General Discussion

General DiscussionIS there an "MMR hell"?

IS there an "MMR hell"? in General Discussion

    so recently i hit level 13 allowing me to enter ranked matches..... but due to how the MMR system works (the hidden unranked MMR that i tanked when i started cause i was a noob) i have an artificially low MMR (at least in my opinion).

    ive heard alot of talk about an "MMR hell" where it is nearly impossible to get out of your MMR range simply because your team makes it impossible to win most of the time....... and im beginning to believe there is such a thing.

    i calibrated at 500 MMR and im currently about 750 or so MMR........ more often then not i find that if someone gives up first blood or we are on the back foot someone will leave the game......sometimes up to 2-3 people will leave and never return making it truely impossible to win.

    my question to you fellow dota buffians, would be is do you believe in MMR hell? and are there any tips to get out of it?

    casual gamer

      there is no mmr hell

      you get out of sub 2k mmr by learning how to better play the game

      when is the last time you saved buyback? when is the last time you tped to help an ally? when is the last time you built bkb on a hero that doesn't have it in recommended items?


        No, its a myth. I proved it recently by dropping 1500 MMR, have gained 1200 of it back.

        But as you get close to your correct MMR, it gets much harder to advance. When you are very under-rated you can play any hero and win. When your MMR is maxed out you may only be able to win on your best heroes.

        At 500 MMR all of the players are going to feed. What you need to do is pick a hero that will take advantage of that fact and feed on them.

        Viper was doing well for you, but this last game it looks like you kept getting dualed by LC. Don't worry about that, keep playing viper and try to kill people over and over. Then whenever there is a chance take a tower, take a rax. That is how you will gain MMR over time.

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          Absolutely no such thing as MMR hell. Sure, there are unwinnable games that come around once every 100 or so but in general they are not frequent enough to hold you back and what´s more they happen on the other team too, which means statistically they don´t change anything in the long run.

          At your current MMR just work on improving your overall game in almost every aspect and you should see yourself move through the brackets quickly enough. I must be honest though, at sub 1k MMR you can 1v9 and still win if you really don´t belong there. I did it on my friends account who was about 2.8k to practice with my Tinker (a hero I´m terrible at) and I won like 20 consecutive games with scores all around 30-1-10.


            Another thing that will raise you out of sub 1k MMR easily. Just carry dust at all times. Invisibility at that level is treated like invincibility. Dust costs only 90 gold per use and getting the kill is worth at least 300. Always have some dust, no matter what hero you are playing if they have any way of going invis. This will win the game.

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              I calibrated at about 1k and got to 2k very quickly, and i speak from experience when I say no one knows anything at down where you're at (2k isnt much better). You can get to 1k by playing pretty much any hero, but I would recommend easy to play heroes that can get kills and snowball easily. Try playing viper, pa, slark, etc. Your KDA and winrate aren't that good, so definitely work on trying to improve at the game, and watch pro games or read guides or something.


                the truth is every mmr is hell


                  @jdf8 i think my game play is actually pretty good (when im not playing a hero im not used to yet of course)..... my last hitting is abit weak at times sure

                  as for your questions i very rarely buyback as its kinda pointless to buy back unless theres a teamfight at the racks

                  if i see someone in trouble and i can tp to them in time i do......i try to keep at least one TP scroll on my for this purpose

                  @relentless i think that last game i had a item glitch and they wouldnt wait for me so i ended up dealing with people with ults and such when i was level 1 iirc

                  i dont think its impossible to go up jsut from what ive seen here....... id say its very difficult as the unwinnable games are far more common at the sub 1k range

                  so anyway stick to the heroes your good at (so viper lion and techies)

                  would you say just going mid and carrying would be more effective? or should i try to run a support role more?


                    If you really want you can add me and I can watch some games and show you where you´re going wrong. Don´t fall victim to Dunning-Kruger. At your MMR every game is winnable.


                      get better at the game by consuming guides and watching better people play (not pro matches though).
                      Learn to play a hero who can farm very well and quick.
                      Simply win the game by outfarming the enemy. In 1k that's the one thing nobody does right, farming. Everybody just stands around in lane, misses some last hits here and there. Stay at the jungle at XX:55 instead of stacking it. It's the small things that matter. But if you have 200 gold more than the enemy carry that means that you can get a new item faster which makes you farm even faster.
                      It's a simple concept very low skill players mess up.

                      Generally "Burden of knowledge Heores" are very good at low level games. These are heroes which have a mechanic which is only conterable if you know how to do it. Invis heroes (Rikimaru, Weaver, Broodmother), Phantom Assassin, Faceless Void, Silencer. All are heroes which are a pain in ye arse to play against, but they have counters which renders them pretty much useless. You can easily use the fact that people for example don't know that MKB cancels evasion and pick PA and proceed to wreck everybody.


                        You are not playing Lion better than required for your MMR level. That is why he is below 50% winrate. You are playing techies significantly lower than your MMR level. Viper, however you are typically playing above your MMR level.

                        Supporting is not going to raise you out of sub 1k MMRs. All of the players are very bad at dota, so there is nothing to support. Instead you need to feed off the many, many mistakes the other team is certain to make and become strong enough to take towers and rax on your own.


                          And btw, I picked up a random game of yours and without even watching the replay I can tell you a few things.


                          First of all, 66 LH and 0 DN in a 47 minute game on a core is woeful, I mean like you can auto attack higher than that.
                          You had the lowest TD on your team.
                          Support Jakiro had higher hero damage than you, veno almost doubled your HD.

                          Given that you had a bottle I assume you went mid, which means your playing a hero in a sub-optimal position especially when you had heroes who, IMO, would have played the mid role better than Gyro.

                          Given all the above things and your low level for a mid, I will assume you probably started trying to gank around minute 8 or something, or maybe as soon as you had your ultimate. This isn´t what you need to do to win at your bracket. You´ll notice your team won´t go with you and quite possibly the enemy lane will catch and kill you, resulting in a waste of time and a feed to the other team. You´ll probably think you did the right thing to help the lane and thus consider your team-mates noobs when in actual fact you did the complete wrong thing. At your current MMR and level and whatnot farm until you are by far the fattest on the map. If you want to just win the game pick a hero with push power as well and just push the lane. 9 times out of 10 in your bracket the entire enemy team won´t even rotate to stop you, so you can pick off the 1 or 2 who do come back and if they do happen to come back make sure you have a bkb and a tp or a shadow blade or something and just get out, choose a different lane and repeat.


                            Go mid 100% of the games, crush your lane, snowball to victory. I am a trash 2.5K player and I could probably win like 90% of my games at 700 MMR.

                            You have no idea what you are even doing wrong yet as you lack the knowledge and skill to understand what is even possible. What I mean by that is you don't even see when your opponent makes a mistake that should get him killed, whereas a 5K player would see it and get the kill every time. That is just 1 example, but there are probably countless things you are doing horribly wrong that you literally don't even realize.

                            CAN'T WIN

                              mmr hell is from 0 to 6k mmr


                                Consider this game of Lion.
                                You won because the enemy troll abandoned... but look at your stats.

                                You died 20 times in only 50 minutes. That's a death every 150 seconds, with the time you spent dead and the time spent walking out you were not even there for most of the game. When you were there it appears that you probably blink to someone, cast spike, finger and died. Then someone else cleaned up.

                                Think how much better it would be if you were able to do that damage and then not die. Lion can recharge his mana on enemy creeps very easily, so you can stay in the fight and attack them over and over and over if you are careful to avoid dieing so much. You are almost certainly dieing because you go to a vulnerable position where you can be attacked and have no way of getting out of it if the enemy does attack.


                                  Inconsistency plagues me :/ as for that specific game idr what I did wrong (I can usually say I did X wrong) but I don't think I've ever gone mid gyro I pick up a bottle for mana regen simply because gyro kinda needs it (the HP helps as well)

                                  if there's anything I need to work on is last hitting and consistency

                                  @relentless as for techies I disagree people don't know how to push in this area so techies is abit weaker..... However I recently figured out how to make techies a good lane pusher so I have improved as techies

                                  Edit as for that specific game that is a characteristic game where I set up the fight die and everyone else gets kills (hence 32 assists) maybe I'm just not initiating properly?

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                                    When you are not sure why you lost, or even when you think you know why you won... watch your replays if you are serious about improving. Nearly all dota players are not capable of seeing what is really happening in the game in real time. You will only know if you go back and watch your replays and see what you actually clicked. See where you could have moved to escape. See where the enemy was vulnerable but you didn't attack.

                                    Techies is extremely easy to play at sub 1k MMR. If you played it well, you would get beyond godlike every single game. Since you are not doing this => that means there is something you don't know, a lot of things that could be done with the hero you are not doing. Watch a replay of someone who is good at techies to learn how.

                                    See what you lasthit/deny score was at 6 minutes. At that point 44 creeps have come to the lane. How many out of 44 did you kill? How many did you deny? Just being aware of it will help focus your attention a bit more on lasthitting.

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                                    No giggities?

                                      You need to change your state of mind a little bit if you want to improve.

                                      You have much more to improve than just last hitting and consistency. At your level, mistakes are so blatant from everyone that you can really win on your own no matter what hero you pick. It seems like you can't do that which means Relentless is right, aside of your viper, you are definitly where you belong.

                                      The problem at your level is, people are so bad that you won't really improve if you just try out all heroes around. I'd suggest you do as Guiri said by abusing Viper. At some point you will reach a mmr level that will render it impossible to win with Viper and at THIS point you'll have to figure out ways to actually really improve.


                                        strategiccheese Welcome to Dota you suck. That guide will be pretty good for you to read because you already think you do some things into game well but actually you do all wrong because you are begginer.

                                        `i think my game play is actually pretty good (when im not playing a hero im not used to yet of course)..... my last hitting is abit weak at times sure`

                                        Your gameplay is awful and deal with it if you want to get better. MMR hell doesn`t exist there is unwinnable games everywhere but I m pretty sure I ll win at least 90% games in your bracket if I try hard.I m around 5k mmr and I played on friends acc 3.8k and on 3.2k as well and I had always 75%+ win rate after 10-15 games so 500 mmr is really a joke and don`t talk shit because people will make a fun of you I don`t want that I wan`t you to learn this game but first of all you must realize you suck at Dota and you need to watch watch watch better players playing to learn as well as read read read simple guides and again watch watch watch better people playing and than practice it by yourself.

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                                            idk about 3.7k
                                            but 4.5-5k is really full of imbalanced games.

                                            still nothing a really good player can't overcome


                                              I imagine being extremely high MMR 6k + is the worst. There you will always have a heavy team to carry - every single game. At lower MMR at least sometimes your team is just better than the other team and its easy to win.


                                                So obviously my viper is better then my lion (both those win rates dropped when I hit ranked btw) so I should abuse viper as much as possible...... I'm hesitant to leave my team without a support though..... (Almost no one players support and if they do they don't actually do it) should I still go viper over a support of we don't have one? If so would buying river wards be worth it in that situation?


                                                  Mid 100% of the time, you can buy wards if you want them. Learn to last hit and farm instead of sitting around doing nothing or going for ganks that will most likely fail.


                                                    Reality is sub 1k MMR player don't look at the mini map enough for wards to matter anyway. In fact it will be maybe 2.5k MMR before anyone checks the mini-map enough for it to really matter.

                                                    Checking the mini-map is not supposed to be something you do, and then consider it done. It's supposed to be something you do constantly, every few seconds, throughout the whole game. If you don't check it that often, then people will have already walked past the ward in between the times you check and you won't see them anyway. All the way to a bit below 3k MMR I would have people get ganked and complain about ward vision when the wards were up and the enemy walked in plain view right past the ward. So, people are not looking at ward vision anyway at low MMRs. They may think they are looking, but really that means they checked every minute - nowhere near enough.

                                                    So don't worry about warding much until you get better at the game. Instead assume that players will do what they usually do even when you can't see them. It won't always be correct, but for the first 10 minutes and sometimes 20 minutes of a sub 1k MMR game everyone will walk back to their lanes every time after they die.

                                                    Then there is typically a period where everyone goes mid, which may last until rax are down and even until the end of the game. If you get an invis escape and push a sidelane until someone actually attacks you, and then just invis away - this will succeed almost every time, every game at sub 1k MMR level. In this way you can get tons of farm and push towers, then just switch to another lane and do it again and again until you win.

                                                    Eventually people will get a gem. But I've seen a lot of super low MMR games where that never happens. And by the time someone finally does get gem, you can just kill them instead of running. Conversely, if you pick up dust at just 90 gold per use and kill anyone doing that - you can probably kill them 3 or 4 times before they stop feeding. They may even complain in all chat that you got dust as if doing so is somehow unfair or illegal.

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                                                      At your mmr i wouldn't support go for heros that can snow ball easily shit a slark with shadow blade should be god like. Not sure if anyone asked you yet but are you fast with your hot keys yet? I know at lower mmr a lot of people click their spells.

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                                                      No giggities?

                                                        ^ This

                                                        Also yes, just abuse viper, instalock mid. If someone else steals it from you, you dont really care, Viper can do basically anything at that level. If you abuse this hero, you'll discover weird builds that work against some heroes.

                                                        For example, this is nothing special but still,

                                                        In this game, i got Viper mid against Magnus. We were losing early game because LC, Ember and Mag always had a way to dodge my ult. I thought that dagger might be a good option in this particular scenario even tho it meant delaying other items for a little bit. But the bet was worth the investment since i could now blink closer and right click them to death. I also went sheepstick ultra late game in order to further disable ember's shield and ult and lc's debuff/healing. This is unorthodox on Viper at my shitty level (4k) and below but yet it works sometimes and helped ensure a win.

                                                        The whole point of this is, as soon as you get to play more and more of viper, you'll be 1. able to carry your team because of your mechanics advantage, 2. you'll go unorthodox builds that will give you a edge over your static ennemies and 3. make you play against better players the more you win and therefore improving your own skills at the same time.


                                                          I'm fairly fast with hot keys (had to rebind half of them)

                                                          Item keys (1-6) aren't quite as good I can remember things on 1-3 but items 4-6 tend to be forgotten in a fight :/ another thing to work on


                                                            its you not them...

                                                            just learn how to farm and you'll gain 1000MMR before you know it.

                                                            IO's Balls

                                                              all mmr is hell do not fear child, this world is burning playground for satan