General Discussion

General DiscussionCould Weaver be a good answer to Troll?

Could Weaver be a good answer to Troll? in General Discussion

    So, since Troll is so ridiculously strong this patch, was thinking of potential counters. I think Weaver may do well against him in lane, and MKB is a natural item progression for Weaver. Seems like it would be pretty strong. Weaver is one hero Troll really can't keep up with, even with his insane movespeed.

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        The answer is sniper you gotta kite/ kill him from long range. I do wonder if you could kite troll with dk with a skadi or something , thing is this meta favors agility heros it seems so I'd just go sniper if I wanna easy counter for troll.

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            Medusa with mkb and stone gaze eats troll


              ^^Ehm, no?

              Slarks not even that good, cause you can't man up on troll. And one fissure is all it takes to midigate your ultimate.


              Good ways to deal with troll:

              Sniper, kites and Troll can't keep up to Sniper. With SnY and Skadi, he might just run in circles in fights.

              Beastmaster, provides great damage and controll to keep Troll down. Not only that, but you can provide vision to always know where Troll is positioned.

              Morphling, provides great Controll, just like Beastmaster, but doesn't provide a lot of damage, and if team is getting crushed, Morphlings disable doesn't really do anything, even though it can sound funny to have a 4sec disable on 10sec CD.

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                troll best hero :)



                  /\/ /\ T

                    Weaver dosent counter troll because of his lackluster attack range. Being close to troll warlord is a death sentence, he can simply use melee whirling axes and shut down any autoattacker that's closeby. Honestly, the 60% aoe blind is a little broken, considering kotl needs an ulti for the same thing without damage on a longer cd.... But the hero is still beatable, and is super kiteable. Tanks like axe or centaur are good against him, as the blind dosent hurt them and a blademail makes troll melt or lose fervor stacks. Lina is another solid pick with high burst that pierces BKB, all from far enough away to stay away from troll.


                      Viper ulti pretty handy against bkb'd up trolls.


                        Sniper, you can't even blink in because this fucking midget spams shrapnel.


                          Razor is the answer you are looking for


                            razor is better than troll in early game
                            weaver is weaker than troll at any point of the game

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                              phantom lancer is pretty cool too