General Discussion

General Discussioncreep > ta, or what the hell i'm doing wrong with my life

creep > ta, or what the hell i'm doing wrong with my life in General Discussion

    literally, two matches. went safelane, so i can test her as a decent carry.

    on first one i fed like shit, because i was on low morale and i didn't even wanted to play ta. picked her well... just for fun.
    but at second one i tried to do as more impact as i could. i don't really know what the fuck went wrong, except the fact what that bara (4800, also on dotacoach) was flaming whole fucking game.

    maybe ta is one of those heroes, which you can't really master or well... play decently. everytime i play ta is feel like being shit in 98% of my gametime, because i can't really even understand where she excels and where's her actual "effective" time, when you can get as much as you can(dps/utility).

    right now, from my (shit) opinion i can say, what ta without overfeed is a merely a creep with abilities, much like tb.




        I was going to feel pity, but then I noticed that basically all the heroes you can see in my "most played" list are creeps with abilities even when overfed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


          ^ This

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              I fully never expect to be able to play ta .

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                  I would love to play TA but i just cant, seriously. I can do the ancuent stacking, i can get a fast blink/deso with it. I know how her skills work and how to use em but i just cant do well against player, i miss my meld strike all the time unless i get 3/4 pts in it and yet i feel like i get raped all the time. Everyone says its a pubstomp player and all but for me its just a lost game.