General Discussion

General DiscussionBest shadow fiend items?

Best shadow fiend items? in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith

    I think:



      Boots of Travel/Satanic/Bkb/Butterfly/Daedalus/(hex/ac/rapier/linq depending n enemy pick)


        There is no such thing. Shadow Fiend ain't a hero for "best items".

        He's highly dependant on enemy composition and team composition.


          ^optimal build for any hero depends on picks. i guess op was talking about the most common one.

          Livin' Real Good

            ^ Yeah probably, everyones trying to learn Shadow Fiend nowadays i see, he's really rising in popularity. "If you can't play SF, then who are you!?" Is what's happening now. Shi..... I was thinking about practicing him again anyways.

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              a good build for this meta, and a safe build > pt>meka>bkb>dagger(or dagger before bkb depends on game)>skadi>situational.
              a build for easy sf, who will not die and still do fair amount of damage


                this meka sf meta makes me want to cry


                  Just make dagon..


                    dagon five, blink, refresher, 3 rapiers = gg ez


                      why is meka made on sf? I never understood. He can be burst down so fkn easily. How the fuck is he a legit meka carrier? Is it bcuz he has to be in the centre of everything to pull off his ulti?

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        Mek is for early pushing and teamfighting. It's good on most mids that have the mana to use it, since you can farm it fast enough. In uncoordinated games I'm not sure if it's that viable though, but it gives good ehp for its price. 340 hp and almost 6 armour (with another +2 from the active).

                        If you get bursted down without using your mekansm you probably don't have your team around you anyways. As 5 it's easier to survive, since you have backup dancers.

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                          mek on sf is bad
                          headress on pa is good



                            Pretty much because he farms fast and he's good pusher.

                            wasted penguinz

                              i go bottle stick drums yasha into whatever ... keeping it oldschool


                                ^Drums was never a thing on sf really

                                Also +1 for hairdress on PA


                                  i think we all agree

                                  mek on sf is bad
                                  headress on pa is good


                                    one of my stack friend swears by sny to be the best sf item, not much of an sf player myself but its worked for me too^^

                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                      don't forget no razes and no dagger. Fuck nukes.


                                        I think going bkb first item is a huge loss of farming tool and should only be rushed if you are 100% sure to need it by like 10-15min. Shadow fiend is the kind of hero that has no real item that is "core" on him. Hes so versatile in his item choice. You can go eul for easy ult combo one shot and helps farm better with mana regen and movement speed. You can go blink if you have another blink initiator for ez ult again like magnus/axe. Blink also helps you farm quicker and push lane safly pass the river. Mek, i never tried it but it works in the pro scene so heh.

                                        Midas imo is a waste.


                                        Is a game i went safelane because unique wanted to go mid. Sf safelane is legit because this patch promotes coming online fast so i got a quick shadowblade and ganked like a slark after in their jungle. We stomped them but thats also a way to play him.