General Discussion

General DiscussionDark seer/rikki offlane

Dark seer/rikki offlane in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    Yes this is about as fun as it gets. 5-0 in a few minutes their tri lanes blows 600g on sentries and their hc abandons.

    Why isn't this seen more 4k down.


      Dendi/RTZ/SumaiL didn't do it.


        ^in the first place, none of them plays offlane

        waku waku

          someone from former na'vi did ioXriki offlane vs abaddonXdrow and they rekt


            earth spirit was their hard carry?

            Natsuki Subaru

              Niche pick, riki is great against qop, sniper, and a really stupid underfarmed troll.
              If there is a Bounty hunter and dazzle in the enemy team and riki wouldnt be picked at all.

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
              Last picking is 4 pussies


                Sorry their offlaner quit but yeah the whole team threw in the towel fast.

                Either way was a lot of fun including clearing the 600g of sentries blown early.