General Discussion

General Discussionmorphling is shit-carry?

morphling is shit-carry? in General Discussion

    yes/no, explanations pls.

    (based on this: )

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      I dont get this. Why do people tend to judge carries by someones play style, match scores.. Its about who you match em with and how you build em. I personally find playing carry morph very relaxing and fun.

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          Pretty sure you lost the game because meepo fed.

          Morphling is a great late game carry in a meta that doesnt support late game.


            Another question, now that Adaptive Strike has a projectile, how is support Morph faring? Aghanim's looks pretty strong on him if coordinated well.

            Hey, I'm running out of supports to play, I more or less stopped with the ones in my top list. Silencer and Undying were becoming my go-to supports, but it feels kind of asshole-ish to pick them now.

            Low Expectations

              ^Its still shit, it needs tons of time to be effective, morphling overall atm is only good as mid i think

              Low Expectations

                ^^have you tried tuskar?

                Misery Wizard

                  3 heroes with single target spells all aimed at decreasing your dps,(excluding AM's utl), yet you build manta first, and you continue building into stats.(Frostwolf skull?)

                  Morph needs some defense to push him into late game (35mins+). Rushing Linkens and/or BKB will help you win more.

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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      You can't judge a hero by only one game. Last game I really wrecked with him, but that doesn't mean he is good every game.


                        situational and rarely viable


                          Well i always go for that linken since it gives a nice mana regen pool. Then after that either sy or manta. Then i go for skadi. Most of the time i do this. But when there is a heavy magic team i skip the linken and go for the bkb. Tbh i only purchased bkb once since i my paths only crossed with a heavy magic team once. Most of the times linken is good. I dont like doing the shot gun build. It is nice to get a butterfly as well if your opponent havent gotten a mkb and not preferable mkb carrier. Its always nice to force them to carry that.

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                            my morphling BibleThump
                            imo he's best played mid with a bottle, he has good early game potential if you have a level advantage


                              I don't play morphling but it seems like could have more cs/farm by splitpushing since they had no real lockdown (apart from AM Abyssal, later on).