General Discussion

General DiscussionGreedy ass lineup that can work in pubs.

Greedy ass lineup that can work in pubs. in General Discussion

    Mid sniper , offlane void , safe lane medusa . 2 supports one ranged one fat melee. Melee support with dusa and ranged support with void. This leaves you with three of the hardest carries in the game and it surprisingly isn't too weak in the early game.

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      it can be easily stomped in midgame. some storm-troll/jugg-wd-lion-tide for example

      void is not going to farm much tho against any trilane and some of the dual lanes

      Filthy worked good here but I was able to rotate in from mid to help the offlane to help them.

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        Dire Wolf

          Ranged carries with void always work nicely. Use void as more of a utility hero for his ult.




            i can win with x5 supports in normal skill and items desolator and force staff


              bans and right counterpicks for supports will be key. Medusa can actually tank and let sniper do the job. Medusa can initiate as well. Preferably void go first, retreat when chrono is up and let medusa ensure the retreat is safe with her ult.

              fat support - Axe, tide, orge,

              ranged support - too many choices out there, wd, lion, engima, potm are solid choices.


                just ignore ppl who flame you as normal skill.


                  people with above 40% usage will understand that this shit cant work on higher skill games

                  and yeah ignore ppl who flame you as normal skill

                  Dire Wolf

                    It can work fine, I don't see how void, dusa, sniper is too greedy, it's just offlane, safe carry, mid carry. Where you'll run into trouble is if you do like a tide safe support and witch dr offlane since tide wants blink refresher and wd wants aghs. Those are "greedy" supports. You need to take a cheap ass support like lich. Aghs is a luxury item on him, that guy can live all game with just tranquil boots and be really effective.


                      weaver offlane; sniper or pa pr od mid, lycemia, troll or jugg jungle, some carry+windranger/mirana/lina /alch/naga/something support is as greedy as it gets but in normal conditions you can only farm 2heroes/ team so greed wont matter if you cant farm everyone :)


                        They hate us Cuz they ain't us . Well I am guessing if game goes south void will be without farm but he can still slap down a chrono for snipe and dusa to shoot into . Not saying it should be used by pros I am just saying that with how hard each of these carries is it seems to have enough synergy to work in some cases. And in all pick people love them some hard carries so might be Easyier to find people willing to do it during pick phase.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I get offlane voids all the time. Cus people love them some void and I'll pick a safe lane carry. He's a very good offlane. His blink isn't as great as like anti mage or qop but he is still hard to pin down. And he can be extremely effective with only treads and mom.


                            And with this lineup if u gain a lead it will be easy to keep. And if you start bad just turtle And take advantage of tower buffs.


                              pick storm and clock, rape void and sniper, starve medusa, GG

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                                Anything can work in pub. But what gonna make this work in cm is the right bans and picks for your support. Who say you can't ban storm weaver and clock? Who say you can't pick tide and eenigma?

                                on our way.

                                  Good luck having 3 farm dependent cores on one team. Your laning phase might break even but come mid-game and this lineup will start to have problems.


                                    Doom Slark, Phoenix, Silencer, Storm Spirit. I made this lineup on the top of my head seems fun.

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                                        we played a pub with troll crix ember cm and void...ember mid..void safe farm with cm...troll and crix were top...i (as CM) js started rotating to lanes from level 4/5...mid game we fell abit but came back and stomped...its a really good lineup if you have a good understanding between teamies...this game was about 2 weeks ago but we still talk about how well the lineup worked...Lol

                                        also, it takes like 25min to get a ranked game here in South Africa so we don't even bother (u end up on the european server with a 300 or so ping for a ranked game)...that's why its normal matchmaking.


                                        Natsuki Subaru

                                          CANCER in mmr 4 CARRY its bullshit i didnt want to play since the start mid game totally no fighting capability
                                          (I should have picked initiator to have a snowballing chance for carry but still if early game failed and they had no farm its useless to intiate #lifechoices)

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                                            Natsuki Subaru

                                              ^ i saved them with swap tons of times thats why they get their items
                                              please don't talk without a strong evidence ty