General Discussion

General Discussionwhat does it mean

what does it mean in General Discussion

    when your win rate and kda has dropped like crazy over the past month since these two go hand-in-hand usually

    but in the same trends over the same period, your xpm and gpm have risen despite playing less core roles and farm intensive heroes as before?


      it means you are gay


        idk but you asking means you're not very smart


          the rubberband effect i guess

          Dire Wolf

            You can look at the matches on the graph and see what pushed it up. It's clear your meepo spam a month ago was that big bump in average gpm and you've leveled off since then.

            For me usually it's when i'm playing a hero I'm good at farming with but not that good at winning with like sven or luna. My sven and luna farm both look decent (I mean for me compared to my other carries) but my win rates with them suck cus I stink at picking the right fights with them.