General Discussion

General DiscussionNo really sniper every game is getting old...

No really sniper every game is getting old... in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    I would say it's made worse by the fact he is on the other team 75% of games...

    So MoM nerfed next patch or sniper, troll etc in some variation.

    casual gamer

      i remember when jug, troll, sniper were fun and interesting

      now i just want them out of this fucking game

      revert sniper to when he was "shit" pls


        You realize how statistically incorrect this is, right?


          Yea honestly im gonna take a break from dota, we need a new patch.

          The comback mechanic with the team who has the most cores wins at 40-50min because of a simple death.

          Sniper turtling.

          Its all about the team who can pick troll and sniper wins. I could do it but its not fun for me anymore.

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            on our way.

              I think Jugg and Sniper, while top tier, are not as broken as Troll. That hero is ridiculous.


                One answer to them , lina

                Str morph does well too


                  i am getting really tired of sniper too lets see some new pub meta lmao

                  legendary ball

                    Lol sniper needs nerf? When sniper = no damage no hp.. Even if he goes for mom sny skadi build he just around 180-220 damage and 2k hp? Lol


                      ^ Problem with Sniper isn't his "burst damage" it's the goddamn perma stunning and the very long range. He just kites you....

                      ham strokers ejacula

                        Sniper doesn't need a nerf at all. You do realize that sniper only became popular because of his ability to deal well with Jugger/troll and keep them at arms length while under lockdown.

                        ....I do however agree that people need to learn how to play the other 99% of the heroes again as the game is pretty boring just counterpicking troll with sniper, sniper with storm, and storm with Bara, Bara with Lion, Lion with Lina, blah blah. Its like every game where I pick a support people want lion or ES regardless of what I know to be a better pick people will literally go "GG" from the start if the enemy team gets 1-2 of the meta heroes.


                          ^havoc since u hate these people in this game we won the game against all of them , well we had a solo support lion, my team wanted lion so i picked it , anyway we won troll sniper lina storm with no fotm "except maybe lion"


                            Congrats going vs troll and sniper on same team has proven elusive to me for the most part.

                            ham strokers ejacula

                              That is my biggest peeve. Good play with any hero can beat the meta, just people have this fixed mindset they have to pick an meta hero even if they have no fucking clue how to play it.

                              Just pick what you're good at, and play it to your best. You will have a much higher chance of coming out on top.


                                I can relate from some trolls snipers and linas that ive seen when i was training offlane


                                  @KiTraK` #roadto6k

                                  Yeah lol, that game i was intentionally feeding because i decided to carry then the whole team picked cores right after and 2 of them went midas, we got stomped on all lanes then i said? "You wanna fuck my early morning games you c*nts? Well ima ruin yours <3" Then i was farming unsafe lane to push em and get jumped on even though i knew they were coming miles away so it doesnt look like intentional feeding.

                                  Ruin my games, i will fuck your shit up.


                                    F!re..... all of your games are troll/sniper/lina/jugg.... sounds like you're trying to overcompensate for something that is lacking (skill)???


                                      @murs im training on them since im going into a tournament that was at first , now i would like u to look at my wr i have high wr with all heroes except sniper and troll which proves my point of learning these heroes im good at them but i want to become better , second u only looked at my current games , atm i stopped training for a bit to get out of the 4k to get back to 5k-5.5k so im using the fastest way to grind and it is by using the best against the best , what i mean is with all the trolls snipers and juggers atm , the best hero to rape them is lina , and im already good at her , i think u didnt see the morph qop and many more heroes , and i came back few days ago from a 1month break

                                      I like the way u said lack of skill, as if lack of skill will let u win with lina troll lmao
                                      while u play in normal games to look cool with that wr i think u lack personality

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                               A very aggravating loss to sniper / troll team we raxed two lanes by 30 mins dominating then am went one vs 5 before a team fight for last rax , we got wiped killing like 2 or 3 of them . Next time around am jumped in 1 vs 5 got killed but killed storm . We ended up with full team wipe 4vs 4 but without our main carry , we killed troll so we lost 5 for two. After these two fights there team could win any 5 vs 5 . Team tried to fight at there last tower one last time 4 vs 5 cuz I wAs at throne at the time not sure what I shoulda did there anyways this last fight non of there heros died and they just pushed and ended game. Team went into full flame mode after second lost fight .


                                          Sniper and troll are of course very strong.
                                          But if we are complaining about these two heroes, why aren't we complaining about storm? At the very least, you can focus (or try to focus) sniper and troll in a teamfight. These heroes are also relatively gank-able.

                                          Storm, on the other hand, has an insane amount of mobility. He can zip into your team, kill your support, and zip out again while remaining invulnerable half the time. Sure, silences are good against him (assuming you can actually land them. If you have a silence, you might be storm's first target). Silencer is nice (until storm gets bkb).

                                          STorm can also farm decently by using static remnant on jungle stacks.

                                          The point is, storm (in the right hands) can be much harder to deal with than some of the other meta carries.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            OMG I need some meta hero sunglasses for this one!

                                            " A very aggravating loss to sniper / troll team we raxed two lanes by 30 mins dominating then am went one vs 5 before a team fight for last rax , we got wiped killing like 2 or 3 of them . Next time around am jumped in 1 vs 5 got killed but killed storm . We ended up with full team wipe 4vs 4 but without our main carry , we killed troll so we lost 5 for two. After these two fights there team could win any 5 vs 5 . Team tried to fight at there last tower one last time 4 vs 5 cuz I wAs at throne at the time not sure what I shoulda did there anyways this last fight non of there heros died and they just pushed and ended game. Team went into full flame mode after second lost fight ."

                                            Dude that's cus you guys built stupid items, no bkb vs slardar,troll,nyx,storm, gg. No wonder they wiped you every fight.

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                                              ^^ Normal Skill

                                              400 gpm on Antimage... Am should be 6 slotted at min 35.

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                                                @ Timberwolf
                                                In the first game you posted, it seems like Shadow Fiend (who is fairly popular in the meta right now) carried hard. So no, not really new meta.

                                                In the second game--your am sucked. Which is not surprising because most normal skill antimages suck.


                                                  high skill 433 games es pickner talking

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Neither one is my game, I was commenting on other people's posts. Having storm, lina, troll and sniper on one team is laughable, all the popular meta picks lol.

                                                    Second game guy was bitching about losing but they didn't build anything to counter enemy team's disables except an orchid.

                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                      Yes good play wins but the difference is still the window of failure. It's much smaller with some matchups by far and combined with single que gl.

                                                      Side note I hate sniper for the shrapnel spam myself. Do you ever even worry about mana as a sniper?


                                                        @lord that sf game was mine , i would like to tell u that u dont understand dota if u think sf carried hard , techies was the reason we handled the highground , i was the reason sf got fat by stacking solo supporting and ganking while not ksing (impale ulti sf 1 hit free kill) gyro was meh , pudge was a beast he played the hero extremly well ganking making space for sf while im doing my best to baby sit sf from ganks and ganking when i have ulti , just saying that the score doesnt prove who did well and who did bad , u dont know what was happening in the game.

                                                        Be careful im not taking anything from the sf he was good but he didnt "carry hard" as u said and he wasnt playing alone

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                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                          Do you have a point?

                                                          Oh wait your trolling earth spirit play because you can't play him....

                                                          0-3 1.33 KDA Ebola spirit so easy and OP yet too still difficult for retards to practice.

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                                                            Just because you made space for your carry doesn't mean he didn't carry hard. I'm not saying sf won the game on his own, but he was definitely a huge part of your victory. If your sf had not been a good farmer or had not been a good player in general, you would not have won that game.

                                                            legendary ball

                                                              @skolder that "permastun" really the best part of sniper dude.. Thx a lot.. Juat now that


                                                                @lord the way u said it as if he won alone , if pudge didnt make space and lion didnt stack protect and give him kills securing his runes and techies defending towers and hg and mining rosh giving vision around the map nop he wouldnt have carried , he would actualy get raped by troll storm lina and sniper , but they had no way to get him when we were in the middle of the fight , so excuse me when i say u still dont understand dota m8.

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  I love W@TER

                                                                  waku waku

                                                                    i love a good slaughter

                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      meemee lover
                                                                      come to me

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        I was merely commented on the sad, sad state oe hero picks cus of that one team. Sub axe or jugger for CM and you almost have the most picked heroes and definitely the most fotm team.

                                                                        And without aquila sniper can go oom. A lot of people don't bother build aquila any more but his ult is rather expensive for the size of his mana pool actually so if you spam it a lot like I do you'll go oom. The cd is so short I don't just use it for killshots, I'll use it to harass/init when my team is coming, cus it'll be off cd really soon for the kill shot later provided u have mana. If you go skadi though it's pretty impossible to go oom.

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          I NEED YOU MEME



                                                                            Natsuki Subaru

                                                                              U can outfarm a sniper, the problem with sniper is that you let him get kills, dont let him do that, I believe shutting his team down is the better option because:
                                                                              #1 : Your carry gets farm
                                                                              #2 : They can't deathball (you know sniper behind team pew pew right?)
                                                                              #3 : What can a sniper do in a heated clash with a weak underfarmed team?
                                                                              #4 : If your problem is really the turtling, why not ROSH first before taking high ground, take an item or two before pushing, be patient, they wont have more than 300 gpm if you have the map control.
                                                                              EDIT: Secure your future with a sniper counter though, to make things much much easier

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                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                That sounds fine but if the game is long enough everyone gets 6 slotted eventually. Then it doesn't matter if you farmed 300 gpm or 600 gpm, you have the same gear. Really the key to killing sniper is gank him/kill him early before he gets skadi and or manta/s&y/satanic/butterfly and becomes super tanky and impossible to kill.


                                                                                  I spam spectre against sniper now hr can run from her..... Haunt in dagger him if he used mom to run use diffusal


                                                                                    Btw in the game I posted I know I coulda made a better item than butterfly but I just grabbed a eagle horn during what I thought was Gg push , we just took both lanes of rax in one swoop before 30 mins more than double there kills and without anyone dead were swinging to bottom lane to finish before we ended up getting wiped and game changed. Lesson learned I suppose, not saying I didn't contribute to the choke in some way.


                                                                                      pick lina = profit

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        yeah but against a troll you've got to go either bkb or mkb as a melee carry and storm you gotta bkb pretty much plus slardar's stun.


                                                                                          Aquilas stats for its price seem to good to pass up to me.