General Discussion


AVOID THIS 6K PLAYER BY ALL COST in General Discussion

    That storm is a fuckin acc buyer. If you were in this game, you would actually throw up or get terminal cancer after 5 min of seeying this trash play.

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      5k+ player plays a game bad

      >instant acc buyer

      i lov dat community logic


        Isn't that match party MMR anyway? And aren't you in the bigger stack?


          One is having a bad game and the completely other thing is your logic and game knowledge and that is permanent. You are 3k so i dont expect you to understand what that means and how a bad game on 6k player looks like.

          Ya Zano, i was in the bigger stack with two 4k friends and yeah, it was party mmr. But since i tryhard at party more then in solo, i get pissed off as fuck when i see autist 6k players with 0 impact on the fuckin game. I understand if someone doestn care that much about party mmr, but hell, this storm had a mindset of a 3k player.

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            Your are stupid as fuck OP.


              LOL THIS KID, u deserve retard ppl because they are just like you

              good luck


                "Your are stupid as fuck OP."

                And you are bad as fuck 3k trash. First l2p that game and then talk when we actually see you are not retarded. Same goes for all 3k or lower trash tier players with 0 game knowledge.

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                    OP, you're dumb.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      Storm has: highest kills, most lasthits, most gold, highest XPM, highest GPM, highest HD, highest HH and highest TD



                        he had the most hero damage, most last hits and high kill participation. It looks like he just didn't play well that one game, from what I can see it doenst even look like he played (that) badly. granted when you see a 6k you expect them to carry you pretty hard if you give them a core, but he played like a 5k not a 3k account buyer.

                        ^ looks like blunt beat me too it.

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                          everyone has bad days



                            Avoid this player at all cost

                            That silencer is a fuckin crybaby. If you read OP's post, you would actually throw up or get terminal cancer after 5 min of reading this trash thread


                            plz do

                              storm has most hd, gpm, xpm, lh, td, kills, highest networth.... basically what blunt and The Number 12 said.


                                Carry me hard? You guys have no clue i had an 18 min aghs as support and around 30 min refresher and he got his orchid at like 22 min although me and shaker rotated mid a lot. He got some kills in the end when the game was already over and was completely useless throughout the whole game. In 12 sec of fuckin silence he couldnt kill 2 people, not talking my friend slark was dumpster too, but hes 4.5k, not 6k. You just see fuckin stats and think that's all about the game and got butthurt when someone flames a high mmr player who's playing like Akroma.

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                                plz do

                                  the only one who is butthurt is you over some shitty game. I couldnt give less of a shit.

                                  ham strokers ejacula

                                    First and most obvious things is you really needed a dodge vs their team. No Euls, blink, or even shadow blade hurt you quite a bit more than the storm did.

                                    Games are frustrating but that doesn't mean someone is an account buyer cause they had a bad game. People need to learn to be more understanding.

                                    /\/ /\ T

                                      Can't blame him. Most people who have anger issues or take games too seriously complain and look for people to agree with them, and then when people realise and call them out, they take offence and make excuses as to why they are entitled to trash talk and get this mad over a video game on the Internet. OP is probably having just as bad of a day as storm.


                                        hahaha you retard op


                                          OP - I'm 4.2k, not as if it's good, but it's just stupid to insult someone, because of bad game. He has 61% win-rate, that's far from sucking at Dota. I would rather dodge you than the guy u linked.