General Discussion

General DiscussionIsn't Heart still as useless as ever?

Isn't Heart still as useless as ever? in General Discussion

    I don't see any reason to get it over Skadi or any armor item, save for two-three heroes.

    waku waku

      it's fun to make your enemies suffer from the horrifying realization that if they don't burst you down, you'll be back soon better than ever


        well, i grade evrything from timbersaw's perspective first, and under this assumption HoT became viable. Not because of higher regeneration it grants, but as you need to get it jointly with new item that grants lifesteal from spell damage. once you have bs/octarine/hot, you are immortal. Adding aghs and shiva will make you literally unkillable.

        plz do

          fuck you triple. u will have a 80% winrate w timber now and ur mmr skyrockets again. we will never play again in party mmr.


            you can easily have a very high winrate in party if you just stack as two with literally anyone. your party is 1200 lower than solo, so games will be easy. even if you stack with highest possible ranked guy you can (5k), you gonna get to a game with average mmr lower than your solo, not to mention that the 5k guy wont face much troubles in 3.9-4.1 bracket.
            just play more gaemz in party :)

            plz do

                im pretty sure u gonna have a very good winrate on average. btw the smaller the party, the higher ur wr gonna be, cz your underrated party mmr is less important when you are stacking with more ppl.

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                plz do

                  ^i was jokin. humor level 11/10 - u know me ;) actually my wr is ok the last cpl of days in party mmr - just need my io friend.


                    Hope to see you having over 3085 on Friday then.


                      hey invite me again if u need some feeding


                        sure, ill play a lot since friday (hopefully) - holidays are coming.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I agree, it still seems shitty. No point in getting it on any agility hero, on a strength hero the dmg is nice but AC gives more EHP usually and satanic is better sustain in a fight. Heart's only really good after AC on certain heroes and this won't change that. If anything I think they should've reduced the cost of it.

                          Only hero it will still be legit on is probably viper cus of his UAM making skadi not worthwhile.

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                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            If you guys stop looking at it only as a tank item you will see the true picture. It's the item that gives the modt amount of raw STR which makes it essential for CK, Sven, carry Earthshaker because it gives them more damage than other alternatives.


                              Also Centaur for making his abilities stronger.


                                I ususally prefer skadi too, but in a match where u hav enemy lina and zues and pugna, i think heart is a betr choice

                                Dire Wolf

                                  But Sam that's exactly what I already said, it doesn't change at all who will buy it and it's inferior to AC on virtually every str carry. It's not going to change at all who buys it or when they buy it and it's already a somewhat weaker item for the cost imo. I think it should've had cost reduced.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    It's not inferior to AC. Maybe EHP wise yeah, but remember this is the patch of magic damage so EHP wom't matter as much and raw HP will be more important.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      HMMMMM ok good point, all those ints gonna be spamming 25% cd shit, forgot that.