General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on lood seeker

Tips on lood seeker in General Discussion

    I never tried playing blood seeker since his skill set seemed like a noob hero, but he seems kinda strong right now so wanted to give him a shot, I wanna know what the general strat/ game plan should be, I can look up items in guides but feel free to inform me of those as well but mostly wanna know what I should be aiming for at each stage of the game. PS I wanna play him mid

    anything shorter

      Pretty flexible in terms of item choices. A lot of people tend to go S&Y on him, but I'm not a fan. Realistically, there are two areas of deficient you need to address for him. Survivability and damage. Everything else he really takes care of himself. So items I like to see are things like Blade Mail (obvious reasons).

      This actually deals with your damage requirements early game, but then a lot of people tend to keep on building damage. I like to get a Heart on him just to tank up and then go for some more damage.

      What is even more fun to do is get Force Staff and force people to move under your ult. It only does around 350 Pure at max Ult but it's nice for dealing with someone like Huskar who is always going to be dropping low around you. Radiance with BM if you're superfed is always funny. What I'd really recommend about Force Staff at the moment over something like a yasha is that Force is a very good ganking item. Ganks matter a lot more than farm at the moment with the nerfs to creep bounties. idk. it's not like I main the guy or play at a high skill lvl.

      Other ppl will probably have better advice.


        silver edge over s&y


          Never buy Heart on any hero. You are welcome.


            ^not even on pudge
            not even on axe
            not even on ursa

            and the list goes on


              "PS I wanna play him mid"

              Some of the most popular mids like QoP/lina/SS will prob make it really hard to lane


                Bloodseeker destroys QoP mid, if played properly.


                  IMO Blade Mail -> Skadi is a good build
                  Consider Maelstrom if you are getting a lot of farm
                  Silver Edge is good as well for the disable of passives


                    with skadi's buildup made harder you're probably better off building sny first instead. plus sny into yasha + silver edge is a good buildup on a lot of gankers. skadi should rarely be a first or second major item on most heroes.


                      boots > blademail > phase boots > sny > bkb
                      sny is a lot better than silver edge on bs

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