General Discussion

General DiscussionSF vs Drow

SF vs Drow in General Discussion

    Captaining games in the sandbox of your own yard means nothing.
    And attacking me doesn't disprove you being senseless delusional kid.
    Not to mention even on that one you're wrong, lmao.
    By the way, I've played more than enough US EAST inhouses with 200+ ping instead of my normal 70 ping on europe. Still had no trouble playing and adjusting.

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      attacking you?

      you're the one talking shit no one asked you for


        "ve probably captained more games than you ever will in your life

        and you still dont get it! like how stupid can you be
        going from 30 ping to 130 is not the same as 99 to 100 you fucktard"

        Nope, not attacking me to try and reduce my argument at all. Oh wait...
        Yet again, absolutely delusional and horrible.


          ive also played, doesnt mean ill beat another 5k with that much handicap with a hero that depends on fast and accurate click movements


            You can't say another 5k while you're not 5k yourself. That's just pathetic.
            And saying drow depends on fast clicks – yet another nonsense coming out of you.
            Why don't you ki­ll yourself already? Greenhouse effect on Norwegian kids showing its best colours.
            And dotabuff, pls, don't censor words like kil­l


              well... you're not only stupid but unmannered and delusional thinking you even know what i consider basics in dota.
              gl with whatever you're gonna achieve next, eating a burger in 2 seconds or smth


                Yeah, that BigMac was tasty. I like the chicken salsa ones too, but too bad autists like you ruin the whole experience of going to McDonalds in Norway. Oh wait, you're from Trondheim. An outcast. A true incarnation of autism.
                And there's no reason to know what you consider basics as you clearly don't know any of it.

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                    Actually both

                    Look at me, Hector.

                      im here l et me play drow vs sf

                        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                          i told you my last hit timing was off
                          how hard is it to udnerstand? im playing with 100 MORE ms, im playing with DROW that has one of the worst ATTACK animation and you even cheated with bottle!

                          many of my harras attacks didnt activate! some times my hero was at 300 range from yours just because of the delay to the next click! I'm not playing a hero with nukes when shit like that dont matter much, im playing a hero that relies solely on single attacks to perform well and you still can't understand that?

                          i never miss last hit under tower! i missed most of them today because the attack was cancelled by my next click movement or didnt activate at all and because od the delay to start the attack. I was handicapped when harrasing too! i cant move attack move, 130 ms dont permit me that with a slow ass attack drow speed with 130 ms. Get it now?

                          and i still wouldve killed you and owned that lane at min 6 if you hadnt continued to take the runes.


                            Oh my god this needs a screencap. Someone should code a dotabuff thread archiver for all these benao blunt and relentless threads. Holy fuck, the cringe of the cringe.


                              1v1 mid are always without bottle, or if you buy it thats it a single time heal! Even if you end up cheating you can bottle crow but instead you TOOK the runes and were a moving FOUNTAIN.
                              in actual games you CAN't RISK going for runes most of the times which is why its UNREALISTIC for you to be so fucking stupid and do so now and get every single one so that you don't even bother last hitting but instead raze EVERY FUCKING WAVE YOU FUCKING MONKEY


                                Do you have a bot writing these garbage messages? Or is it drugs making you do this?

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Why didn't you guys do two games both servers and picking sides?

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                          sigh sf shits on drow if sf isnt shit. what does drow do when sf lands 2 razes? starting at lvl 3 drow loses hard. and why would it be dangerous for sf to get a rune? all u do is nuke waves 10 seconds before rune spawn against a drow s and its almost a guaranteed rune.

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                I don't care about anything but how the fuck is buying a bottle considered "cheating"?


                                                  its not buying a bottle, its refilling it all the time

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    drow>sf ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                      My opinion on this match up is that sf wins. Comparing a normal sf to benaos drow isn't even really a fair representation as its a hero that he plays all the time, ergo I'm sure that in a normal match at his level benao could beat the sf. My next opinion is that this thread is retarded. Kappa.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Excuse me but if you are not gonna refill it why would you buy a bottle?


                                                          because its not realistic. we're playing 1v1 simulating game handicaps! are you gonna refill your bottle every minute?
                                                          are you gonna get every single wave purely by razes because of the same? fuck no that shit doesnt happen and thats what he did.
                                                          the safest course of action would be bottle crow and even then, courier might not be available all the time to carry around an empty bottle at like 100 ms. In other words opening chances for me to kill him!

                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            Pop corn mode.


                                                              Ayy lmao

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                  I'm not willing to say drow beats sf mid but I'm willing to say certain players can make this happen.

                                                                  On average sf is a way easier mid.


                                                                    i really dont think drow can beat sf unless sf is shitcan