General Discussion

General DiscussionA fine example of how the reporting system works

A fine example of how the reporting system works in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    OP you should stop being an asshole, and you won't get reported no more.

    Polkadot Piranha

      Even if you did nothing during a game, where you were muted, to get your enemies or team mates annoyed with you, your user name at the moment just screams "HEY! PEOPLE REPORT ME ALL THE TIME - IF YOU REPORT ME, YOU'LL PROBABLY GET YOUR REPORT BACK SOON, 'CAUSE I'M SUCH A RAY OF SUNSHINE IN PEOPLE'S LIVES!"

      EZ MID 9k mmr

        I'll put it simple:

        1) You have to get reported for ~10 games in a row by an enemy team in order to get punished.
        2) You have to get reported for ~3 games in a row by enemy team & your team to get punished.

        Don't be a fucking dick for 2 out of 3 games and you'll do just fine.

        ♿Sister Fister

          It's lovely how you all keep repeating the same shit over and over again about not being an asshole after I stated several times that I didn't get reported for flaming (SINCE I WAS ALREADY MUTED). And regardless of how stupid the communication ban concept is, that's now what I am highlighting. It's the fact that the game encourages you to be mediocre, otherwise you'll get a report from the opponent team.

          Polkadot Piranha

            I have no real oppinion on the report system - I don't know anyone who has ever been muted/put in LPQ, so I don't really have any idea if it could be unfair or not - but I am telling you, that your username is also just painting a bullseye on your back.


              "Flaming my team mates while being muted, ok."

              LOL <3

              That is how arguments on the internet is handed to you. First they assume something that is fales. Then they blame you for it.

              Das Claw

              Well this reportation will quickly diminish if you go CM and [edit: DONT] draft the heroes that the trash are crying for. Is that right or wrong, ethicaly that is? As I recently said in another topic. Most of my 200-300 low prio games are due to my drafts in CM. And many of these drafts were made with mentally challenged 4-man stacks that start to flame me somewhere between pick 2 and 3.

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                "And regardless of how stupid the communication ban concept is..."

                I have noticed that when I am muted, the risk for going to low prio is about ten times larger. For example, if you cant explain your self or DONT ANSWER, the trash players are about ten times more likley to report you.

                And since the chat mute can be on for 3 weeks, I ALWAYS report people for chat abuse. Regardless what they have done. I know that in this way I will maximise the potential number of low priority games for them.

                And people still report you for chat abuse even if you are muted. Some people have told me they report me for chat abuse while being muted just because they dont like me and want me to be muted more.

                Yes, that is how the report system is used. And still people try to defend it. No comment.


                  there are some other things that get you to lpq

                  e.g. there's a system that checks how much did you ping, chat wheeled or spammed allchat
                  if you report person who does that then that person usually gets insta lpq'd (at least works in my case)
                  -> system is not based only on number of reports but checks your behavior too somehow

                  also there can be some long term report and "bad activity" counting, I usually never swear or flame and never get lpq'd even if my entire team reported me for sucking several games, i never got into lpq because of flaming as far as i remember
                  on the other hand those people who were reported by me for endless trashtalk in those matches were put in lpq by me instantly
                  that can also go with a lot of commendations i have

                  therefore, people who flame a lot and get lpq, are more vulnerable to reports and getting to lpq again
                  after some point system stops giving a fuck about your activity and gives you lpq even if you did nothing even after single report because you are marked as toxic person (a.k.a. shadowpool)

                  you're often in lpq -> you are more and more vulnerable to reports; your reports might have lesser and lesser weight over time
                  you're never in lpq and don't flame -> you are pretty resistant to reports; your reports might have higher value than others' reports

                  At least that's my theory. Hopefully it's readable, I'm kinda tired

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                  ♿Sister Fister

                    "e.g. there's a system that checks how much did you ping"

                    Pretty sure a lot of people spam ping on the ground/on heroes because it's the fastest and most convenient way of alerting. If it wasn't meant to be used that way, it should be limited in the first place.

                    "-> system is not based only on number of reports but checks your behavior too somehow"

                    Yet it registers intentional feeding reports on people which have 0 deaths or allow ability abuse reports from opponent teams. Explain more about this wonder and smartly designed reporting system please.

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      omg, 7k matches with slark, rly? you should be reported for this.....


                        "Pretty sure a lot of people spam ping on the ground/on heroes because it's the fastest and most convenient way of alerting. If it wasn't meant to be used that way, it should be limited in the first place."

                        I'm doing this too so I'm pretty sure it's that kind of pinging when you stay one minute doing nothing but pinging the shit out of someone

                        "Yet it registers intentional feeding reports on people which have 0 deaths or allow ability abuse reports from opponent teams."

                        -> "after some point system stops giving a fuck about your activity and gives you lpq even if you did nothing even after single report because you are marked as toxic person (a.k.a. shadowpool)"

                        ?.Stock @zzo

                          I think Kitrak hit the point. I mean, you are an only-slark-player, and that hero is a damn solo which hardly joins team fights and prefers to wreck the other team's players one-by-one getting advantage and snowballing.
                          Here's the point: people may not like the fact that you don't cooperate at all to the team, and prefer to play ur lonely match, maybe snowballing and even getting ur importance to the victory. I've seen this many times from slark's players.

                          ♿Sister Fister

                            "At least that's my theory. Hopefully it's readable, I'm kinda tired"

                            Assuming how things work doesn't make them true nor right.
                            I am displaying facts about a broken reporting system.

                            And if I am such a toxic player, why do people even bother throwing a commend my way?
                            I am not begging for them, I make my team mates smile and keep them happy to increase chances of winning the game, it's almost always the opponents which send me to low priority or get me muted.

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                              i think this should help. i just made a thread in the dev forums. feel free to support it. :)



                                I agree on some of your points, communicational abuse is pointless cause you can ez mute abusive players. Also if only your team could report, that would save a lot of possible abuses of the sistem.


                                  sometimes after i get some kills i would say : haha get rekt fuckface lmaooooo
                                  i think this should be reportable, so communication report should be available for enemies too.
                                  also when someone is feeding intentionally on th enemy team, you should be able to report that player in order to not get matched with his griefing ass yourself, amirite? that means intentional feed button should be available for enemies too.
                                  and as for the ability abuse, this could mean some bugs with abilities that allow them to fuck you up so that should also be reportable.

                                  there are always counter-arguments to anything

                                  ♿Sister Fister

                                    @Space Cow, Yes. Exactly, that's what I keep saying. Easy to implement and fully reasonable.

                                    @Cabble, Tread appreciated.

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                    ♿Sister Fister

                                      @ultra carry, those aren't valid contra-arguments.

                                      If you're easily insulted, the client already allows you to mute (and even dodge the marked as muted) player. Placing a communication disabled player in a team affects the entire team, affects the game. Communication isn't a privilege in strategy game, it is an imperative. Deny it to a player and you cripple an entire team.

                                      If your team thinks you are feeding intentionally, their reports should suffice. Also, registering such a report on a player with 0 deaths is absurd. Even a brainless monkey could agree to that.

                                      Ability abuse means Tiny throwing players around, Io relocating players to stupid locations, things like that, you know. It doesn't mean using glitches that should be fixed by the developers.

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                                        well my point still stands, someone could report you just for that.
                                        as i said many players report just cuz you kill them with a hero they hate, or just cuz they lose to a hero they hate, because it made the game for them less enjoyable.
                                        some people report just cuz they feel like it. sometimes i waste 3 reports at min 1 of the game.

                                        your account is flagged for previous flames/ruins or smth and its really ez to get in lp after you had lp and its really ez to get muted after you've been muted.
                                        punishment for you past sins my son, get rekt :smile:


                                          i would tell you how to deal with it, but i've never been in such a situation.
                                          best bet>play some support for 10-20 games dont talk at all and you will probably see that you'll never get reported.


                                            im pretty sure i get reported once every 3 games but i never have lp or mute


                                              alright you're using COMMENDS as an argument, my sides

                                              for fucks sake if you have almost 8k games then how the fuck you expect not to have some commends
                                              also nice mmr hiding in that screenshot rofl
                                              seriously there are some people here that really are special snowflakes

                                              ♿Sister Fister

                                                I just denied an axe's boots 3 times, once during a random inspection in the woods, then with the help of Mirana's ulti and the 3rd time using my euls while he was stacking. Mocking him and making fun of him was worth every report that sent me to another 5 games in LP and 48 hours mute. Thanks again, Valve- for real!


                                                  It'd be great if muted players had to play together. could have sound effects permanently reduced too a la silencer ulti.

                                                  to op: if you are gettign lpq when you think you don't deserve it then open a new account that isn't tainted with your previous behaviour because for sure normal people with no history of reports don't get put in low priority.

                                                  CAN'T WIN

                                                    And i whould report u cuz your NickName sucks

                                                    IO's Balls

                                                      you have 7000 games with slark... are u okay man, do u need help

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I'd report you just for name. It's not clever, just dumb, and when they go check your dotabuff and see you play thousands of slark games that name plus slark just pisses people off more. Really that's all it would take for me, I don't have to watch you play or read any of your posts to know you're a douchebag.

                                                        I would love to report enemies who kick my ass but sadly if I did that I'd never have reports left for douches like you so I save em. So I kinda doubt that's why you got reported. Pretty sure it's the douchey name + slark spammer.

                                                        ♿Sister Fister

                                                          Because playing a certain hero and having some nick-name that happens to be disliked by you is a valid reason to report me for communication abuse/intentional feeding/ability abuse. Ok.

                                                          Here's another good one for you to digest:

                                                          I am muted, I play quite decent solo offlane vs axe and jugg and at the end of the game axe insists I get reported, even though I did nothing but play the damn game:

                                                          Nice, isn't it?



                                                            I would report you for
                                                            - Stupid nickname
                                                            - Obvious excessive fountain camper
                                                            - Playing 7k games with Slark, 138 games (so far) as Storm Spirit and less than 100 games with the rest of the heroes. That is just... Well, you may need a new perspective to the game.

                                                            And dude, Im at 1,4k MMR. Still you seem cancer player to me. Besides, you can comm abuse even with mute on if you spam ping on teammates.

                                                            Haters gonna hate, assholes gonna asshole...

                                                            Ok, now for real. Maybe you can play in style that irritates the opponent just too much. It is not a coincidence you get reported that much. Yes, it may be the mechanics of the game itself to be able to deny Axe's boots, but if you keep focusing on that I can see that you may seem like playing just a trolling game. I dont believe that exploiting the possibilities is the key to enjoying the game, but playing a good game (wether you win or lose).

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                              ♿Sister Fister

                                                                Everyone keeps repeating the same bullshit. First of all, you can't ping spam team-mates while muted since it's limited to 3 pings every minute or so, secondly I didn't deny this Axe player's boots, him and Zeus were annoyed I was eliminating them from team-fights, and Axe is in the opponent team- so how is that pissing off my team-mates?

                                                                I'm clearly showing you that players abuse the reporting system because they're allowed to. If you feel like you should report a player just because he killed you several times, or that he plays a certain hero or bares a nickname you find offensive or whatever, then you're just a whiny little shit in real life as well.

                                                                The report system displays 3 reasons. It's debatable if communication ban should even exist, but even so, it's 3 reasons and reporting a player for different reasons IS abusing the system. Obviously, some automatic detection can be implemented to check if a player is really feeding (by observing the number of repeated deaths during a time span), if a player is abusing the chat feature (writing a lot of short lines/speaking too loud for a long period of time, etc.) or if a player is abusing his abilities (I'm pretty sure the game can detect whether a player does that or not, especially when it can interact with team-mates), all that can be fixed, but it is not. And what do you have instead? A system that can be used to punish a player for doing what he's intended to do in the game just because he's queued with a bunch of whiners.

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                  What are you trying to prove OP?

                                                                  There are no Dota2 devs on this forum.


                                                                    I guess hes looking for justification to instapick Slark, lurk away from actual gameplay and fights, only looking for killsteals from his teammates, haunt the weakest heroes on the map until he can move on to fountain camping to boost his stats. And then he wants everybody to say the game was enjoyable. Well played Slark, I'll leadership-commend you for 8 minutes of fountain camping, thus wasting everyone's time, just because you can.

                                                                    Ok, it works if you steal every kill as Slark and aim to snowball the game yourself. However, if you keep everything and your teammates pay the price, you are not winning team-based games. I think you can see that in your stats. And sometimes, you end up with 0-10-2 as Slark. You know, something tells me you are not in the same game as your teammates. But then again, what do I know of Dota, not a Jack shit.

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      If people are abusing this, then how come I have been muted only 3 times in almost 8000 games, and in only ever in LPQ for dodging never for reports.

                                                                      ♿Sister Fister

                                                                        I'm not looking to justify nor to prove anything, I was only sharing an insight in regard to the reporting system and the unfair ways in which it is certainly used. Additionally I have provided actual examples of abuse and emitted a few simple, yet efficient improvements out in the ether.

                                                                        Punishment should be applied, but only IF it is deserved. The way the current reporting system works isn't about fair punishments, it's about how pissed someone gets at you.

                                                                        Oh, you're playing Slark for over 7 thousand games- here's a report! You state in your nickname that you're doing your sister in the ass, here's another report! You kill me several times and you're actually godlike in this particular mtach: bonus report!!
                                                                        ^ Pretty sure even a retard in helmet can tell that those reasons do not coincide with communication abuse/intentional feed/ability abuse reporting options kindly offered by dota.

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                        bum farto

                                                                          I find that people with offensive names are usually offensive people. They do have a tendency to coincide.


                                                                            stop the incest h8



                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                                                ♿Sister Fister

                                                                                  "I find that people with offensive names are usually offensive people. They do have a tendency to coincide."
                                                                                  - I find that people who take things literally are also religious people who believe in talking snakes.
                                                                                  Also, how am I offending anyone by stating that I am doing my sister in the ass?

                                                                                  "one players report isnt going to do shit"
                                                                                  - It's not one player's report, it's one or more players' reports every 2-3 games.

                                                                                  "you yourself admitted you're an asshole to your teammates in game"
                                                                                  - No, I haven't admitted that. I generally get reported by team mates when I don't do what they want me to (which is usually dying with them in a stupid team fight).

                                                                                  IO's Balls

                                                                                    pls man i still think u need to find someone to love, slark is not a real person, volvo pls stop this child before he has children with slark

                                                                                    "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                                      i doubt you are reported for winning. Sorry just doesnt happen. People that flame or talk smack alwys wonder why they are low pri

                                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                          I would report you the moment i saw your nickname , also your steam acc should be banned , i mean that shit is not even funny , grow up .

                                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                          ♿Sister Fister

                                                                                            "i doubt you are reported for winning. Sorry just doesnt happen. People that flame or talk smack alwys wonder why they are low pri"
                                                                                            - Give me one good reason why the doubts of some idiot who doesn't even bother to read or view displayed facts would even matter?
                                                                                            I clearly showed at least 2 times that I was muted, yet people in the opponent team encouraged others to report me. Furthermore, you even have people on this forum which have admitted that they'd report someone if that player would happen to kill them repeatedly/pick a certain hero/bear a certain nickname, etc.

                                                                                            "I would report you the moment i saw your nickname , also your steam acc should be banned , i mean that shit is not even funny , grow up ."
                                                                                            - You must be the type of person that would ban anything which doesn't fit your personal preferences/views, fortunately the world isn't full of creatures like you, otherwise you'd cease to exist. Also, you're a pathetic organism which would instantly ejaculate if the Internet would bend to your will, and your only reliable means of boosting own ego is by calling people kids or telling them to grow up.

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                              Not my personal preference , i myself curse alot but that nick is just discusting .. Without saying you are a bad person , i dont know you , that nickname is so immature and is maybe the reason that some people dont hesitate to report you even if you make 1 small error in game .


                                                                                                I answered before i saw your recent edit , now i have nc .... You really need help , and your attitude is just revolting ...

                                                                                                ♿Sister Fister

                                                                                                  Reported! Because Dota is a game of nicknames, right? Disgusting (with a "g").


                                                                                                    English is not my native language so i am bound to make some mistakes when replying fast . Maybe i was being too literal , but my second answer was a little more insightful . "that nickname is so immature and is maybe the reason that some people dont hesitate to report you even if you make 1 small error in game ."

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