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My Personal Dota2 Blog in General Discussion

    no ur fucked if this happens


      WIN, MMR up to 3554

      Match Id: 1423385285
      Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
      K-D-A: 22-5-22
      GPM: 627
      XPM: 750

      GG.. we owned early game especially TOP lane axe and pugna vs Troll and Bristleback
      We also owned the first part of mid game by cleaning up all their T1 towers and pressuring mid T2.
      A deep engagement though caught us off-guard with Tide Ravage resulting to team wipe.
      Lina got pick-offs left and right and it was their turn to pressure our towers.
      When they were marching to mid lane and set-up a team clash, they were easily able to kill 3 of us: Axe, Witch and Pugna.
      But since I already committed to the fight, we first thought we were at a disadvantage.
      Having that blade-mail pick-up after radiance (I usually do it the other way around), I kited them for a little bit with Sniper waiting behind me and since they were 5 man strong, they continued chasing while taking radiance burn damage.
      Then I called for a GO! and faced them up 2v5 with Sniper free right click. We turned it around and wiped them clean.

      Some more stuff happened but I guess ^ would be the highlight

      GG WIN.

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        WIN, MMR up to 3578

        Match Id: 1423531247
        Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
        K-D-A: 14-7-12
        GPM: 558
        XPM: 661

        GG win.


          whenever i stop playing for a few days and then come back, I always lose the first 2 games.. always forget about the golden rule when playing in this shitty tier.

          "You are playing with noobs and against noobs, so don't act like ONE."

          EDIT: Let me win the next 2 games again

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            How did you even drop from like 4.5k to 3.5K? Just major tilt or someshit with a mix of bad players?


              ^ personal problems, bad attitude and juggernaut era


                As promised, was able to win the next 3 games. And the 3.6K MMR barrier is the one I'm not able to cross for the past couple of weeks. Will do so today.

                WIN, MMR up to 3579
                Match Id: 1431241151
                Sven (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                K-D-A: 10-14-13
                GPM: 375
                XPM: 506
                This was a comeback game, we were already down 2 raxes but were able to wipe them the last 3 team fights while they were trying to push the last set of raxes. It was also an odd pick for me. But I had to because my team already pick SF and sniper. I would have Slardar but I thought the team armor bonus from sven against dazzle's weave would somehow help us.

                WIN, MMR up to 3554
                Match Id: 1430425052
                Spectre (Safe lane - Tri lane)
                K-D-A: 14-2-15
                GPM: 617
                XPM: 754
                GG win against Juggernaut for the 2nd time. I usually don't pick my Spectre anymore when enemy has a Juggernaut.

                WIN, MMR up to 3529
                Match Id: 1430283097
                Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                K-D-A: 11-2-25
                GPM: 580
                XPM: 697

                GG win interestingly enough against a juggernaut.


                  WIN, MMR up to 3604
                  Match Id: 1431499853
                  Sven (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                  K-D-A: 7-7-31
                  GPM: 475
                  XPM: 728
                  Had a tough time against brood, good thing our axe snowballed quite well and was able to kill brood repeatedly.
                  Late game team conflicts with SF, axe and silencer.. our axe even quitted. we had to fight 4v5 couple of times.
                  Good thing he came back and we were still able to win the game.
                  P.S. Right clicking with brood was hard because of his lifesteal and I had Heart w/c means more HP for him to take.
                  Also had couple of man fight mistake on troll, still the best way to fight is to kite him and make him change targets.
                  GG welcome to 3.6K!


                    WIN, MMR up to 3604
                    Match Id: 1431796307
                    Sniper (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                    K-D-A: 26-12-24
                    GPM: 526
                    XPM: 429

                    1h15 minute exciting game.. we again came back from 2 raxes down and was almost GG.
                    The final clash was the deciding factor and I got an ultra kill/rampage and then died to a creep.
                    Everyone was dead because buybacks were happening left and right throughout the late game.
                    I bought back BOT to bottom and went for the homerun throne while talking trash to their QOP who always 1 shot me with EB + Ult + etc.
                    If you have time, just watch final clash, worth it I guess.

                    P.S. I don't play sniper that much.


                      MMR back to 3603.

                      Will rest peacefully for tonight after getting a 3 game win streak using:
                      - Spectre, Silencer and Crystal Maiden (WIN)

                      Before that, I played in the wee hours of last night and lost 3 straight using:
                      - Anti-Mage, Alchemist and Faceless Void (LOSE)


                        MMR up to 3677

                        Just won 3 Spectre games on the new 6.84 patch.

                        Will stop for now since i'm on a 6-game ranked winning streak.
                        I will temper my expectations coz I know I'm bound to have an ugly defeat.
                        And I should not get pissed off by that future defeat and curse my allies.
                        Climbing the MMR ladder is not a straight line going up.
                        There will be ups and downs.


                          Welcome to 3.7K MRR!

                          WIN, MMR up to 3702
                          Match Id: 1440043135
                          Silencer (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                          K-D-A: 6-4-8
                          GPM: 454
                          XPM: 431

                          [PSFC] FearSpear

                            BlackXargon is dendi cunfirmed kappa


                              At 3.7k you should be vh skill.

                              Do you see any difference from 3.4 to 3.7k?


                                ^ Nothing notable so far between 3.4 and 3.7k MMR players other than seeing better support plays.

                                WIN, MMR up to 3725
                                Match Id: 1441149621
                                Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                                K-D-A: 14-2-26
                                GPM: 566
                                XPM: 636

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                                  LOSE, MMR down to 3701

                                  Match Id: 144184522
                                  Doom (Offlane)
                                  K-D-A: 3-4-14
                                  GPM: 452
                                  XPM: 514

                                  As I have said, I'm bound to lose.. games are easier to accept when you know you can't win every game.
                                  At minute 0, I already muted 2 supports for excessive flaming - makes the game a lot easier to play :)
                                  In the end, our mid invoker who just randomed was like a friggin mouse always caught in a trap.
                                  A typical exort Invoker who thinks that every game he can solo gank and kill 1 hero.
                                  Well, everytime he goes for an enemy who he thought was alone, 4 man come killing his a$$.
                                  Happened like 3x during critical stages of the game where enemy was applying pressure on us.


                                    I'm at about your current mmr and I'm trying to improve to wherever I can. I'm doing a blog to, but for myself only. Hope you get to where you belong soon with your positive attitude. I'm watching you man ^_^


                                      ^ Go go go! Just remember, you can't win 'em all. It will be an up and down journey.

                                      Just finished an easy game. Welcome back to 3800 MMR! I missed this! Around 3.8k to 3.9k is where I was originally calibrated

                                      WIN, MMR up to 3801
                                      Match Id: 1450016046
                                      Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                                      K-D-A: 13-0-13
                                      GPM: 658
                                      XPM: 709


                                        LOSE, MMR down to 3776
                                        Match Id: 1454725373
                                        Faceless Void (Safe lane - Tri lane)
                                        K-D-A: 6-8-5
                                        GPM: 396
                                        XPM: 496

                                        Fucking hard game from the start. They got 1st blood in rune war and got a 2-1 kill advantage.
                                        Their dual lane of Nyx and Tuskar pawned me (Faceless Void), Morph and Pugna.
                                        It was an off game for me actually. Have been very busy at work and I just wasn't able to focus on winning this game.
                                        We still could have won though since we were able to turn around the mid game team fights.
                                        I was able to get Daedalus and Mjolnir and would have snowballed afterwards.
                                        But 2 key clashes cost us the game where Nyx waited and waited and waited for my Chrono so that he can stun + dagon me while I'm inside + mom. They transitioned it to 2 raxes and it was too late.

                                        2nd thoughts:
                                        I wanted to build BKB after Crystalys but when we got off a couple of successful team clashes and a T2 Tower @ Mid, I thought I still have time to buy Daedalus before BKB. Should have played my hero as "lockdown" type instead of hard carry. so wrong. No focus. Anyhow, onto the next game, want to win it so I can have a good night's sleep.


                                          WIN, MMR up to 3801
                                          Match Id: 145890490
                                          Spectre (Safe lane - Tri lane)
                                          K-D-A: 10-3-22
                                          GPM: 563
                                          XPM: 617

                                          Easy game. good night.


                                            LOST 2 GAMES = 50 MMR due to High Ping and disconnect issues.

                                            Not really a good start, was forced to play Anti-Mage and Lone Druid as well -- a lot of wrong mechanics etc but primarily because of ping and not in the mood issues..

                                            hayz... need to win them back. onto the next 2 games!


                                              SERIOUSLY CANT FUCKING PLAY WITH MY PING!


                                                wow impressive. It took me like 6-8 months from my calibration ranking of 3325 to 4070.


                                                  THATS 3 LOSSES BECAUSE OF FUCKING LAG!



                                                    FUCK THIS CONNECTION!


                                                      ofc you cant play if you lag lol
                                                      figure out the issue before playing 3 games :D


                                                        1 out of 5 games tonight lost. OMFG. -100 MMR just like that!


                                                          I now am following this :D


                                                            WIN, MMR up to 3723

                                                            Match Id: 1458585393
                                                            Pugna (Tri lane - hard support)
                                                            K-D-A: 3-10-21
                                                            GPM: 313
                                                            XPM: 374

                                                            Now this is what you call having a game-changing impact.
                                                            My PUGNA was basically > than their Storm, Necro and Void
                                                            - Right before a clash starts? Position Nether Ward properly > Storm Zip Zap, Necro Death Pulse
                                                            - Void is coming? Position properly to not get inside of Chrono so I can Decrepify my ally.

                                                            I was only inside Chrono for maybe 2-3x. But nevertheless, we have a stupid slark who always wander around and want to get solo kills. Clearly, he's stupid for an objective-based type of game. And this is a very huge problem for people playing from 3-4.5k MMR.

                                                            Anyhow, this is a nice game before my flight to Kuala Lumpur! Zouk party later!


                                                              after that frustrating Friday where I easily lost 100 MMR, I'm now back on track! :)

                                                              I've won 5 straight games and MMR back up to 3826, still slowly climbing it but there are hiccups along the way.

                                                              Last 5:
                                                              [Spectre] KDA: 6-2-14 | GPM: 548 | XPM: 656
                                                              [Spectre] KDA: 13-1-21 | GPM: 587 | XPM: 757
                                                              [Spectre] KDA: 15-4-25 | GPM: 590 | XPM: 644
                                                              [Silencer] KDA: 2-5-11 | GPM: 318 | XPM: 270
                                                              [Pugna] KDA: 3-10-21 | GPM: 313 | XPM: 374


                                                                oh cool u finally changed ur spectre skill build


                                                                  how do you play spectre in a meta when early game matters so much?
                                                                  what happens when you can't farm in lane?
                                                                  you just have to rely on your teammates until radiance


                                                                    @Triple Star Loli Hunter
                                                                    It's still case to case basis but yeah I'm trying to adapt the "Max desolate & 1 point dispersion" more and more.

                                                                    i don't think meta matters that much from 3k-4.5k tier. hero counters are more prevalent.


                                                                      just lost a 1hr game... i can easily blame it on a lot of my noob teammates flaming each other the whole game but gotta be a man and take responsibility for my decision on the last clash. I held my Haunt until Silencer Ulti and Troll BKB is done. That was my strategy the whole game, but that last clash, I guess would have been a lot different if I cast my haunt first. Only after the fact I realized that my team was almost dying already when I used haunt - hence the enemy was on the offensive even if I was making significant damage. sigh.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


                                                                        Welcome to 3.9K MMR!

                                                                        Kinda fun night for me. Managed to win 3 straight games in less than 30 minutes each!

                                                                        Undying: 2-2-15 in 22 mins
                                                                        Warlock: 4-3-22 in 25 mins
                                                                        Spectre: 14-1-11 in 28 mins



                                                                          Nice to see your progress, keep it up!


                                                                            Thanks @Pilot!

                                                                            Welcome to 4K MMR! well, it's 3999 exactly..

                                                                            Currently riding on a 9-game WIN streak where the last 4 was:

                                                                            Spectre: 6-0-22
                                                                            Spectre: 12-4-20
                                                                            Spectre: 9-2-13
                                                                            Spectre: 11-6-23

                                                                            easy pizzy


                                                                              Gj man, nice climb. Now go get your fuckin 4.5k again.


                                                                                Nice job man.


                                                                                  I wiill. Thanks @Deadweight and @Shred you to bits

                                                                                  Looking back, 1 very interesting insight is that I had an easier time climbing from 3.6K to 4K compared to 3.3K to 3.6K.

                                                                                  Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                    I wonder if I should make a blog as well :P


                                                                                      Blogging takes out the steam :D and you can blame who ever the fuck you hated on that match :D

                                                                                      plz do

                                                                                        GJ! Ride that winning streak like a bosssssss to the end. When it tilts - do something else and skip that day w losing streak before it starts :D


                                                                                          Haha I'm going to make my personal blog for my eyes only xD From 1k mmr...




                                                                                              So I won 1 more with Silencer Mid which made me officially enter the 4k tier.

                                                                                              But the welcome game in 4k tier ended my 10-game win streak.
                                                                                              We were owning the game from start to 30 minute mark. But our Alchemist got FCKING STUPID GREEDY and wants to keep his farm up instead of getting our 2nd set of rax.

                                                                                              What happened? Of course we were against my fave hero Spectre and we fought 4v5 couple of times thinking alche will join.

                                                                                              My team got bottom rax.
                                                                                              After few minutes we were marching in @ mid to get the 2nd set.
                                                                                              Alche was at top lane solo farming the lane and jungle.
                                                                                              We died in clash - we thought he was going to join. Maybe wrong part for both sides - us and alche.
                                                                                              Enemy counter pushing since 4 of us are dead.
                                                                                              The heroic alche - since he's ahead of farm - fought 1v3 or 1v4.
                                                                                              He was confident because he was way ahead.
                                                                                              He died.

                                                                                              Same thing happened about 3x. Eventually the game went the other way and we lost.

                                                                                              This is a very nice welcome game for me in 4K tier. I might be expecting more players with same egoistic problems.
                                                                                              Playing a hero and he wants to get 6-slotted hence he wanted to extend the game somehow.

                                                                                              SMH. Could have been 11.

                                                                                              LOSE. MMR down to 3998
                                                                                              Match Id: 1488281799
                                                                                              Juggernaut (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                                                                                              K-D-A: 9-5-6
                                                                                              GPM: 478
                                                                                              XPM: 478
                                                                                              And because I'm so pissed off with this game, I just want to show the Alche stats as well. the Stupid ALche.
                                                                                              Alchemist (Offlane - Dual lane)
                                                                                              K-D-A: 6-7-6
                                                                                              GPM: 830
                                                                                              XPM: 665
                                                                                              That much gold?? WTF!CKING STUPID!. If you are reading this @C&M. YOU ARE FUKCING STUPID.

                                                                                              WIN, MMR up to 4023
                                                                                              Match Id: 1488193690
                                                                                              Silencer (Middle lane)
                                                                                              K-D-A: 5-3-5
                                                                                              GPM: 414
                                                                                              XPM: 364

                                                                                              P.S. ahhhhh... stress released!

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                                                                                                Here comes the TILT............................... having been paired with a Tiny who built VANGUARD!!!! and SHADOW FUCKING BLADE!

                                                                                                LOSE. MMR down to 3974
                                                                                                Match Id: 1490250464
                                                                                                Spectre (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                                                                                                K-D-A: 15-6-11
                                                                                                GPM: 464
                                                                                                XPM: 644

                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                  Proving that any MMR games there will be this 1 dumbfuck that will ruin your game.

                                                                                                  plz do

                                                                                                    once u got 4000 mmr it is hard - its a mix of players who come up from 3k and are really happy to cross the 4k mark and the guys from 4k+, who tilt. The latter will ruin games by flaming and being toxic before even picking. Although they play better than the other 9 guys, they will make everyone so miserable that they just want to feed. I've been on both sides :>
                                                                                                    i liked the 3,8k-4k mmr range best so far.


                                                                                                      After losing couple of games, I got back on track winning 2.
                                                                                                      Will let it stay @ 4k for now.

                                                                                                      WIN. MMR up to 4023
                                                                                                      Match Id: 1490647324
                                                                                                      Ember Spirit (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                                                                                                      K-D-A: 9-7-19
                                                                                                      GPM: 549
                                                                                                      XPM: 601

                                                                                                      WIN. MMR up to 3998
                                                                                                      Match Id: 1490406938
                                                                                                      Ember Spirit (Safe lane - Dual lane)
                                                                                                      K-D-A: 17-8-28
                                                                                                      GPM: 514
                                                                                                      XPM: 635

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!