General Discussion

General Discussionlimited number of wards!

limited number of wards! in General Discussion

    i guess its pretty cool and fun if v limit the no of wards so that we can focus on our complicated skills and items in battle rather thn easy vision and easy ganking


      isnt quantity of wards alrdy limited or did i missunderstand the topic?


        You can only buy wards every few minutes, so it is limited...
        And game is hard because no forced focus, this isn't LoL


          Yeah how about we buy an item that costs 10k gold, that reveals fog of war.

          Oh no wait, that'll be broken as all fuck.

          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

            actually it wouldnt be broken. 10k is a ridiculous price to pay for that item and the only one who could possibly farm 10k gold would be your carry, so your carry basically gives up 2 slots of his build to see them and just cause you can see they doesnt mean you can kill them.

            playinginursockdrawer mm soc

              Why have the item be 10k when you have treant aghs? :D