General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i play razor?

how do i play razor? in General Discussion

    2k mmr opinion: he's shitweak, really bad safelane carry who can do zero damage wthout linking.
    basically - without link he's worthless.

    i got no idea when should i go fighting with him, nor i got zero idea what should i do in this game while i'm playing this hero.

    help pls, i got flamed for like entire game for building complete shit on him.


      Your items are acceptable. That desolator is a bit questionable with little physical damage on your team. I usually get a drum so as to keep the static link going during fights.


        In low MMR tier, below are my thoughts:

        1. Pick razor when
        - enemy has either: PA, BB, Pudge

        2. If enemy has melee safe lane carry, go offlane and lane against him

        3. When playing offlane, max link and movement speed.

        4. When playing mid, max 1st skill and link, put 1 level in move speed

        5. Avoid this combo during clash and there's a lot of enemy creeps
        - link then plasma field then ulti... Your ult will be hitting creeps for the most part of it.
        Better, link then right click then plasma field until no more low hp creeps

        6. Items? I still follow the old razor meta.
        - treads, mekansm, scepter, HoT/butterfly
        - if someone can carry mekans, go drums or S&Y


          skill-build: 1-2-0 or 1-1-1 or 0-2-1 depending on lane. Transit to 1-3-1-1 regardless of lane. Max link then passive, ult whenever possible. You may want to alternate between plasma and passive depending on "feel", i.e. whether you need the extra ms or not. Link is ridiculously strong from lvl 7 to 12 with lifesteal. Just 3 second of link is enough at that point to wreck havoc.

          item-build: power thread or phase depending on enemies' mobility. Power thread is the better choice normally. Follow-up with lifesteal (HOTD) and SnY. Buy blademail and/or HH if needed. Optional BKB as always.

          Follow-up with agha, HOT, skadi, MKB, crit depending on game. Refresher only when it come to very late game. DO NOT rush agha-refresher.

          This should help you all the way till 3.5k at least. Go play 30 games of razor and come back for more advice when you have a better idea and/or reach 3.5k.


            Is there anything to going mid and just maxing link at level 4/5? And just keep the enemy from last hitting at all?somewhata like babe mid with enfeeble?


              It depends on enemies' attack range. Razor hates to be out-ranged.

              Bad Intentions

                U need to have a manly mentality to play razor effectively.

                Dire Wolf

                  Build phase boots over treads, way better. Max plasma field but don't spam it cus you'll go oom.

                  For safe lane max plasma field, then link, maybe 1 point in current as needed. Building phase will make it far easier to last hit and if enemy gets slightly out of position you can link and keep up with them so it steals a ton more dmg. With just treads they can usually break link easily. Aquila is fine, then straight up rush aghs. Don't build him to be a right clicker. After aghs you can go s&y, good move speed, more hp, good debuff, then build refresher. With just aghs, refersher, s&y you can 1v1 carries with a ton more items. You can go yasha before aghs if you need more move speed but with unstable current and phase you'll be pretty fast.

                  For mid same thing but get a bottle asap. Then you can spam plasma field and push enemy mid out of lane and maybe kill them if they underestimate the dmg. Remember to move around so it hits them twice at max length.

                  Mek is also a very good razor item but I think it delays aghs a bit too much and I don't like using mana on it. But build it if you want after boots and aquila.

                  I don't recommend building him as right click as aghs + refresher is tons of teamfight/hero dmg and tons of tower dmg, but if you were deso is still shitty. Go AC and butterfly.