General Discussion

General DiscussionMy biggest problem with Matchmaking

My biggest problem with Matchmaking in General Discussion

    I don't know if this has been discussed before but here goes:
    I've been playing a lot of solo ranked games recently around 4200-4500 MMR, thats all 10 players solo, no couples, I'd say around 30% of games go horribly wrong for the team despite efforts from myself and the other team members.
    When you look back at the stats for the game (and their DOTA/Steam profiles) there's usually 1 player who has VERY low game experience, they've played less than 500 games, in some cases less than 200 and in extreme cases less than 100 games! Sure they have similar MMR at around 4200 but their inexperience shows in the heroes they pick, skill builds and more importantly in some cases item builds. I know these people could be smurf accounts but if that's the case why are they so shockingly poor?
    When you watch the reply it's usually some bad positioning that's set their first few deaths up and often the other team heroes fighting this low experienced player on my team snowball that lane making the late game hard, especially so when trying to come back.
    As per usual these players are the most toxic, if they've picked a carry it's everyone else's fault they got killed and refuse to accept it was their bad position that got them into trouble, no amount of supporting them would have saved them and would usually have resulted in 2 heroes being killed instead of just the idiot.
    If they pick support then they're more interested in taking the last hits from the carry (or making his LH life hard), if they're not doing that they're off pulling lanes at the wrong time, jungling, not carrying TP, not watching the map and certainly not providing any kind of lane support. Their support item build always shows their inexperience, often going for non team related items or items which don't work well against the enemy line up. They'll rarely build a mech even if its listed as the primary suggested item for that hero as they want to get the kills rather than play the support.

    Personally I'd prefer some sort of option in Matchmaking which says I only want to play with people 1000+ games with similar MMR, I really dislike the fact I'll get people with so low experience on my team.

    They fail hard but I don't necessarily blame them, matchmaking just shouldn't have matched someone with 100 games experience in a game where the other 9 players are 1000+ games. They don't know enough heroes, they don't know enough about item builds and they don't know anything about positioning.
    Sometimes you pull through to a hard fought win but again watching the replay their lack of experience sticks out like a sore thumb and generally made your game much more difficult than it should have been thus ultimately removing some of the fun (especially as the rest of the team have started the hate spam towards him).

    I know I'm not perfect, I screw up sometimes with all the above I mentioned, everyone has off/bad games and I'm certainly far from "being pro" and that my current MMR probably reflects where I should roughly sit in the DOTA world it's just those games with the low experienced player are rarely fun.

    Anyone else have similar opinions on matchmaking?


      play 4,000 more games and don't forget that you are special


        who cares

        they're either smurfs or learn faster/more talented than you

        put in the effort and you'll get into the 5k games where the same problems happen and the same fuck ups occur

        4200-4500 is probably the IDEAL mmr - you're almost never going to be the highest rated player and all of your allies/opponents are roughly the same level.


          The biggest problem with dota is those who have played thousands of games and who think they are better than everyone else, but are equally bad as everyone else. I'd rather player with 500 games played in total in my ranked games than a guy who has been stuck there for 500 games.


            My biggest problem with MM is that sometimes I play very bad and lose games. Thats the only problem, actually.


              I like how subtle people on these forums change subject instead of replying to original issue/question.

              Yeah I know what you mean man. But that's how it works and introducing more constraints on queue system will just make it worse. There will always be a way to abuse it or just make people's experience worse.

              Prerry much why I rarely play solo q.
              It's maybe not a solutoin for you, but party q is the best for Dota

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                I'm not playing to get to 5k MMR or above, I play to have fun and get a little kick out of seeing my MMR steadily climb upwards.

                The point is that it isn't fair to the low experienced player to get thrust into a game where 8 or 9 of the others are vastly more experienced, unless they really are looking at their games and what went wrong in an attempt to learn and get better but I suspect this is pretty rare. Generally speaking they firmly believe that the problem was everyone else and that they in no way contributed to the fact the game was a loss.

                If adding more choices to the queuing system would make things worse then what are the other options?
                Showing all the detail while we wait for loaders so that we can see who are friends (usually all solo in my solo ranked anyway), their MMR, the numbers of games played and their number of wins.
                All this information (with exception of MMR) can be found out anyway if you've got a slow loader by checking the Steam profiles to see who is friends, their DOTA profile to check number of wins and Dotabuff to check their general number of games/heroes played.
                If we had all this info before we started building a team around someone who asked for safe lane carry last pick only to fail so hard as their hero was a bad pick followed by their inexperienced movement around the map often getting themselves caught into fights/deaths etc.

                As for playing party I play a lot of games with 1 friend this IMO is when MM is at it's worst, if MM doesn't fail then the other "couple" you get in your team does, generally 1 will be above the average MMR and 1 below. Now rather than playing in lane together and communicating with each other these couples prefer to split their lanes, generally because the higher MMR friend knew exactly how bad at LH and awareness that his low MMR friend is so they didn't want to lane together. The higher MMR friend always believes that no matter how hard his noob friend messes up he'll be able to carry the game late even though our safe lane carry is under-farmed and inexperienced.
                Again I'd like an option here which says I'd like to play with people of a similar MMR (at this point I'd take that no matter their experience or number of games played) because again it's not fair to these lower MMR players to think they can play in the skill bracket above their current abilities. I'm not talking about a difference of 200-400 MMR here I'm talking about 800+ MMR difference, 800MMR is a big chunk of difference in skill and you can't expect these players to do well against a line up that's stacked against them when they don't understand the game mechanics that well.

                Overall just wondered if people have noticed the same thing in some of their games or whether it's me just over analyzing the stats, game info and having way too much time on my hands to sit and watch replays!


                  Give us an example of an inexperienced player from one of your games and what he did

                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                    Altruism ツ " problems=thousands of games players"
                    dota 1 flair checks out

                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                      seriously how much did vaolvo pay you ?enough for a twinkle i hope?

                      the problem is always the matchmaking system, as OP said.

                      but alas go ahead and bitch more about how some people managed to screw with your games

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