General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is how to PLAY Broodmother - watch and LEARN

This is how to PLAY Broodmother - watch and LEARN in General Discussion

    Match ID: 1495092301

    KDA: 13-1-1
    Deaths: least of all 10 players
    CS: higest of all 10 players
    Spree: beyond golike
    HD: second highest of all 10 players
    TD: higest of all 10 players
    GPM: higest of all 10 players
    XPM: higest of all 10 players

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      its the s4 factor.

      blink on brood looks cool tho.


        S OpieOP got carried


          Why are you talking about s4 if there is relentless on enemy team

          NextStep ®

            ^ LOL



              his main, at around 6.5k, pretty ez

                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                  we need more of these watch and learn threads , your's are almost as good as meta designer's ones.

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      this is nowhere near serious and rather a reference :D

                      I want to be a meta designer too! I carried team 1v5, i told team they should take rune from enemy mid but they werent listening!
                      Just watch the replay and learn. Don't tell me you already know EVERYTHING. Please don't.
                      The green graph is more or less completely due to my play. But my team feed and fail to use the space I created for them.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        pretty nasty brood.


                          s4 master of assists


                            Will watch this one, thanks!

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                Man what was wagner thinking putting walcot to the field that early?


                                  Blink is mostly used as gap closer as during later of the stages you need to make sure you pick off hero-X right of the bat as long as your bkb is up. The higher the tier of play the more likely people are going to reserve certain spells for certain heroes, E.G. Silencer ult for Enigma BH. Basically you do the same just that you wait for certain heroes to get in sight and take them out. This game didnt really show this however if this game would have went another 5 min it surely would have paid off and won the game.

                                  @Woohoo lets go
                                  No,no this is diamond league! top 1% percentile

                                  s4 is an angel

                                  He wasnt thinking!

                                  PLEASE watch the replay BEFORE you say that this was very good or just good.

                                  OK i am going to try to explain my self.

                                  1. I am not trying to impress anyone in this forum.
                                  2. I have no idea what autism has to do with this
                                  3. I am interested in discussing the play style and build. After all this forum is for discussing Dota and not stuff like autism.
                                  4. People usually start to flame and report when I go mid with Riki offlane with brood. And then they come offlane also and make it a useless dual lane. Not saying dual offlane always is bad. Sometimes it owns depending on picks. And I want to play Riki mid offlane brood without my team going full retard.
                                  5. Many people have said I am 2k. I like to prove them wrong. Not to impress them.

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                    @Арка do you help out mid when you play Brood like Zai does?


                                      It depends really on the game, and time. You have to be aware that brood is a complete different hero when played in a random pub and in a competetive game. In pub you rather focus on winning offlane and starve the enemy out, whilst in "real games" you try to globally contribute.

                                      In general if T1 is down i try to Net the jungle and create a path to midlane so I can if shit hits the fan join quickly. If you play dire it is way easier and more effective. Also if I have a fast item pickup such as dagon i usually try to translate it into a towerkill for the midlane


                                        I can release a few VoDs with new brood if anyone wants


                                          i got to play with zai instead, afterwards i checked his stream and he was saying on stream that they were all jetlag'd :p

                                          and yeah fucking shit didnt even say thx after giving him freefarm the whole game! wish i got s4 ;(

                                          didnt notice it was him until i checked dotabuff for some stats.


                                            I didnt recognize it was s4 right off the bat either, took me like 20+ minutes. I recognized the nick and avatar and i figured it was a pro but couldnt check steam profile :D.

                                            Well you dont have to say thanks or sorry. I always say by the end of the game the mandatory gg and "wp tim" in allied chat and thats pretty much a sign that i enjoyed the time with them, not really a thanks but still a not bad either :p


                                              Lol poor Meta Designer.. putting his threads to shame


                                                LOL I dont play for one week and there is allready new meta for Broodmother. :D

                                                GG WP. Well done. This is what I like to see in this forum :)
                                                Interesting discussions about how to develop the meta.
                                                It is much more fun then reading an endless stream of hate and opinions about who has autism and why autism is bad for Dota.

                                                Once again, thank you for this positive initiative!

                                                Hugs and kisses for you :)


                                                  go FUUCK yourself



                                                    Give me skype and watch me... then I will do it. Promise...



                                                      Care to explain why I should be ashamed?