General Discussion

General DiscussionWho do you think the meta heroes for 6.84 will be now gameplay update...

Who do you think the meta heroes for 6.84 will be now gameplay update is out? in General Discussion

    Title ^


      This seems like a patch for int heroes. Some items seem really good, but time will show. Especially the CD reduction one. AM can come online much faster with the new battle fury.


        Skadi Brood & Aghs (+refresher?) Lone Druid op

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          Oh and Aghs Weaver

          CAN'T WIN

            Darkseer, centaur, invoker, io Kappa, legion comander, spec, sb, troll, urza, windranger, etc

            the realm's delight





                  ta clinkz for physical dps

                  alch will be interesting since he can shit out an aghs every 2 minutes at his peak

                  at the gradient mid-late its over 2k GPM

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                    i know lina got nerfed and everyone else got buffed but her with that new cd reduction item seems like it could be really strong....

                    plz do

                      patch favors team-ganking and pushing over farming and favors more aggressive plays actually cuz of less rubber band effects. This will favor indirectly durable heros and support positions- your gonna be able to fight all day long without worrying about rubber band. Supports just need to farm their new items. Also, new agha spells and new items are very stronk counter initiates and last second saves, which is an indirect nerf of all glass cannons and nukers. hence supports will play a bigger role.
                      so many new agha mechanics, which im not sure of (luna, morph, alchi, lifestealer, naga, np, nyx, shadow demon, techies, tusk, weaver, wk..). time will show - icefrog is just nuts and introduces like a 100 new/reworked spells. I dont understand the new alchi agha mechanic, but it seems really stronk.
                      broodmother has no more orb as passive, really stronk. centaur agha buff is huge. cm is nicely buffed. enchantress slightly buffed w bkb pierce, might be just enough to bring her back to life. mean new invoker deafning blast. kotl reduces now cooldowns by up to 4 secs. legion's agha upgrade gonna win games. lifestealer's agha makes him valuable for a pos 3 or 4. Lone druid's bear will rape the world. NP is gonna have a huge comeback, because of trolling agha and mega creep. I like the oracle ult rework - its gonna be stronk manfight support.
                      New items are mostly a nice addition: Lotus orb is a blade mail vs spells. glimmer cape like mirana ult - really nice. Guardian greave is a massive aoe mekanism+arcanes.
                      Reworks: Mom needs to be noted as it only gives 17% ms now - that shits on the current meta. Radiance gives now 17% miss chance (fuckin naga cumback). Vlads gives 10%ls to ranged heros. mandatory rod of atos buff. stout shield nerf.

                      "cuz wards taste better". note buffs to brood, naga, lone druid, legion. note debuff mom. new aoe item meta. tusk kicks.
                      wtf icefrog the agha lover.

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                      Jorges Sanz

                        Naga, Tide, Leshrac, Centaur become 1st pick/ban material

                        Return of CM and Dark Seer to 2nd Phase Pick

                        Pocket Picks with Ursa/Centaur/Morphling/DK and maybe pos 4 Huskar

                        Majority of the Aghanim upgrades (except for some) are too gimmicky, they won't be bought anyway.

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                          Alch will be wasted in pubs. There is no way in a world where it is a challenge to get the chicken upgraded or to get given a bottle charge that players will give a 4,200 item to a teammate.

                          Hope i'm wrong though - there's nothing cuter than a pre-ulti tiny carrying a tree 3 tmes his size.


                            Silver Edge. And thing that comes with clocak and amullet. RLy like items. D:

                            Since i'm like natural SB user. D:

                            Pom Pom 🍕

                              More naga <3
                              Not only for radiance buff and tower nerfs, but mud golems are now affeted by riptide again AND takes half radiance+half splash damage.

                              Also that morphling aghs looks really strong with an axe on your team (double call with counterhelix).

                              Edit: although with the nerf to lanecreeps it will take longer to farm up the radiance ( AM's battlefury time might go up a minute as well), but probably not too significant.

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                                I think mid beastmaster is going to be a top pick soon

                                - his base dmg has been buffed
                                - first levels of necronomicon are stronger
                                - true sight from necros is even more valuable than before with new invis items
                                - less rubberband / more tower gold and gold from heroes distrubuted evenly AND hero kills are 10% more valuable = easier to end games early


                                  TA is better than before in this patch, only question is when Icefrog is gonna fix psi blades cleave on illusions (since he fixed it for ancients last patch)


                                    I think bulldong is masturbating reading patch notes.
                                    LD's buffs are stronk.


                                      naga, nyx and alchemist are going to shine, that burrow from nyx is severly gamebreaking imho


                                        also the silencer shit is OP

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          I agree, I think new alch is still garbage. I mean it's fucking hard to farm on alch, jungle farm is nerfed again with stout shield and qb nerfs and he sucks in lane just as much as before. I guess you have to camp bounty runes? He may be op in a 2 or 3 stack where one guy goes alch and feeds aghs to a couple other big carries. Like it would be pretty fucking sick to go silencer and have a free aghs at ~20 mins, or void and get a free aghs, but alch is still going to be a liability cus he won't have any items then. It's only really good if alch can farm like a beast mid game and give out like 2-3 aghs and still have some items himself otherwise it's still 4v5 with 1 or 2 buffed heroes.

                                          Silencer might be very strong, but lifesteal is typically overrated. His slow on last word is really nice, but the disarm was strong too. Both are good.

                                          I think in general int heroes and nukers will shine initially until we figure out a counter. Maybe more magic resistance, since some new resistance items were introduced. But also in general farming, late game heroes nerfed, since creep bounties going down, rubberband effect nerfed, hero gold from kills increased, buyback gold gain off heroes nerfed, supports buffed, rosh killing nerfed. In general the patch seems to support lots of team fighting and good support play early vs current meta of go op carries and farm.

                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                            is silencer's slow even that useful? If you last word someone they will usually get away before it triggers the slow...

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Well the duration was reduced to a second shorter. But I don't think it's as strong as people are making it out to be no, and the lifesteal definitely isn't a huge deal. It's like when ursa, huskar and clinkz all free'd up their UAMs people went ape shit about how good lifesteal items would be on them and people still don't really build them much.