General Discussion

General DiscussionWould you rather be a jack of all trades or a good role player?

Would you rather be a jack of all trades or a good role player? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    In terms of non pro ranked pub gaming, would you rather play and counter pick by using multiple heroes or just rather focus on your team solidify your role? thoughts?

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        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

          For my experience as a 5k player, being a flexible player is much crucial as this bracket of players (5k-6k) mostly have high ego and doesn't give way to play support roles. Being flexible and filling the roles that the team lack is prominent in winning the game as you wouldn't want a hard carry player in your team to play support in a high lvl game. Not to mention the dissatisfaction from the player causing internal conflict. No matter how good you are at a certain role , there is physical limitation and you will find yourself not winning games after hitting certain degree of mmr, in other words you are outclassed. Probably for trash-low tier you could focus on your preferred roles.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I mostly play everything and gotta say it's a lie when people say they can't play support.


              Haha Sam go to 2k mmr and you will See that there are guys that definitly cant play Support

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Everything comes with time. Obviously if you don't ever play support you won't ever learn, but everyone can learn all roles if they give enough time to it.


                  I Know guys that Played 2k games and still got less than 500 mmr they think 1k is pro... That guys will never learn to play anything serious


                    For me, I'd like to solidify my ability to play one role first before going to the next. Now that I am really comfortable playing support (having played it for 90% of my games), I'll probably start to practice the carry role.

                    Player 103543943

                      Role playing is great fun =)


                        Im playing any role, but got my primary one (offlane).
                        However, I see a lot of 5k+ players who just cant handle anything except their main role (which is most often mid or carry), so when such people meet in one team, a disaster happens.

                        Big Daddy C

                          If you can play 1 role extremely well, it's not much effort to learn a few heroes really well for all roles to be more flexible.

                          Welt aus Eis

                            obviously being good at a role is a lot better than being mediocre with everything