General Discussion

General Discussionthoughts about lycan?

thoughts about lycan? in General Discussion

    Lycan is my fav hero and i play him a lot. Do you think he will get changed in 6.84? If yes, do you think he's gonna get nerfed or buffed?


      the wolf runs

      Natsuki Subaru

        Buffed at best, but I don't think he will be touched.
        I really want the instant cast of his ult back though
        And I really think Troll is a stronger lycan if he doesnt get his insta ult back O_O

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          I don't think he'll be touched tbh, he is in a good place for the most part. I reckon it'll be a nerf patch mostly, and he doesn't need any nerfs. Maybe some item buffs that are pseudo Lycan buffs, but I can't really think of anything.

          Greygrey the Sailor

            wolves need no armor


              @Troll is fucking imba
              Y thats pretty much the way i think about him aswell. Cuz if you are ratting right now u need to pop ult run to tower hit him for mb 5-10 sec and the run again. Was so much better when he had insta ult

              Dire Wolf

                Lycan is fine, he just doesn't fit meta like so many other heroes. He still wrecks a rax super fast.


                  I think its not that good @ this meta but w/e