Idk. This hero is just too good. Probably it's cuz not many people know how to properly play the hero.
I think it should be played offlane, and then you shouldnt care about your teammates, just buy mango and spam your E at 1000 range
It's probably something to do with disruption sometimes hurting the team if the SD is new to the hero and just uses it whenever. SD has always had very low winrate in pubs, and it's not improved much the last patches.
He shouldn't typically be picked solo-Q without team communication or if you don't really know how to use him. In the group I play with we had one fellow who was new to the hero and he would Disrupt the enemy hero who our group was initiating on or sometimes he'd disrupt them just as we were getting close to killing them and give the enemy team enough time to get together and push us off. Still a great hero imoh. He delivers a fantastic laning phase and can often secure First Blood.
Kinda happy that more people don't use him, gives me one of those supports with a great map presence that takes people by surprise.
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It's op plz nerf.