if when s4 lost FB puppey just started laying into him for the rest of the game though!

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          stop whining


                                                            LOL sampson


                                                              Meh maybe I am in the minority but I don't see much point in talking shit to someone you will never meet , doesn't benefit you in any way.


                                                                Dota is designed to create a toxic community

                                                                The game forces you to stay in losing games that take 30 minutes to an hour. You are forced to rely on other people on your team not screwing up for you to enjoy yourself. You can't concede. Losing a game means your next win is meaningless (even cs go goes by round wins instead of match wins).

                                                                The game is built to make people hate each other. Anyone who thinks otherwise has their head in the sand.

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                  u flame becoz u r not beside the person

                                                                  same applies to everyone

                                                                  screw my english, i'm muting u guys


                                                                    Yea but people who go full aggro straight away are idiots. When someone does really bad I understand it because its frustrating as you are stuck in the game but some people get soooo mad and just start being keyboard warriors because of a single early mistake

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                                                                      Im the Bully of my School

                                                                        its true. i hate you and them all. not even kidding , your air is mine. joking. i like you :3 got some issue stan

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          I don't know why people have any issues in game with rage, I rarely speak negatively or flame and in turn I rarely encounter flamers in game.

                                                                          Forums on the other hand...


                                                                            hahaahahh most toxic communities xD... play more games dude


                                                                              I don't understand the "GG-ers" mentality. If it does not worth wasting 20 more minutes in a game for a 5% chance to win, why bother playing?


                                                                                finally registered on faceit today and had a much more pleasant experience (apart from the captain that let bs, sb and zeus all through for the other team...)