General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is how to PLAY Broodmother - lesson number 2

This is how to PLAY Broodmother - lesson number 2 in General Discussion

    The exitment is at its climax and I know what you all are thinking...

    What will the next post be about?

    How much longer do we have to wait?

    Can we have some drumbeat?

    Ofcourse you can... you are all so nice now I just love you <3


      baka about 11 hours ago
      if u a grill at least show pics, kappa


        ^tits or gtfo? kappa


          Guys, in previous threads I told you that I am very well educated and have read a lot of books and so on. For example, I studied a university course with this name "Social Psychology: Group Dynamics and Conflict Management".

          This was one of the textbooks I read in this course.

          It really does describe every little group process going on in this forum - especially when a significant part of this forum as an GROUP starts to flame me and so on in my threads. I read all about it and I know how it works. It is human biology to behave and react in this way so therefore I see no reason to take it personally, which I have tried to tell you so many times by saying "I don’t care about your insults". I don’t even judge you much since I know that you can't help this and you are doing it based on your own specific understanding of the reality.

          Here, watch this famous scientific experiment on this topic and see what you can recognize from this forum. In the course I am talking about, we even watched this exact movie during one of the lectures with the entire class. Me myself see many similarities between this experiment and this forum. But it is on two completely different levels of course.

          That is the group dynamics part. Since I studied conflict management as a second part of the course I know exactly why you are getting mad at me and how to make you mad whenever I want. After some "getting-to-know-you-time-first" of course.

          This is the definition of conflict that they teach in this course I am talking about:

          Desire + Blocking = Conflict

          Important: do notice that according to this definition, there can be a conflict even if only one or no one are aware of the desires or blockings.

          Three examples from this forum:

          [We at Dotabuff want noobs to NOT post stupid things in this forum (you even said it yourselves many of you)] + [I come here and post this kind of stuff (in your opinion, I don’t agree with that)] = conflict in every thread I make

          [we want to be treated like we are important pro Dota players] + [I come here and call you mean low life trash or whatever and absolutely don’t show you any respect at all (since you didn’t show me respect in the first place)] = conflict

          [We don’t want noobs to come here and brag about their games] + [I start threads in this forum telling you to learn from my games] = conflict

          You see. I know how life works. I can learn you so many things that you can benefit from. I am both older and more educated then probably anyone of you. PhD degrees don’t count in my opinion since you are getting paid while getting them.

          If you want a happy life then trust me and do these four following steps:

          Here, go read this book and start loving yourself and make yourself more or less immune to insults

          Here, go read this book and start love other people

          Here, go read this book and start making friends with other people

          Here, go read this book and start to avoid and solve conflicts (sorry, it probably only exist in Swedish but it is probably the best book on Conflict Management there is in Sweden)

          Why do I do this?
          1. I think it is fun
          2. I want to make the world a better place
          3. I want to make the entire Dota community a better place - not only this forum - since then it will be more fun for ME to play Dota :)

          PS. I am sorry about all the mean things I wrote in other threads during the weekend. It was because two very stressfull things happened to me IRL during Friday last week. I just did let out my anger and frustration about this IRL stuff into the forum. Sorry.

          PS2. Now I am going out to get some paid for massage from a cute and sweet student. See you all later this evening Central European Time.


            are trying to sell us bad builds on purpose so you can have better games?
            if so, that's evil as fuck


              you talk about this forum as if it is 1 fat dude.

              i never said i hate noobs or anything, or don't want them to post.
              i like noobs, they lose me games all the time.

              and btw idk why a supposedly 32 year old woman with no mental issues would want to argue with the population of a forum of a video game designed for lets say "people under 30"


                oh and btw idk how you can make someone mad, some builds of yours are hilarious.

                i often do hilarious builds myself, but in my case they work out quite well


                  no offense to fat people <3

                  Giff me Wingman


                    Also he is a 14 year old fat kid that got bullied out of his school, he's not a fucking 32 year old.

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      ^ *she you cis scum


                        "PhD degrees don’t count in my opinion since you are getting paid while getting them." Why does it matter if you are getting paid or not?



                          1) I am a noob and post here pretty often, Most of the time people are nice to me, so that's not the reason they are flaming you
                          In fact I would say they do because you are noob and have ARROGANCE, noone likes arrogance, especially when you are noob.

                          2) If anyone calls you trash you're not going to like it, wanna be pro or not. Do you feel good about yourself when you call others trash... yes some will just ignore the insult, but still who want's someone on a forum calling every second guy trash, it's lame

                          Basically you troll, and people get annoyed with you. Yes you can claim you know human nature and blah blah but anyone could tell you how people will react when you be the biggest idiot that the forum has ever seen.

                          Honestly I avoid your posts and it's annoying to see them all on front page, and I promise not to post on a thread of yours again.

                          plz do

                            Once this guy realizes that its not all a big conspiracy to make him miserable, he will relax. So far his posts and "our" replies are something between butthurt, boring and popcorn.
                            Also if u want to make this forum a better place, take Bad Intentions as an example who makes threads worth an immortal everyday on db forum. On the contrary, u have started preaching jesus in a way serving urself only.

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                            plz do

                              wp @crudude


                                ^ actually this is a conspiracy to make meta designer feel as bad as possible. you can read about it on the secret board.

                                Quick maffs


                                  There are some noobs here ( like me ) but you have to understand that we know nothing about the game in comparison with the 5k 6k players of this forum, if they tell you that your build is trash then just listen to them, ask them why if you want but be aware that their opion is worth more than yours.

                                  Not everyone is being disrespectful but you keep replying like you are being attacked by everyone, if someone sounds a bit harsh its just the way this kind of forum are, dont take it personally.

                                  I mean look at your avatar and your nickname, I feel like i am being trolled by just replying at you.

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                    To many comments. Didnt read a single one. Maybe next week.

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      I can TL:DR it for you:
                                      You suck, noone cares, StFu


                                        This guy is totally gonna be a serial killer one day.


                                          ^lmao this cracked me up :D

                                          Mortimer Smith

                                            2 much hate


                                              Yeah I aggree. Whey to much hate for even this forum. But on the other hand they just help proving that what I write is true.

                                              But that guy that has thoughts abot serial killers in his mind - he feels scary to me.


                                                Spelled no one. Even I know that.


                                                  Hmm, are you guys sure you wana dropp this thread allready?

                                                  I was just about starting to enjoy this forum, and then you just stop hating me... :(

                                                  But perhaps you all are busy reading one of the books I told you to read. That is way better for you so I dont blame anyone for not posting any more comments here.

                                                  Take care :)


                                                    doesnt bumping your own thread feel like doing a bj to urself, eh?

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt


                                                        No, why would it? I like to masturebate so bumping this thread is not really a very big difference to me imo. ;)


                                                        If you are this sure... why not help a retard like my self and explain it to me? Maybe some other people who needs this advice also will read this...

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                            i still dno't get why threads made by people with sub 50% win rate + 3k mmr get so many replies

                                                            just ignore them u stupid f@gg*tz

                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                              i mean, doesn't anyone else see a problem when dotabuff keeps banning people who flame other users but provide lots of entertainment (like wave) but 3k mouthbreathers keep posting their shit without repercussions

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