General Discussion

General Discussionpeople like this need to be executed 2.0

people like this need to be executed 2.0 in General Discussion

    4k jugg picker whos totally braindead, has no lcue how to farm items and builds soul ring and gets no damage items


    NextStep ®

      The username is so cool.


        I'm not saying that player is good or anything, but I've seen matrice make good use of soul ring in lane as juggernaut (not every game though). It could be good if he is getting constantly harassed and needs the heal spam I guess


          Matrice is 6k+ though.

            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
            Welt aus Eis

              matrice is a good player but I don't see how soul ring is worth it on jugg
              you don't need to spam anything except for MoM, just aquila gives you more than enough mana sustain

              casual gamer

                I got matched with this ape twice

                Both times he forces me to play my worst fucking role so he can rush soul ring


                Pom Pom 🍕

                  ^He has good impact both games at least.

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                      People who get mad about other peoples item decisions instead of other peoples retarded behaviour need to get executed.


                        purge made a video about juger soul ring long time ago, worked well vs dark seer.

                        casual gamer

                          his items werent that bad outside of blindly rushing soul ring every game

                          but his decision making is fucking garbage


                            I think like 95% Dota community and players are retarded, with some bright exceptions. You get lucky and morrons sometimes play descent and next time they're on feed train. It's just a game, we all expect smart people behind the computers but the reality is sad.

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                How does he still max bladefury after 2k games of juggernaut

                                And yeah @Pomi, stats don't say everything about a player. I've had players who supposedly make the most impact in the game but still tries to 1v4 the opponent despite his team being on the opposite side of the map.