General Discussion

General Discussionreceiving a death threat

receiving a death threat in General Discussion

    Hi dotabuff community! I need to clear things up because its really bothering me and hard to get off in my chest. I played a game ranked matchmaking in dota 2. A game where we are losing, so he added me in steam since he can't type in game because I think he is muted. I didn't flame somebody in game or typed negative that would ruin our game. So after the game, I decided to accept his friend request just to know what he would say because he is muted. And so it happens, I typed "?" and suddenly he said to me he would kill me and find me. He also thank me that I added him so that he can find my IP address. He would trace it and saying he have power and money. I really don't care but this is really bothering me. I never got death threats before.

    So what the best situation to do? I already report him in steam*harrassment*.

    Could he really track my IP address by just adding friend in steam.

    PS> I talked to him in chat in our own language that I am sorry about the game and maybe next time we should play but ofcourse he is just raging and continues to give me a death threat.

    I really need help or advice what to do. Thank you.


      Saw you posted in the steam message board and that's what I think would be the best thing to do. Shrug it off man, there's a lot of jackasses and don't worry about it. If this guy really went through with it, it would be the same odds as someone stabbing you on the street randomly. Odds are small, but if you let it get to your head, you'll be paralyzed by it.

      Miku Plays

        im laughing right now, but killing someone because of a game c'mon that guy cant be serious.

        bum farto

          You seriously think that this will happen? He can't track your IP through you friendslist and even if he could what would that serve?

          I never take threats on the internet seriously and all you need to do is remove him and ignore him. If you take action then he may have a vendetta but as of right now he simply is salty over a lost game which he will get over in a few hours. Just report him in game for communication abuse and move on.



            Thanks! I really feel uncomfortable though. Damn today was supposed to be my birthday and this happens :(


            if he is really serious about it. I don't know the chances. He said thanks for adding me so that I can track your IP address. is that really true? *sigh*

            Miku Plays

              ^ what havoc said


                Just block this idiot's profile on steam, eat or drink something good and enjoy Dota again :)

                And DUDE - its 0.00000000000001% chance he can actually track your adress and even if he somehow does (which he wont) - he will never get to you cause he's just a small kid that probably cant even travel to his nearby town so just dont panic and relax, he will never get to you. Happy b-day, enjoy it good! :)

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                Quick maffs

                  Just block him, chances are he is some ramdon neckbeard.

                  He just wanted to freak you out.


                    Probably some retarded kid trying to act cool. Also this happened to me too, and I didn't get murdered or anything like that :P


                      i would just death threaten him way worse and with much more credibility and he would shit his pants and instablock me,
                      like lmao, retarded kids these days


                        and btw, just think logically.
                        why would some dumbass waste resource enough to kill someone who lost them a single game in fucking dota 2.
                        unless you live in peru i dont think that can happen

                        Quick maffs

                          If you want to say his nickname i am pretty sure more than one here can scare the shit out of him.


                            ^ all of you guys Thank you!

                            Saying like his father and mafia have connection. And he have the power and money. I really don't care about this but it started to confused me and worry.



                              Is it necessary? Ha ha! I would love to give him steam profile link. after he ruined my day because today is my birthday. *sigh*


                                forget it, usually the ones who say stuff like are losers.
                                you could actually pity someone like that


                                  you should really share his steam with us all here! just in case


                                    @Spring memory of lightwaves

                                    "He said thanks for adding me so that I can track your IP address."

                                    He will do nothing with your chat displayed IP address. I work at IT and even I would do shit with it. You are very likely to obtain your IP from your ISP:s DHCP pool, which can be huge. At best he will be able to find out the area you may live in, or even more likely the country you live in. Thats not very much. The IP addresses allocated to client are information that your ISP has, but will not reveal even to authority without a official order to track certain address. There is no way he will be able to find you with that single piece of information (assuming he is a regular internet user).

                                    More so, I believe the chat communication with other users are going through Steam so there is a very likely option that he has found out one of Steam's IP addresses. I havent looked into that, but that is how I assume it works. Not peer-to-peer conversations, but conversation between you - Steam server - him. Good luck, you just figured out one of Steam's IP addresses! Some true detective work there! However, this is just my assumption how its built - I do not know this for sure, and Im not going to spend any time to look for confirmation either.

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                                      Happy Birthday bro! hope we helped you out and made your day better :3

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                          ^omg ples dotn

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                            Quick maffs

                                              Well memed sir



                                                Thank you for your shared knowledge! We live in the same country. I knew it because I chatted him in our own language and he responds to me. That's why I'm a bit worried and saying he has the money to just track me down. Its just sad.

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                  bum farto

                                                    I have been waiting 8 years for the last guy who wanted me dead over a game and had apparently tracked me and had already booked tickets to get me.


                                                      ^^ I think that 1% is very over exaggerated assumption. I believe it would be more like 0,001% and from those able, most would be Steam employees. I'm quite positive that out of 10 million players, there are actually less than 10 people who actually possess the skills to track you. And those are computerskills, there are not very many people who are such multi-skilled people that they would actually a) have access to information that would reveal your exact location, persona etc. b) be ready to break the law in order to use that information to their own agenda c) be ready and able to take on physical means of harming you. If you are this skilled person, you will not be spending your time raging over Dota2. Youll be somewhere with James Bond, fighting evil.

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                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        holy cow, i mean crazy things can happen tho..



                                                          your B. answer is most likely can happen in my country. Infos can be bought by dirty money if he really pursue to track me by ISP.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Holy shit man you are overthinking this too much, look, there is a lot of idiots sending death threats in dota, a lot, you are not special.

                                                            Do you really think you are going to be the first one to actually die to a dota death threat ?

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Even if it was possible for him to somehow track you down (which it's not) I'm pretty sure by the time he goes through all that and travels to your house he will have calmed down and decided killing someone over a game is not really worth it.

                                                              There are crazy fuckers in asia who routinely kill over video games like how they had to ban dota in the Philippines but those are all crimes of passion where they were in close proximity. Rage and seeing red only lasts a short time.

                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                hey man, if anything ever happens to you, this thread will live on forever in the interwebs!



                                                                  Well I live in the Philippines so.. Anyways. Thank you all guys replying to this thread. Appreciate it.

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    oh you're in the philippines.. you now have to really watch your back..


                                                                      Are there people who could find you from your steam info? Yes. Are they people who play dota and rage kill when they lose? No.

                                                                      People only pre-meditate murder and track you down when you either (1) killed their family member, (2) sexually violated them or their family member, (3) insulted their religious beliefs.

                                                                      Even with Islamic extremists who daily scream about how they will track people down and kill them - even they rarely actually do it. It's just too expensive and too much trouble. They will just kill whoever is randomly near them instead.

                                                                      Even if you stole tons of money, people won't usually bother to track you down and kill you. Only governments track you down and kill you for trivial reasons.

                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                        people from the phillippines are fucked in the head though... i would worry some... and imo make his steam public at least

                                                                        EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                          It is possible to pull an IP through steam friendlist chat.

                                                                          You should post his account info here (would love to have a chat with that killer of yours) if anything happens to you he will be a prime suspect.

                                                                          Anyway you can also go to his Steam Profile > More> Report > Offensive Screenshots or Art: describe what happened. If you're truly scared then you can always file a police report, or just defend yourself like an honorable warrior.

                                                                          Those who actually want to murder someone will not make any announcements, in most cases.

                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                            Wow, people nowadays, getting scared by "I'll trace you by IP" and stuff. In my days, we whacked our faces after school.

                                                                            < blank >

                                                                              Don't be afraid man, my cousin has his real country and the town where he's living on the steam profile. All comments on his profile are death threats. He is still alive and collecting some more deaths theats, he consider these as throphies.


                                                                                am i your cousin now? :D?


                                                                                  its part of russian internet culture btw, check his nationality - he might come from our bear country
                                                                                  it was so usual to see 11 y.o. old boys threatening each other and saying "ill find you by IP adress", but now it's very rare; im disappointed in younger generation, they do now respect our culture. I dont even remember when was the last time that someone told me he gonna find me and beat my ass.

                                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                                    @epik-kun yeah did you? did you also bring ur ponies to whack them too?

                                                                                    i think he can track your ip even through steam chat tho its harder than shit like skipe/omegle etc. and even if he does find your ip, its not of much use.. he cant find you. at most the country and city you live in.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      We should do a battle royale with all dota players, it would be so fun.


                                                                                        Ok here is what you can do. Grab your laptop and go to the police. Show this communication and say you are harrashed by this man and recieved a death threat. Say you want to file a law suit and they will take care of that and find the guy. These things are very massive and they take these kinds of things very serious. Do this and this jackass will be sorry that he did that to you.


                                                                                          for fucks sake, look at benao's profile its half death threats from retarded kids, and im pretty sure he doesn't give a fuck


                                                                                            and it is fucking impossible to trace your exact location (address)


                                                                                              My school days were 8 years ago at their very latest. Of course I did bring the ponies.

                                                                                              CAN'T WIN

                                                                                                He will kill u for sure, i knew a friend that got the same experiencie...

                                                                                                Now he rip in peace.

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  omg you live in Philippines, ok still probably not a reason to be worried but don't go to any lan parties! It's already been banned in internet cafes.



                                                                                                    Btw, it's relatively easy to track someone's location via IP. Technically there are two steps - getting your global IP and finding your Internet provider with it and then getting your contract information from that provider (DHCP rarely changes dynamic IP on a given user, and latest used IPs are usually stored in a log). Contract should contain your exact address or at least latest used commutator and its port.
                                                                                                    So, someone authorised to request that kind of information (say, nation security) can find someone with no problems.

                                                                                                    IO's Balls

                                                                                                      send one back, say ur part of the league of shadows and ur name is al sa him


                                                                                                        al fakher sounds bettr imo