General Discussion

General DiscussionList of tips & tricks for playing mid lane

List of tips & tricks for playing mid lane in General Discussion

    I play mostly mid in my games. My MMR is around 4-4.4k. I would be glad if you share some tips & tricks to playing mid. My list :

    1. If u want to get faster lvl 3 than ur enemy, let the range creep go first when blocking.
    2. Creep agro has 500 units radius & 2sec cooldown, so u can harass people without taking aggro if u right click them outside of 500 range.
    3. There is a spot on the left side from tier 3 tower in Radiant. People call it RTZ's block. Standing there at 0:00 mark will make ur all creeps walk the same path, which will result in better block.
    4. If you're not sure if u get a rune have a chick ready for bottle crow.
    5. Use key binds for runes to check them faster.
    6. If u have favorable match up focus on denies over last hits.
    7. Use speed burst from courier when your bottle is coming back to base, so it's not slowed.
    8. Shift queue courier when u bottle crow.
    9. At 40sec mark u can go to the jungle to stack big camp if u play the hero with good stack clearing abilities (Storm, Tinker, SF etc.). It will accelerate your farm.
    10. Check the minimap, if creeps are near enemy's tower on their safe lane it probably means supports are pulling, so you're safe. If creeps are near your offlaner's tower & u don't see supports they might be ganking you.
    11. When u get lvl 6-7 get a tp scroll to counter gank.

    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

      Pull Creep aggro, then position yourself between your creeps and the enemy hero for optimal zoning capabilities.


        How do bind keys to check runes?



          bind "F4" "dota_camera_setpos -2273.898682 1232.745483" // Top Rune
          bind "F5" "dota_camera_setpos 3035.773438 -2972.680176" // Bot Rune


            but i used f4 and f5 for meepo 4 and 5 :D


              Thx bro