General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Nice fighting tinker build. You had the most hero damage by far while creating space for your sven to farm.

    You should try farming alot as tinker aswell while taking fights when youre able to. Youre a tinker, you can be involved in fights almost instantly straight from farming.


      Nice support silencer but i dont like ur item build with orchid
      the other item is already correct but ur orchid i think its not good,u have global silence bro

      in brief, its good


        no idea about how puck works but i think u did fine


          Great efficient last hitting. Easy laning phase (Lion safelane, amiright?). Good split pushing resulting in high TD. Once you get fat, you're unstoppable.


            Ez stomp from the start


              Ez stomp from the middle

              doc joferlyn simp

                Ez stomp from the offlane


                  Good HD and farm. Same number of LH as your jugg with Battlefury so well done!


                    Nice HD, Almost as good as the enemy carry and that with Silencer. Gj m8 well done!

                    Swap Commends

                      Nice phoenix win rate.Nice HD.good cumback.But why aghs? shiva or veil was a better choice imo.


                        i think ur BS already good,gj m8 u did fine :)


                          Won alchemist game with over 900 gpm, highest hero damage even though u didnt kill much and highest tower damage. I bet u rat it, u did well as alchemist i rarely play with good alchemist.


                            U guys were winning from minute 5 onwards so pretty much a stompy game, Good HD with spec while farming mostly and your time prob made alot of space for you. gj keep it up


                              aether lens is bad on wd

                              Gyatt Hunter

                                why do you have to abandon your games mate sad :(


                                  DUDE TRIPLE RADIANCE LMAO


                                    great support and tt green page , jealouss


                                      Looks like you were given space to farm, and did what AMs do which is split push. You had almost the exact same building damage as hero damage, which tells me you didn't take as many opportunities to get involved in fights that were going on. However, when your DP plays like she did, no need.


                                        Long game. You had the best KDA on your team as a support silencer so well done.

                                        You had a decent amount of hero damage so you mustve done well in teamfights. Managed to get your dusa nice and fat even though her build was slightly odd.

                                        overall well played.

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          Okay-ish KDA you got carried by the Juggernaut but I guess you were the one somewhat pushing seeing as you have the second highest TD. Good job maintaining your advantage in the game and ending it early, although if the game did drag on for an hour that would've been an interesting match since the possibility of an enemy wombo combo will always be present and what would happen next, the comeback mechanics will decide from there.

                                          A win is a win, and you saw the true way to winning. GJ


                                            tough game it looked like. idk about am and riki sharing a lane, but good job split pushing while the riki carried. a win is a win

                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                              Typical riki being an annoying fuck. :D

                                              I can’t believe its not h...

                                                I Believe they gave up pretty fast due to your team stomping them with 5 cores, which is not that good line up. 200lh on enemy. I dont like good timbers enemy teams 😭 Wp

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                  great kda on oracle, i would like to be able to perform on that hero like u did.
                                                  good hero damage too, long game but in the end u did it:)


                                                    Good hero damage
                                                    Decent farm. Could maybe have a few more LH but you did well.

                                                    Overall Well played.


                                                      Ez low prio game.
                                                      Items are not great but dmg is ok
                                                      Juggernaut stomps with aghs

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                      herald rank prodigy

                                                        Well, it was a low priority game where you didnt do that much to win anyways. Decent tower dmg.


                                                          Slark stomp. Unfair game with leaver gold advange. Luckily it was unranked


                                                            Easy stomp, lucky that Gyro didn't drag you down to a losed game.

                                                            ☪ Burnajew ☭

                                                              no problems into winning that game, best timber ever lol


                                                                Nice hero damage by your team except for Naga. Dafuq was she doing that she had such low damage with radiance and low tower damage.

                                                                Otherwise well played on making rubick abandon you filthy slark picking smurf!
                                                                4Head PogChamp

                                                                Swap Commends

                                                                  Noob huskar,PA and lancer.That's how u won.Grats.


                                                                    You didn't farm enough as a core. Plus, you need mobility. 30 min aether lens is not what you want.

                                                                    Zeus was a bad pick. He shouldn't offlane.

                                                                    fear is the mind killer

                                                                      Good slark, so many cores in your team rofl


                                                                        You bullies the rubrick too much, why all the hate on supports T.T

                                                                        pretty good positioning, and nice pressure on the enemy in most teamfights, but someone in your team really ought to have bought more wards. only 6 wards the entire game?

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          Classic timber stomping str heroes match, good job maintaining the momentum throughout the duration of the game and ending it fast when you had the chance. Although your team does look very good late game better safe than sorry amirite?


                                                                            You must be very tilted after your last game... You did well, mybe your whole team should have been more agressive and other cores more effective in farming - especially Sven

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              ^Can't tilt because of bad players, too many of those in SEA it would just be a waste of time. Still disappointing to see all the space you created for your carries go to waste though.

                                                                              Skip me.


                                                                                don't die 7 times.

                                                                                win game.


                                                                                  Shadow fiend did a good job pooping on alc in mid it looks like.

                                                                                  And im assuming the pesky riki did a good job making pa afk most of the game.

                                                                                  Solid game plan


                                                                                    actually i raped every lane lul.

                                                                                    btw if u have 500 invoker games and ur still normal skill, u should consider changing heroes.

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                      Well considering i have a 58% win rate with him, plus took 2 years off from dota and sucked horribly when i first got back, id say im doing alright.

                                                                                      Doesnt the wr say the opposite of what you said?


                                                                                        WR? I don't play her. lol

                                                                                        If you were good at invoker you wouldn't be in normal skill. Invoker can EASILY 1v5 in normal skill if you were good at him.

                                                                                        Even at 4k+ a good invoker can 1v5 games.


                                                                                          Wr in this case meant win rate brohemian. I havent spammed invoker in a while, but i have been basically 1v5ing in my recent games


                                                                                              Good Game. U did your job and your carries winning the game. Your team also lack disable.but u done pull it off

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                Again i dont get what wind ranger has to do with this.



                                                                                                  Im not saying im good or anything, just that if i did spam invoker again i could for sure get to high skill.

                                                                                                  I spent too much time playing heroes that are fun but i suck at in ranked i think.

                                                                                                  If you want to coach me, by all means im down


                                                                                                    im confused how you are replying to my deleted comment literally 30 minutes after i deleted it.