General Discussion

General Discussion3k and 5k mmr players got nearly same game knowlege? ( Relentless sai...

3k and 5k mmr players got nearly same game knowlege? ( Relentless said so ) Thoughts? in General Discussion

    Even I like this guy very much I can`t agree with anything that he is saying about dota. He also said that 3k and 5k only difference is that 5k are faster at reactions but game knowlege is same and that 3ks knows items for heroes and everything like 5k just 5k are faster.....

    You are wrong my Relentless buddy I played with you few days ago a party match and you did so many mistakes and game non-sense stuff and all of these mistakes has nothing to do with reflexes and speed is just poor knowlege and understading of the game.

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        You can't generalize that. Yes, there certainly are some 3ks who know more about game then some 5ks. But their execution sucks.

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            yah^ so far 3 ppl say 3k mmr ppl know more then 5k its confirmed.
            5k is shit now, 3k new meta.


              "Some" means anything these days?

              Quick maffs

                3ks makes me want to cry

                and to punch a baby


                  Game knowledge =! mechanics, awareness, can win games

                  you can know all spell interactions/item builds/competitive history etc, but if you are bad at decision making and mechanics you lose games and you will be low mmr.


                    Didn't Relentless mention that he works for NASA?

                    You wouldn't trust a scientist?

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      GUYS CALM DOWN, its has been confirmed 3k > 5k.
                      Deal with it, its 6.84 things change.
                      Even NASA ran tests to confirm it

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                        I ran out of words which doesn't happen often, but this guy really made me rethink all of my arguments, cause even the dumbest one was still way too smart for him. I'm literally speechless.

                        p.s. how can someone be that deluded, ofc every bracket is the same and 3k players are good enough to play ti right?

                        the realm's delight

                          autism detected


                            sometimes i play party with 3k, and if they go mid or carry i want to buy anal cream


                              Isn't Blunt 6k?


                                I think game knowledge can only take you so far. I am a 3k player and I would be willing to bet I know as much about Dota 2 as almost any 5k player. I think mechanics, decision making, positioning, reaction time, hero choices, and item choices separate 5k from 4k and 3k players respectively. The biggest of those things being the first 3. Mechanics, decision making, and positioning are the most important things in this game and are the hardest to master.


                                  3k struggle with item choices a lot, really mate, to get to 4k you can play with one hand, there was some handicapped guy who had like 4600-4700 mmr playing with one hand.

                                  all you need is to understand why something is happening and how to deal with it


                                    ive tech megapenis 5k strats but he keeps feeding
                                    hes not slow

                                    hes brain isnt functioning well

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      Slow brain but has "SAME GAME KNOWLEGE"


                                        SAME EXACTLY THE SAME

                                        CAN'T WIN

                                          How is my brain masterFyyq?


                                            at least ur brain is working compared to megapenis brain :D

                                            hes on army now thank god time to go distinguished on cs go:D


                                              poor guy i talked to him right before army :'(


                                                ^^ gg time to get rekt in real life mr megapenis


                                                  What's megapenis?


                                                    Ofc 3k's have the same game knowledge and thats why they cant even build their heroes right and get proper items that would win them majority of games alone. Fact - 3k's know shit about how to win the game and they have no clue what they're doing. Even if you are better mechanically or at positioning, still you will throw the game without good decision making. Game knowledge is a lot more then just knowing items and spells.

                                                    elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                      it's not one single thing that separates 3ks from 5ks
                                                      it is ur overall ability to win more often than u lose
                                                      there are both skillful and skill-less ways to accomplish this
                                                      the biggest difference i would say between 3ks and 5ks is ability to farm efficiently

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        some ppl dont know trollerinos or megapeneses

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          6k player looking for gf where did u get that name from?

                                                          elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                                            i was watching 1k mmr games and people had a decent enough idea for which items and skills to get

                                                            CAN'T WIN

                                                              Yeah 3k are just a bit slow, they cant dodge pudge hooks, so they stuc in their lvls, but when u are a men (5k) the hooks and other stuns can be avoided ez, so you get yor mmr.


                                                                i know a lot of 3k players who follow item/skill guides

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  lol, thought u got it from bessa and u did XD

                                                                  CAN'T WIN

                                                                    5k knowledge in the end.

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      when you think of shit like skill interactions, how items work, and neutral behavior, 3ks probably know all of that. That's a very large part of dota knowledge

                                                                      stuff they dont know is usually decision making, positioning, and how creep/tower aggro works, as well as how to play support

                                                                      NextStep ®

                                                                        MMR = abilities to win games
                                                                        Knowledge ≠ abilities


                                                                          My thoughts are that you are making all this threads to make people forget as soon as possible it took you more than a year of tryharding to accomplish your goal of from 4k to 5k.

                                                                          Shots fired.

                                                                          CAN'T WIN

                                                                            3k players blame me 4 times cuz i build mom on juggernaut

                                                                            "NEVER BUY MOM ON JUGGENAUT U REARD"
                                                                            "U DIDNT KNOW SKADI AND MOM DOESNT STACK, NOOOOOOB"
                                                                            "DONT GO BLINK AFTER MIN 11!!"

                                                                            3k itembuilds.
                                                                            2/3 axes without blink dagger = 5k knowledge
                                                                            99/100 centaurs without blink = 6k knowledge
                                                                            Puck rushing dagon = 10k knowledge
                                                                            Jugg mom+aghs =5k knowledge
                                                                            Dont buy boots if u are rushing a radiance i seen it on 4k too...
                                                                            Chen midas
                                                                            WD, CM, DP, RIKI with shadowblade=19k knowledge.


                                                                              anyways you cant generalize like that, people at 3k mmr are different, as well as at 5k.
                                                                              not to mention that this statement sounds rather weird to me and contradicts my experience. dunning-kruger summonned.


                                                                                Game knowledge isn't the same as skill and execution.

                                                                                A head coach for a professional football or Basketball team has a shit ton of game knowledge, but often times never reached pro level play themselves.

                                                                                Pretty basic concept bogi.


                                                                                  3ks have zero knowleadge. If u have knowleadge ur not 3k. By knowleadge I don't mean stuff like Axe has 10sec cd on Call etc. Real knowleadge is about decision making. When I was 3k I thought I had good knowleadge, but then I got coached by 5-6k players & I've noticed how many things I didn't know.

                                                                                  CAN'T WIN

                                                                                    did blunt coached u?


                                                                                      I have watched Blunt's stream and i can say that he is far better than many 6k players. He is 3k because bad teammates.


                                                                                        explains why I'm still playing good even though I'm drunk as fuck

                                                                                        CAN'T WIN

                                                                                          I remember first time to try to play drunk af, i puked over my destkop.



                                                                                            they THINK but they are so fucking way off


                                                                                              IDK if the difference in game knowledge is actually that big between 3 & 5ks it seems like implementing it and mechanical skill are where the real skill difference is. That's not to say that there wont be 3ks whos issue is that they have little game knowledge, but Its not like 5ks have spent any more time looking things up on the wiki or seeing how things work in game.


                                                                                                Farming, pushing, desiciong making, farming pathers, hero pool and a lot of other stuffs are actually game knowladge.

                                                                                                Not all 5ks have the same game knowledge, however, it could apply for the 3k aswell.

                                                                                                exceptions may be found but are just a few.

                                                                                                Overall, in terms of raw skill, every high 4k/5k player would be able to outplay/carry games a lot better then any 3k player.

                                                                                                There was a experiment 3k vs 5k, it wasn't even funny.

                                                                                                5k guys literally raped them.

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  I think all he means is stuff like some 3k players read wikis and understand stuff like how abilities work and general theory craft like how much ehp armor and evasion give instead of going for heart and shit like that. I don't think he means they know what to do during a game time decision like when to tp in for a gank or when to push, counter push etc. they can probably recognize this stuff after the fact but not in real time. And of course reaction time is the biggest separator.

                                                                                                  My brother is consistently 500 mmr higher than me and he doesn't even read patch notes. He still builds crap like battle fury on void and always linkens Rush on weaver. But he has much better mechanics than me so he's higher even if he doesn't understand game strategy as much.

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                                                                                                    It all comes down to how fast you can execute things you know.

                                                                                                    I'd say it's better to know less, but be fast in terms of reactions/desicions then spending so much time therycrafting about stuff you can't even do..

                                                                                                    Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                                      i would like to see the list of those ppl calling him right because so far he's not only been accusing and coming up with the worst lies ever but also saying the most rampant shit anyone can do by simply observing streams with high mmr


                                                                                                        srsly its not even funny. How can you compare 3k knowledge to 5k's like wtf!