General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy all of these non-English speakers all of a sudden?

Why all of these non-English speakers all of a sudden? in General Discussion

    Okay, so I know this is a persistent problem, but what gives? I'm on NA West, and for about my last 10-15 games I've guaranteed had at least two non-english speakers, who play shitty builds and spam retarded shit and yell at people who are doing well when they aren't. The weird part is that the level of these players seemed to jump up just a little while ago. I'm confused, is this just me noticing it more, or are they really moving over more?


      I started Solo ranked 9 Days ago i started with 2273 and im on 3152 Now If muted all 9 players in every Single game the past 9 days and it Works pretty Well

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