General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you believe in kill stealing?

Do you believe in kill stealing? in General Discussion

    I don't. You either want an enemy to die or you want him to live.

    But Doom here (who identifies himself as some pro Filipino player that for some reason plays on U.S. East) keeps yelling at me for that shit.

    Even though I clearly outfarmed/carried him.


      Man you guys were totally almost losing that game due to a slight reapportioning of where the gold goes

      casual gamer

        rofl that bounty hunter

        King of Low Prio

          my god


            sampson is dumbfounded how he never thought of this build
            he realised he's been playing BH wrong all these years


              idc as long as the fucktard didnt steal and in the process let someone else escape ->instareport and i might throw the rest of the game


                most of the time some one complains about kill stealing they are just a bad player who over values K:D, and who doesn't understand that the only thing that matters in DOTA is who's ancient dies (you know those screaming CoD kids). But I have encountered some True game loosing kill stealers. Its not taking the kills that looses the games, its when people build to KS (think blink + dagon 5 and nothing else) or hold back spells that could have saved their team mates/won a fight because they are trying to last hit players with them that can ruin a game.

                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                  Think kill stealing is good during the early stages of the game but after that you have to blow all your nukes asap cos there will always be a counter initiate


                    I used to care a lot about it. Then I had teammates who complained and told me stuff like "Goddammit Rubick, stop worrying about KSing and just NUKE THE SHIT OUT OF THEM!"

                    "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                      if you are a support and you steal a kill from your carry you should be in low pri automatically. Kill secures are different because you dont want him to escape, but if its obvious your carry is going to end that other guys life and you come in for the last hit you are a moron.


                        u steal every fucking kill in the game if ur mid or carry doesnt matter. take every kill and carry the game :D

                        MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                          whats wrong with stealing as a support reliable gold does way more for you


                            Kill steal = better than enemy escaping due to deciding over who gets the kill.


                              When I bought this up in the past someone made the salient point that killstealing is very different to overkilling. Lion wasting his ulti on a 50HP hero in melee range for example...

                              It is retarded for a support to take a kill a carry can secure - if it wasn't why bother leaving creep lasthits for him or stacking the jungle?

                              I'm only talking about the first 10mins when farm is harder for the carry of course. Later on I'm of the belief that everything you can give to the starved support(s) is gold well spent.

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                                  I played once where a guy with AA was body blocking an enemy to give me the chance to kill him :-P talk about legend! where are the people who have this mindset? must either be really good, or really kind. usually in team fights, there is no kill steals, but for ganks, you know your hero/ partners abilities, and can relatively make out when you just last hit a hero, when your carry can do as well. if he isn't playing his role, he cant blame for the kill that got away, but give them the chance to practice that aspect and get better. so just be a better person. :-)


                                    Kills should mostly go to the hero with the highest farm priority, but only if it is a safe kill.
                                    It's also not a bad idea to let supports have a gold boost that are close to an important item.

                                    In any case, the worst thing you can do is flame a "KSer", regardless if justified or not. This will usually only result in him trying to aggravate the flamer even more.


                                      40% winrate bh he must be terrible


                                        did someone say "kill steal" here?

                                        well, actually supps shouldnt lasthit kills if they are sure enemy can't escape. otherwise, kill secure is a way better tactics.


                                          "Kills should mostly go to the hero with the highest farm priority, but only if it is a safe kill.
                                          It's also not a bad idea to let supports have a gold boost that are close to an important item.

                                          In any case, the worst thing you can do is flame a "KSer", regardless if justified or not. This will usually only result in him trying to aggravate the flamer even more."

                                          Socram said it right imho


                                            @FoG | Beserker786

                                            "I played once where a guy with AA was body blocking an enemy to give me the chance to kill him :-P talk about legend! where are the people who have this mindset? must either be really good, or really kind."

                                            Here I am, buried at 1k MMR! Last time yesterday, helped a cripped carry to cut down enemy hero, then bodyblocked, stunned and pinged him to turn around with his remaining ~150 hp and take the kill, while I just turned away from the finishing blow. The guy never even thanked. And yes, all intentionally!


                                            MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                              how is that even good
                                              ill report anyone who does that in my game

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                                              Bad Intentions

                                                Kill enemy asap


                                                  i steal all kills that can be stolen, or at least i attempt to do so


                                                    do you believe in jesus

                                                    Sup m8

                                                      ^Yes. And I also believe the pharisees burned in hell for killstealing the devil.


                                                        do you beliebe in justin beliber?


                                                          Yes. Waiting with your nuke just to use it to take the kill. I hate people who do this.


                                                            I try not to use my nuke when enemy is already dead but don't care if my auto attack kills hero since that cost no mana / cd. Once in a awile my play style will screw me a bit if I am a carry and the support saves nuke for kill . This sets me. Up for a longer time to come online but even still sometimes the greedy support will by me time with early early aghs or what not , the main time this really screws team is if they just upgrade a Dagon or something with gold lead I got them. For the most part tho I don't have supports trying to ks and even still I refuse to overkill heros to get it for myself so I am not going to change . On the other hand if I am a support and I am auto attacking I will not pull back from right clicks incase hero escapes then I'd feel terrible if hero escaped .if my right clicks so happen to kill the hero then I was meant to get that one I guess.


                                                              if i play wd and i gang with troll some enemy, i will do anything so troll will get the kill.


                                                                Extension: if the carry is dead, but there's an almost dead enemy that's got a lingering effect from the dead carry that could kill them given time or the carry has summoned units chasing the almost dead enemy, do you finish them yourself? Doom in that same game had ultied Void at one point and got himself killed. Void was still affected with the ulti, but I felt he still had a sizable amount of health left so I popped Assassinate and got flamed by Doom.

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  I call it kill secured


                                                                    I don't usually get flamed for KSing because as a support I don't unless it's by accident (and I apologize) but I do get flamed and flame sometime back for not KSing. Game is hard.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      I only get pissed when people blow retarded long cooldown shit when kill is obviously already secured. Like lina and lion ults, or if tide dropped his ult. There's no way sniper can kill steal. First you should be top farm priority anyway and second your ult is like a 10 second cooldown and not *that* much damage and it's on a delay so by the time you cast it it can seem like overkill when who knows, maybe it was needed. What would be stupid is if doom doomed a guy you were clearly going to kill or something like that. Or if supports intentionally hold nukes to try and kill steal. That's bad. But unloading with short cooldown stuff is good.

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                                                                          ^ I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
                                                                          Autism, Neo.
                                                                          Autism has you.

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                                                                              This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you stay in the autistic world of ranked matchmaking and keep playing with troll-pickers. You take the red pill - you uninstall all the files related to DotA2 from your computer and go to the real world. I'll show you how deep the rabbit-whole goes.

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                                                                                mmmm, yyess, blue pill so gud.


                                                                                  ^well, i always considered that its better to live in fake happy world than to see know truth.
                                                                                  reality is what we consider to be real.

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                                                      ^may be you just spam troll instead? less effort, same output.



                                                                                        Phantom Assassin bitching about Bounty Hunter stealing kills. I was on the other side of the map so I couldn't see what was going on, but...

                                                                                        EDIT: important note, PA did not come top with me at start of game. She went offlane with Luna.

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                                                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                          I've had supports who don't attack because they're scared to steal the kill, and it's pretty bad. The main bounty isn't even that big anymore, you get more or about the same from the assist bounty.


                                                                                            supports usually just body block and take last hit if kill cant be secured by carry